Did you know?
- Students who read over the summer do better in school in the fall.
- Students who do not read over the summer demonstrate academic loss in fall.
- 8 out of 10 studies indicate students who read for fun outperformed those who did not.
- Students read more when they can choose their own books.
- Reading five books over the summer can prevent academic loss.
- Summer reading loss is cumulative. By the end of 6th grade, children who do not read over the summer are two years behind other children.
What Parents Can Do:
- Stress the importance of summer reading with your child.
- Make reading exciting; don’t think of it as a chore.
- Create a reading list.
- Create a no TV or electronic game time during part of each day.
- Join a summer reading program at your local library.
- Let your child choose his/her own books.
- Keep a supply of reading materials around the house.
- Go to the library regularly.
- Ask your child questions about the books s/he is reading.
- Read a book to your child.
- Listen to your child read to you.
- Pick a favorite author or series and read all the books.
- Listen to books on tape while traveling.
- Model reading.
www.improve-reading-skills.com and www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer/research.htm
Please refer to the following files for required summer reading assignment for all Christian Academy middle school students:
- Poster Option Example: