REMINDER: Register for Spring Sports Today!
As the spring season approaches, we just want to remind our CAI athletes that registration for spring
At this time, we continue to reevaluate each upcoming season and all signs point to having a spring sports season. So, we are moving forward with the planning and scheduling of the season. If you haven’t already registered and are planning to have a child participate, please be sure to complete the registration TODAY! It will help us with forming schedules, practice calendars and hiring coaches if we know how many kids we have planning to participate.
A couple reminders in order to participate:
- All athletes must be registered for their sport in FACTS Family Portal as this step puts you on the coach’s roster where you will get more information specific to your sport.
- All paperwork must be completed before participation (Contact Heather McDonner at if you need any of these forms. If your child participated in a CAI Fall or Winter Sport, these should already be on file):
- Returners (those with a physical on file from last year) – Health History Update and Consent and Release, Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver
- New to Athletics: IHSAA Physical Packet (all pages), Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver
While things may look a little different, we want to do our part so the kids can play this spring as well! We will continue to provide you with information as we finalize those details. We ask for your patience and flexibility as we do so.
Athletic Fee Reminder (will be billed after season begins):
4th-8th Grade – $175
9th-12th Grade – $225
TENTATIVE Official Start Dates and Season End Dates:
HS Baseball – March 15 – sectionals beginning end of May
HS Boys Golf – March 15 – sectionals beginning early June
HS Girls Tennis – March 15 – sectionals beginning mid-May
HS Softball – March 8 – sectionals beginning end of May
HS Track and Field – February 15 – sectionals beginning mid-May
MS Baseball – March 15 – end of May
MS Girls Tennis – March 15 – mid-May
MS Softball – March 8 – mid-May
MS Track and Field – March 15 – mid-May
Warrior Athletics Ticket Process Update
Warrior Fans,
Please be aware that due to the change in the status for Floyd County to RED, the fan limitations for athletic events have been changed dramatically. Only parents and minor children of the athletes participating will be allowed admission into the games. Parents of those athletes, please check TeamApp later for more information from Assistant AD, Chrissy Millen on how to get your names on the list.
Click here for a graphic detailing this information.
2020 Christian Academy of Indiana Athletics Armory Holiday Hours
Visit the Warrior Armory located near the Commons Entrance
Blue / Gold Night, November 13, Cancelled
Due to spectator limitations, we unfortunately will be taking a year off from hosting our Blue / Gold Night event. We look forward to hosting this event again in 2021 as it has proven to be a great night of celebration and anticipation for the upcoming basketball season!
Winter Sports Registration Reminder
As the winter season approaches, we just want to send out a reminder that registration for winter sports is already open in FACTS Family Portal under Forms.
At this time, we continue to reevaluate each upcoming season and all signs point to having a winter sports season. So, we are moving forward with the planning and scheduling of the season. If you haven’t already registered and are planning to have a child participate, please be sure to complete the registration TODAY! It will help us with forming schedules, practice calendars and hiring coaches if we know how many kids we have planning to participate.
A couple reminders in order to participate:
- All athletes must be registered for their sport in FACTS Family Portal as this step puts you on the coach’s roster where you will get more information specific to your sport.
- All paperwork must be completed before participation (Contact Heather McDonner at if you need any of these forms. If your child participated in a CAI Fall Sport, these should already be on file):
- Returners (those with a physical on file from last year) – Health History Update and Consent and Release, Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver
- New to Athletics: IHSAA Physical Packet (all pages), Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver
While things may look a little different, we want to do our part so the kids can play this winter as well! We will continue to provide you with information as we finalize it. We ask for your patience and flexibility as we do so.
Athletic Fee Reminder (will be billed after season begins):
4th-8th Grade – $175
9th-12th Grade – $225
TENTATIVE Official Start Dates and Season End Dates:
HS Girls Basketball – October 19 – TBD
HS Boys Basketball – November 9 – TBD
7/8th Boys Basketball – November 9 – end of January
7/8th Girls Basketball – November 9 – end of January
5/6th Boys Basketball – November 9 – mid-January
5/6th Girls Basketball – October 19 – Christmas Break.
4th Boys Basketball – November 2 – TBD (Dependent on League play decision)
4th Girls Basketball – November 2 – TBD (Dependent on League play decision)
HS Cheer – October 19 – TBD
MS Cheer – November 9 – end of January
MS/HS Archery – November 30 – mid-March
CAI Athletics – Reopening Phase 1
It’s almost time and we are so excited to see our athletic facilities getting ready to open up again! It’s been too long and we’ve missed our Warriors! As we look to enter Phase 1 of reopening interscholastic sports on July 6, we have some important information for you and needs in order for your child to participate. We have been working diligently to create procedures that mesh the guidance from DOE, IHSAA, CDC, NFHS, etc. in a way that will work for our community. Please know that our highest priority is to do our best to provide a safe and fun environment for our athletes and coaches.
