Picture Makeups and Retakes, September 22

The school photographer will be back on campus on Friday, September 22, to photograph any students who were absent on our original picture day or to photograph students whose parents would like for them to have a retake. If you would like for your child to have their picture taken again, please email your child’s teacher by Thursday, September 21. Students will not be photographed again without parent permission.

Grandparents Day, October 12

Grandparents Day will be held on Thursday, October 12. We will have a special combined chapel service to honor our grandparents from 1-2 p.m. The service will be held in the sanctuary of Southeast Christian Church, next door to our school. Our kindergarten-5th grade students and our Middle School Praise Team will be leading the service with music, testimonies, Scripture recitation and recognition of grandparents. Following the service, grandparents will have the opportunity to visit the kindergarten-8th grade classrooms with their grandchildren from 2-3 p.m. Invitations have been mailed to all grandparent addresses that were received at school. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

Cafeteria Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help monitor the lunchroom from 11 a.m. to noon daily and assist younger students with opening small items such as milk, condiment packages, etc. Please consider donating an hour out of your day once a week to help our students and staff. If you are available to assist as a lunchroom monitor, please contact the Cafeteria Manager. At this time our greatest need is for Thursdays. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Chris McIntire

Cafeteria Manager

Christian Academy School System
Southwest Campus
P: (502) 447-6500, ext. 3044

Safe Touch Guidance Sessions for Elementary Students

Christian Academy is committed to being a community that cares for and protects children. In today’s culture, we realize that keeping children safe from sexual abuse is vitally important. Such abuse leaves lasting scars – mental, emotional and spiritual. For these reasons, the Christian Academy Board of Directors has mandated that every child in grades kindergarten-12 receive age-appropriate training on how to protect against unsafe touch.

In the elementary grades, we are providing a Christian program that teaches children about the wonderful way God made our bodies, trains children to distinguish between good, hurtful and confusing touch/circumstances, teaches children about secrets and provides children with tools to know what to do if confronted with an inappropriate situation. This program was presented to and approved by the Board of Directors at their March 17, 2008 meeting.

All kindergarten-5th grade Christian Academy students will receive this training in October. This curriculum, which comprises two thirty-minute sessions, will be presented to same-gender classroom groups. A copy of the presentation that is used with students is included here for your awareness.

Your questions or concerns are important to us. If you have questions concerning this training, please feel free to call me at (502) 447-6500 ext. 2004 or email at tdaniel@caschools.us.

Cashbook Coupon Book Fundraiser

Our Cashbook coupon sale started last week! Cashbook has over $300.00 in local savings and Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus will profit 60% from every sale made. The cashbook will save you money all year long and they also make great holiday gifts. You can support Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus for just $20.00 and the cashbook pays for itself. The cashbook is not free. Your child brought home a large white envelope with a cashbook and order form. Please use the cashbook to show family, friends, and relatives the great savings they can enjoy. So flip through the book and notice the discounts! 

If you choose to purchase the cashbook:
Keep the cashbook and send a check for $20.00 made out to Christian Academy in your sealed cashbook envelope.

If you choose to sell additional cashbooks:
Use the envelope provided to keep track of your sales. Please keep your sample cashbook and send a check(s) in for the amount of cashbooks you have sold. Be sure to account for the sample cashbook in your sales. The additional cashbooks will be sent home with your child within one week. 

If you choose not to participate in this fundraiser: 
Return the cashbook inside the sealed envelope with your child’s name on the outside.
This sale ends Monday, September 18. Please make sure the envelope and cashbook are returned. We must have every student’s envelope returned either with payment or the cashbook sample in order to track our sales.

Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated! 

All proceeds from the cashbook sales will be used for blessing the Southwest Campus.

Kindergarten-8th Grade Parent/Teacher Conference Day, September 20

All students in kindergarten through 8th grades will not have school on Wednesday, September 20. This is Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Parents of students in kindergarten-5th grades will be contacted by your child's teacher to schedule a conference time for that day. Middle school parents may request conferences with their child's teachers or will be contacted directly by the teachers if a conference is needed.

Grandparents Day Invitation Deadline, September 1

Please remember that the deadline to submit grandparent names and addresses for Grandparents Day invitations is Friday, September 1. Please click here to print and complete the form and then return it to school by the deadline. You can also email Shannon Wilson at sewilson@caschools.us with the following information:

  • Your Child’s Name and Grade
  • First and Last Names and Complete Mailing Addresses for Grandparents

Invitations will be mailed from the school office next week. Thank you for your assistance.

PTO News – Box Tops, Kroger Cards, and Facebook!

Just a reminder to continue saving Box Tops and Labels for Education. If you have family, friends or neighbors that will save them too that would be great! It all adds up and is an easy way to earn money for our school. These can be turned in at any time

Please make sure that your Kroger Plus Card is registered for Community Rewards for our campus. Each time that you shop at Kroger, a portion of your purchase is donated to our PTO! Enroll your Kroger Plus Card online at www.kroger.com/communityrewards and choose Christian Academy of Louisville-SW PTO or #10375.

Join the PTO Facebook group! This is a great resource to connect with other CAL-Southwest families and share advice, ask questions and learn more about our campus. This Facebook group is for current parents and grandparents of CAL-Southwest only. Find us on Facebook by searching “CAL-SW PTO.”