Parent Prayer Group

Join our parent prayer group of passionate parents who meet together each week on Fridays to seek God’s heart for CAL-Southwest as we pray into the life of this school.

In the past several years since our group formed, we have seen many prayers answered and God move in powerful ways in the lives of students, teachers and families.

Whatever the need, we bring it to our Heavenly Father. We also praise the Lord for the many ways He is actively at work and already doing far above what we could ever expect. So please join us on Friday mornings in the Media Center from 8:20 – 9:20 a.m. Our desire is to see God glorified! If you are interested, please email Tanya Killion at

Christmas Chapel Service, December 20

We will be having our combined Christmas chapel service for all students in 4-year-old classes through 8th grades on Thursday, December 20, from 9-10 a.m. Parents and grandparents are invited to attend this special service as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. The service will be held in the sanctuary at Southeast Christian Church next door. Parents, you may enter the sanctuary for seating beginning at 8:45 a.m. and you will be able to sit with your child and their class. 

Southwest Campus Collected 410 Operation Christmas Child Gifts!

THANK YOU for your generosity and support of this ministry! Please be in prayer for our shoe boxes as they begin their journey to the children that will receive them! 

Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21

Southwest Campus Operation Christmas Child Total and News Coverage

We exceeded our campus goal of 350 shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child and collected 405 boxes this morning!

Our collection service and students are scheduled to be featured tonight on WLKY-32 during a portion of their evening broadcast between 5-6:30 p.m. (be aware that any story is subject to being pre-empted). Any coverage should also be shared on their website in the next few days.

In addition, WHAS-11 broadcast Great Day Live! was here this morning for our collection service. We are hopeful that their coverage will be placed on their website in the next few days as well. 

Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to the ministry of Operation Christmas Child! Because of your gifts, 405 children will have the opportunity to hear the saving message of God's love for all of us and the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Priority Admission for Siblings of Current Students for the 2019-2020 School Year

We are honored that you are a part of the Christian Academy family and we want to continue to serve your family well. Your currently enrolled students will receive instructions regarding re-enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year in early January 2019. Additionally, we would like to remind you that if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and will be a new incoming student at Christian Academy for the 2019-2020 school year please submit an online 2019-2020 application as soon as possible. It is always our desire to give siblings of current students priority consideration and now is the time to submit your application for the upcoming school year. If you have already submitted an application, we are thankful you desire to continue our partnership!

Admissions testing for new students who have applied to enter grades 6-12 for the 2019-2020 school year is currently being scheduled. Upon receiving your application, we will contact you to confirm a testing date for your child. Admissions testing for students who have applied to enter kindergarten and grades 1–5 for the 2019-2020 school year will be in January. There will be an additional admissions testing date for students entering grades 6-12 in January as well. We will send scheduling information for January admissions testing dates in early January. Admissions testing is not required to enter our junior academy.

We are thankful to already have many new applications on file for the 2019-2020 school year, so it is important for you to move forward with submitting your application if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and attending Christian Academy. You will find application information on our website at   

Thank you for making Christian Academy your school of choice and for entrusting your children to us. Should questions arise, please contact me by email or phone at (502) 753-4590. It would be my pleasure to serve you.

May you experience the joy and blessing of the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons in a meaningful way!

Spelling Bee Volunteers Needed

We are in need of 5 volunteers to represent CAL-Southwest and help judge the spelling bee at Whitefield Academy on February 22, 2019. Our students will not be permitted to participate without volunteers. Please contact Jenelle Cummings at if you would like more information about possibly volunteering as the deadline is fast approaching.

Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser

Packets were sent home the week of November 5, for Texas Roadhouse gift card orders. These gift cards make great Christmas gifts! Please read the handouts enclosed and attached to the packet envelope for full details. Order forms and payments must be turned in by Monday, December 4, to ensure that all gift cards are distributed before Christmas break. Please support our PTO through this fundraiser!

Our Art Show Featuring YOUR Students’ Work, November 15!

We are having a kindergarten-8th grade art show on Thursday, November 15, and would love to have you there! Please click here for details. Ask your child ahead of time what they made or maybe about the artist we studied for our projects this year. They've been working so hard! 

If you have questions, feel free to email Ann Lundy Games, Art teacher, at

Mark Your Calendars for our Christmas Program, December 13!

Please make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday, December 13, at 7 p.m. for our Christmas program. The program will feature our 4-year-old junior academy (preschool) students, elementary music students, the 3rd grade classes acting out the Christmas story and the middle school Spiritual Life Praise Team.  

Attendance is a requirement for kindergarten-5th grade students as stated in the Elementary Family Handbook.  

Students must be in their designated areas by 6:40 p.m. Students may wear a nice outfit instead of school uniforms, but please keep in mind dress code rules (no jeans allowed) and that they will be sitting down on the risers during portions of the program. Please contact Mrs. Stivers at if you have any questions.