Please click here to review a slide presentation of the guidelines for reopening.
The following paperwork will be required for your child to participate.
Returning CAI Athletes:
- Registration for each sport in FACTS Family Portal
- Parent/Athlete COVID-19 Partnerships Commitment and Waiver Form
- IHSAA Health Form Update Packet
- Health History Update
- If “yes” is marked for any question, a new physical is required.
- Consent and Release Updated Form
- Health History Update
- Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Waiver Form
New CAI Athletes:
- Registration for each sport in FACTS Family Portal
- Parent/Athlete COVID-19 Partnerships Commitment and Waiver Form
- IHSAA Physical Packet
- Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Waiver Form
A Few Major Reminders:
- Sessions are OPTIONAL
- Only enrolled students may participate
- For ESSENTIAL personnel ONLY (parents and non-participants must remain in vehicle or leave and return to pick up child)
- Athletes must be enrolled or re-enrolled with CAI to participate
- Completed paperwork is required for attendance
- Health Screenings will be performed each day during Phase 1 at the tent set up in the driveway
- Coaches will be required to wear masks and athletes are asked to wear masks when not in practice facility or when social distancing isn’t possible
- 6 ft Social Distancing is encouraged when possible
- The ability to sanitize hands will be readily available and encouraged
We are looking forward to offering some great opportunities for our Warriors during Phase 1 and beyond! Click here for more details on when teams will be offering workouts during Phase 1 and the coaches contact information. Please note, not all teams will be offering summer workouts, so only those holding workouts are listed.
We can’t wait to see you on our campus again very soon!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are working hard to reopen in a way that is both safe and functional. We miss our athletes and can’t wait to see them again!
CAI Fall Sports Registration
CAI Fall Sports registration is now open! Please click here for more information. We encourage you to sign your child/children up early to allow us to better plan. Also, registering will put them on a list to begin receiving information for the upcoming season as well as summer workout opportunities. As stressed in the document, no fees will be billed until AFTER official practices have started, but letting us know NOW that you are planning on participating on a team will help us better hire coaches, purchase equipment and know where we need to expand or change teams.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m sure many are wondering what the fall season will look like. While we are awaiting more information from the DOE and IHSAA, we continue to make plans and pursue various options we could end up going with. We look forward to hopefully having our Warriors back in the arenas of competition and practice soon!
Changes to Physical Packets for 2020-2021
The IHSAA released guidelines today regarding the required Pre-Participation Physical and Consent form packet for the 2020-2021 school year and I want to make sure you are aware of these changes now.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, on the medical field in particular, the IHSAA is going to allow any completed packets from the 2019-2020 school year to count for next year. So, basically, if your child had a packet turned in to our office for this year, we will retain those for next school year. Given some spring sport teams had not yet begun, if you have a packet for a spring sport athlete that was not yet turned in, I would encourage you to scan it and email it to me now so we can add it to our files. I would also hang on to it and turn in the hard copy when school resumes.
This rule will apply for any 5th-11th grade student-athlete from this school year, not just high school athletes. We follow IHSAA guidelines for all our middle school programs as well as the high school ones.
All athletes will likely need to still turn in a newly signed Concussion/Sudden Cardiac arrest waiver form, as that piece does not require an in-person exam, just a signature. We will make this form available to you all over the summer break.
If you would like to read the actual press release from the IHSAA, you can do so by clicking here. And, as they stress in this document, you can still choose to get the sports physical for next year and fill out the packet.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! We hope this provides some relief to our families of another thing you have to do!
Spring Sport Registration is Now Open!
With the season quickly approaching, please be sure to register your child today. Remember, the earlier you register, the better chance we have to secure competitions and coaches for our expanding teams! Please click here to view more information on registration, start dates and current coaching needs.
CAI Elementary Winter Basketball and Cheer!
We are pleased to announce we are going to open a new program for CAI Athletics by offering an Elementary Intramural Basketball program this winter. Please click here to view more information. The registration deadline is January 17, and we will need parent volunteer coaches. Without YOU, this program cannot happen!
We will also be offering our Elementary Cheer Clinic again at the end of January. Please click here to view more information. The registration deadline for that program is January 20.