Get Ahead of Winter Now – 20% OFF Lands’ End Uniforms, October 14-18
Shop online here!
Scholastic Book Fair is October 11-15!
We are thrilled to be able to bring back the Scholastic Book Fair this year! The Book Fair will be open each day during school hours. While parents/guests cannot come in and shop with their student, you can add funds to your child’s “e-wallet” online, send cash or check in with them to school or place your order directly online. Please visit Scholastic Book Fair website for more details or contact Mrs. Foster at
Ms. Cummings is ALL IN!
Thank you for all you do for our school. As you have heard many times, the cost of tuition and fees simply does NOT cover the entire cost to educate our students. That is why we have an annual campaign called our ALL IN! campaign. We are asking you to help us raise the necessary resources to operate our school. The reason we have a $400,000 need is because we strive to keep tuition costs reasonable and affordable to ALL IN! our community.
As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please think about all the great teachers we have across all our campuses. Here is an example from our Southwest Campus, Jenelle Cummings.
“Jenelle Cummings goes out of her way to connect with her first grade students. She is very organized and conscientious. Even with a very large class this year, she maintains calm instead of chaos. She also has a kind and caring spirit.”
You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!”
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Congratulations to our 2021-2022 Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus ALL IN! Annual Fund Outstanding Teachers!
Today we are highlighting our Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus 2021-2022 ALL IN Outstanding Teachers! These teachers were nominated by their peers and exhibit exemplary service, Christian leadership, enthusiastic attitudes and innovative ideas that noticeably benefit their students!
In the weeks to come, we will spotlight each teacher individually and share why they are ALL IN!
As we continue to celebrate our ALL IN week to kick off our Annual Fund awareness campaign, we encourage families to consider making a gift to Christian Academy. Our Annual Fund supports teacher and staff compensation, tuition assistance, security and technology upgrades, facility needs and more!
Thank you for being ALL IN!
ALL IN! for Christian Academy!
Thank you for your commitment and support of Christian Academy. On September 20, we are kicking off our Annual Fund awareness campaign to encourage families to consider making a gift to Christian Academy. Our Annual Fund supports teacher and staff compensation, tuition assistance, security and technology upgrades, facility needs, etc. Every year, I am grateful to witness first hand how many parents, teachers, staff, board members and alumni are ALL IN!
You can give online or send in your pledge card.
We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!”
Experience Christian Academy through our New Virtual Tours!
Hangout for CAL-Southwest Middle School Students, September 24
Our middle school students are invited to a night of 9-square, basketball, cornhole, ladderball and hanging out with friends on Friday, September 24. This will be in the gym and also outside and is for CAL-Southwest Middle School students only. Siblings and students from other schools are not allowed to attend. Permission slips for this event will be sent home with students and must be signed and returned by September 22. Parents will need to come into the school that night to sign their student in and provide emergency contact information and specify who will be picking their student up at 8:30 p.m. This event will be chaperoned by other parents, faculty and staff.
Picture Makeups and Retakes, September 29
The school photographer will be back on campus on Wednesday, September 29, to photograph any students who were absent on our original picture day or to photograph students whose parents would like for them to have a retake. If you would like for your child to have their picture taken again, please email your child’s teacher by Tuesday, September 28. Students will not be photographed again without parent permission. Proof sheets and order forms from our original picture day should be sent home next week with students.
Cashbook Coupon Book Fundraiser
Our Cashbook coupon book sale has started! Cashbook has hundreds of dollars in local savings and Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus will profit 60% from every sale made. The cashbook will save you money all year long and they also make great holiday gifts. You can support Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest Campus for just $20.00 and the cashbook pays for itself. The cashbook is not free. Your child brought home a large white envelope with a cashbook and order form.
This sale ends on Friday, October 8. Please make sure the envelope and cashbook are returned. We must have every student’s envelope returned either with payment or the cashbook sample in order to track our sales.
Welcome Dr. Michael Cummings, Director of Unity and Diversity
After a regional search, multiple interviews and a lot of prayers we are excited to announce Dr. Michael Cummings as our new Director of Unity and Diversity. A position that we first discussed three years ago has finally come to fruition.
The goal of the work of this position is to help build upon our school environment where all are respected, valued and appreciated while using our mission statement to work alongside others to help create a diverse community. The Director of Unity and Diversity is identified as a spiritual mentor and a resource for all students, teachers, administrators and parents in the school system.
Dr. Cummings brings a wealth of experience, a diverse background and most importantly a love of the Lord to our school system. His educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and Organizational Management and a Master’s degree and Doctorate in Religious Studies from Milligan University. His most recent work experience is as Director of Diversity working with regional companies with a focus on talent acquisition and human resources support. He has served as the Senior Pastor of a local congregation in east Tennessee for the past 16 years. He has also led and served on multiple international mission trips to Central America, South America and Africa. Lastly, he has experience working with local school districts as a resource in developing, instructing and facilitating STEM programming for K-12 students.
Dr. Cummings will be visiting all of our campuses to meet teachers and students while becoming familiar with our school cultures and our love for Kingdom building through education. It will take him some time but he would like to also meet as many parents as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to him at or if you see him at one of the campuses or a ballgame/concert please introduce yourself.
Please keep him and his family in your prayers during this time of transition!