We Need Watch D.O.G.S. on our CAL-English Station and Southwest Campuses!
It is finally time to restart the WATCH D.O.G.S. program at our Christian Academy of Louisville – English Station and Southwest Campuses! With that being said, we need dads, grandfathers or other father figures in order for this program to take off and be successful! The program will officially start in January of 2023. This will allow us to compile a list of volunteers and run background checks. If you are interested and willing to volunteer your time to this worthy cause, please follow the steps below:
- Click on the English Station OR Southwest Watch D.O.G.S. link to apply. All those interested in volunteering must go through a background screening process.
- Wait for confirmation on your successful background check. Your background check is good for the current school year.
- Once you receive confirmation of a successful background check, you will be emailed a link to sign up to serve. This link will allow you to choose the day you want to volunteer (limited to one day per year).
- After you sign up to volunteer, you will be required to complete a short training session that includes a video series.
- On the date that you choose to volunteer, you will need to check in at the main office first on each campus and then on the English Station campus you will proceed to the elementary office. At the main (Southwest) or elementary office (English Station), you will receive a schedule and have a brief check-in with the assistant principal or a designated elementary staff member.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our English Station/Southwest Campus Assistant Principal, Mr. Gutierrez at jgutierrez@caschools.us or (502) 753-4610.
Order New Spirit Wear Items!
We have now partnered with a new local vendor for Spirit Wear items and hope that this will streamline the process, while also providing expanded options for CAL-Southwest Spirit Wear! Click here to order t-shirts, hoodies, quarter-zips and athletic shorts. All items are offered in youth and adult sizes. All items can be worn on Spirit Wear Fridays and hoodies/quarter zips can also be worn Monday through Wednesday as well.
Orders must be placed online by Wednesday, October 26. We expect to send orders home with students before Thanksgiving break.
Ms. Chase is ALL IN!
Thank you for celebrating each of our ALL IN teachers! Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.
Here is one example:
Julie Chase
Julie truly exemplifies what it means to be “ALL IN.” She pours so much of her time into planning engaging, effective lessons for her students. She works to tailor her instruction to meet each child’s individual needs and builds personal relationships with each of her students. She is a true example of Christ in her words and actions.
Simply use this link to give online.
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser – Now through November 18!
Click here for complete details!
Mr. Casey is ALL IN!
We are so proud of our incredible teachers and for the next few weeks we will feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system. Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.
Here is one example:
Hayden Casey
Hayden is a terrific teacher that pushes his students to do their best. This past year, 29 of his 31 students passed the AP English exam. This is a testament to the work he does with his students’ day in and day out. He is also a trusted teacher among the students and one of the few male teachers that students know they can confide in about personal struggles. Hayden goes above and beyond his normal duties by also being a high school varsity basketball coach. He develops strong relationships with his students and athletes. He teaches his team the importance of good sportsmanship and how to serve others.
Simply use this link to give online.
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Ms. Parker is ALL IN!
We are so proud of our incredible teachers and for the next few weeks we will feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system. Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.
Here is one example:
Susan Parker
Susan goes above and beyond in all she does at Christian Academy. She helps her colleagues and is known to pray powerful prayers that pick them up when they need it most. The students always come back to check in with her after they have graduated from her class and she keeps in touch with them long after they leave her room. Even though she has been teaching for many years, she is always looking for new ways to present material. She is engaging to students and is constantly making up songs and rhymes to help them learn. Susan knows what it means to be a lifelong learner and passes this along to her students.
Simply use this link to give online.
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Did You Know that Christian Academy has a Podcast?
It’s called Educating for Eternity and it focuses on how the school and parents can partner together in the development of our students. It is available anywhere you listen to your podcast. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can listen to the first episode here on Spotify. We hope you will check it out!
PTO Fall Family Tailgate, October 14
Coordinate with Other Families | Tailgating is all about sharing and sampling. Make enough food to give some away, if you’d like. It’s a community thing! Coordinate with other families ahead of time and turn it into a potluck!
Bring the Fun With You! | Have a cornhole set, ladderball toss, giant Jenga game or washer toss? Please bring them! We will be set up in the large parking lot at Southeast next door to our school so that we have plenty of room for everyone. This is a great opportunity to meet other school families and enjoy a fall evening!
Christian Academy is Now Hiring!
Mr. Barnett is ALL IN!
We are so proud of our incredible teachers and for the next few weeks we will feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system. Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.
Here is one example:
Ty Barnett
No one person has done more in CALMS than Ty Barnett. Ty daily ministers to both students and faculty, and always puts others before himself. He took on the role of Spiritual Life Coordinator- planning and leading middle school Chapel. He also helps lead the Houses at CALMS. Ty loves the students in the classroom, at Chapel and at extracurricular activities. He is always willing to lead and learn.
Simply use this link to give online.
Thank you and God bless you and our school!