Save the Dates for Year-End Special Events!
Thursday, May 19, at 9 a.m. – Final Chapel Service of the Year in the church sanctuary. Join us for this special time of worship. We will also be recognizing those students who have made a profession of faith during the school year.
Tuesday, May 24, at 9 a.m. – 5th Grade Celebration. 5th Grade families are invited to join us in the church sanctuary as we celebrate these students as they promote to middle school.
Wednesday, May 25, at 9 a.m. – Kindergarten Graduation. Kindergarten families are invited to join us in the church sanctuary for this special ceremony.
Wednesday, May 25, at 2 p.m. – Middle School Awards Program. Middle school families are invited to join us in the gym as we distribute awards for all 6th-8th grade classes.
Thursday, May 26, at 9 a.m. – 8th Grade Crossover Service. Join us in the church sanctuary as we celebrate God’s blessings through our 8th Grade class as they move to high school.
Last Chance to Order Your Yearbook!
In past years, most of our students purchased a yearbook and came to the end-of-the-year signing parties. We all had a great time reminiscing about the year, eating yummy treats and signing each other’s yearbooks. Now is the time to ensure you get to be a part of the fun at this year’s yearbook signing party! To buy a yearbook, go to and choose “Buy a Yearbook.” Then enter “Christian Academy of Louisville Southwest” and follow the remaining prompts to order. The cost is $30 and is paid online. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Anderson at The last day to order online is May 1.
Honor the Cross Easter Chapel, April 14
All junior academy through 8th grade students should bring an artificial flower to school with them on Monday, April 11, as we will be blossoming our cross in preparation for Easter! Our Easter chapel service will be on Thursday, April 14, at 9 a.m. in the worship center at SECC-Southwest next to our school. Parents and families of PS4 through 8th grade students are invited to join us as we worship and reflect on Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross. Doors to the church will open at 8:45 a.m. and you can meet your student in the church lobby for the service.
2022 Christian Academy of Indiana Summer Theatre Camp
Hello Christian Academy families and students! Hope everyone’s school year is going great so far. We have been receiving many questions about the dates and information for this summer’s Theatre Camp at Christian Academy of Indiana so we figured it would be smart to send you all the basic information for your planning purposes. In the past we have had students from different campuses within the school system attend. Therefore, we want to get the information to all of you if you are interested.
The dates for this year’s Theatre Camp are June 6-10, and 13-17. It is a two week camp and is available for all current kindergarten through 12th grade students. Middle and high school camp (current 5th-12th grades) will be on these dates from 8:30 a.m. – noon. Elementary students (current K-4th grades) will be on these dates from 1-4:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be what it has been in the past, $225 per student ($200 for each additional sibling).
The camp performance will be Friday, June 17, at 4:30 p.m.
Elementary will be performing “Winnie the Pooh” kids. The middle and high school students will be putting on a variety show filled with skits and songs decided on during the camp itself.
More information will be coming out either at the end of April or beginning of May.
Please reach out to Jason Branim, Director, at you have any questions.
2022 CAL Golf Classic Registration Now Open!
Registration for the 2024 CAL Athletics Golf Classic is now open! We are excited to be back at Persimmon Ridge Golf Club for our annual fundraiser this year on Wednesday, May 13.
The Golf Classic is the athletic department’s only fundraiser. Proceeds go towards athletic equipment, coaching salaries, facility/field upgrades and more.
We are grateful for your past support and are excited to partner with you again for this year’s event!
Click here to register to play or sponsor!
Register Now for 2022 CAL Summer Sports Camps!
We are excited to be able to offer CAL summer sports camps this year!
Click here to see our 2022 camp offerings, to register and to pay online. Grades listed are for the grade being entered in August 2022. You will need to print, sign and bring the Summer Camp Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form on the first day of camp. Extra copies will be available on the first day of camp as well.
Please contact Jared McKinney, Assistant Athletic Director, with any questions or concerns at
Change the USA for Christ Week, March 28 – April 1
Change the USA for Christ Week will take place March 28 – April 1. Students will be able to change their outward appearance for the week as a reminder that we each need to change on the inside. In the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are given the promise that anyone who comes to Christ in faith will have an internal change take place – i.e. the changing from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh (cf. Ezekiel 36:26-27).
Mellow Monday – Pajamas or Sweat Pants
Tacky Tuesday – Dress as a Tacky Tourist of the USA
Western Wednesday – Western Themed Attire
Throwback Thursday – Dress Like Another Decade
Fanatic Friday – Favorite Sports Team Attire
Each day, students will pay one dollar to dress out (students may pay five dollars on Monday to cover the week). All money collected will go to support the Jackson family who serves as missionaries in Asia.
Click here for a video from Mrs. Carson regarding each day and then please note the following.
Important Reminders:
- This is a week to have fun but also a reminder to be faithful in supporting the Jackson Family as they share the Gospel overseas.
- Footwear for each day needs to be closed-toe, closed-heel shoes for safety. No flip flops, sandals or slippers.
- Any attire worn needs to be appropriate fit and length as well as follow the expectations for modesty outlined in our Family Handbooks in the Dress Code Section.
- The administration reserves the right to contact parents if needed to bring a change of clothes.
Happy World Down Syndrome Day!
Today we are especially thankful for the students in our Providence School and the ways they remind us that we are more alike than different!
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” -Psalms 139:14
Final Total for You CAN Make A Difference!
1,386 FOOD ITEMS COLLECTED! Thank you to everyone who generously gave to our service project for Beechland Baptist Church’s food pantry. This is double the number of items that we collected last year. We appreciate your support!
Join Us for A Journey To Oz, March 24-25!
Tickets are now on sale for our upcoming Fine Arts production of A Journey To Oz. We invite you to join us as we journey through Oz and meet some of the classic characters along the way.
Thursday, March 24, at 10 a.m. and Friday, March 25, at 7 p.m. in the Worship Center of Southeast Christian Church-Southwest Campus
Online Tickets (Purchase Here) – $10 for Adults and $8 for Students (ages 18 and under)
Box Office Tickets – $12 for Adults and $10 for Students (ages 18 and under)