Father/Daughter Ball, April 13

Join us for an evening of Moroccan Majesty! Our Father/Daughter Ball will be on Friday, April 13, from 6:30-9 p.m. in the school gym. Registration and payment information are included here.

Finger food appetizers and dessert donations are needed. Helpers are needed for a photo booth, food tables and clean up. Please contact Tara Sahibi at tarasahibi@yahoo.com

Change for Christ Week, March 12-16!

During this week, students and staff will get to participate in themed dress days for a donation of $1 per day. All of the funds that we raise will go towards the Jackson Family as they serve God as missionaries in Southeast Asia. Mrs. Jackson is one of our former teachers! We have had Change for Christ Week for the last six years to give to the work of the Jackson Family, and our students and families have given over $10,000 towards their ministry! All dress needs to be appropriate.

Monday, March 12  Comfy Monday (appropriate pajamas or sweats)

Tuesday, March 13  Fad/Trend/Decade Day

Wednesday, March 14  Kentucky Day (anything Kentucky-related, not just UK or UofL)

Thursday, March 15 – Look Alike Day (dress like your favorite super hero, Bible person, teacher, etc.)

Friday, March 16 – Color Day: Middle school students will wear their team color for Math Madness and elementary students will wear either green for St. Patrick’s Day or class color/shirt.

Pictures for Yearbook

If you have any pictures to submit for yearbook, please email them to Mrs. Hancher no later than March 9. Pictures from school events from the beginning of school to this date must be submitted soon in order to make the yearbook. Events from Easter on will have a later submission date to be announced. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hancher at ahancher@caschools.us.

New Security Tip Line for all Christian Academy Schools

Christian Academy School System has a new security tip line: (502) 400-8525.

The following is the voice mail message callers will receive:

"You have reached the Christian Academy confidential security tip line. If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. This line is not intended for day-to-day discipline issues. For all discipline-related concerns, please contact your child's school. If you have information related to a potential threat to Christian Academy people or property, please leave your name, number and message. Having your name and number helps school officials follow-up in the event more information is needed. All messages are sent to our director of security for review. Your information will be held in strict confidence."

Scholastic Book Fair, March 5-9

Monday – Thursday | 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday | 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

Students will be allowed to look and purchase during their normal weekly library time. They may also come and shop during free time, at the teacher’s discretion. Parents and other family members are welcome to come before or after school to browse and shop! We accept cash, credit cards and checks made payable to CAL.

Parker School Uniforms Declares Bankruptcy

We have been notified that Parker has filed for Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, which allows them to liquidate all assets.

If you have placed and paid for an unfilled order with Parker, please contact Jill Wells, Director of Administrative Services, at jwells@caschools.us immediately. Ms. Wells will provide you contact information for the Bankruptcy Trustee with whom you may file a claim. Claims must be filed promptly.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience. Christian Academy will maintain its relationship with Shaheen’s and add another uniform provider later this spring.

Quarter 3 Service Project – Food Pantry Donations!

You CAN Make A Difference! We are collecting items for the Food Pantry at Beechland Baptist Church for our Quarter 3 Service Project. Last year, we collected 587 food items for their food pantry!

You may begin sending items in to your child’s classroom now. The cutoff date is Thursday, March 1. Thank you for your support of this quarter’s service project!

Please send in the food items listed for your child’s grade level:

  • Junior Academy (Preschool) – Boxes of Crackers
  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade – Boxed Mashed Potatoes
  • 2nd and 3rd Grade – Boxed Tuna Helper
  • 4th and 5th Grade – Canned Tuna
  • 6th, 7th and 8th Grade – Canned Fruit