332 Shoebox Gifts Collected for Operation Christmas Child!

THANK YOU for your generosity and support of this ministry! Please be in prayer for our 332 shoeboxes as they begin their journey to the children that will receive them!

Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Order Your Yearbook at a Discount!

Last year, most of our students purchased a yearbook and came to the end-of-the-year signing parties and we all had a great time reminiscing about the year, eating yummy treats and signing each other’s yearbooks. Now is the time to ensure you get to be a part of the fun at this year’s yearbook signing party! Don’t wait because we sold out last year! Buying your yearbook now also allows you to take advantage of the discounted price because after Christmas the price will go up! 

To buy a yearbook, simply go to www.walsworthyearbooks.com and choose “Buy a Yearbook.” Then enter “Christian Academy of Louisville Southwest” and follow the remaining prompts to order. The cost is $22 and is paid online. On January 1, the price will go to $32, so buy now and save money! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hancher (ahancher@caschools.us).

Christmas Chapel Service, December 14

We will be having our combined Christmas chapel service for all students in 4-year-old classes through 8th grades on Thursday, December 14, from 9-10 a.m. Parents and grandparents are invited to attend this special service as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. The service will be held in the sanctuary at Southeast Christian Church next door. Parents, you may enter the sanctuary for seating beginning at 8:45 a.m. and you will be able to sit with your child and their class.

Order Your Saints Spirit Wear Today!

Order forms were sent home this week for our next round of Spirit Wear. In order to get your items back before Christmas break, the order forms and payments are due Tuesday, November 21. They are the same items from last time for those who missed out or want to order some as Christmas presents. Please fill out the order form in its entirety to ensure you receive the correct items.

Priority Admission for Siblings of Current Students for the 2018-2019 School Year

We are honored that you are a part of the Christian Academy family and we want to continue to serve your family well. Therefore, we would like to remind you that if you have a child in your family that is not currently attending Christian Academy and will be a new incoming student
at Christian Academy for the 2018-2019 school year please submit an online 2018-2019 application as soon as possible. It is always our desire to give siblings of current students priority consideration and now is the time to submit your application for the upcoming school year. If you have already submitted an application, we are thankful you desire to continue our partnership!

Pre-admissions testing for new students who have applied for the 2018-2019 school year has begun. If you have not already, we encourage you to submit your application now. Our pre-admissions testing for students who have applied to enter grades 6-12 for the 2018-2019 school year will be on December 2, and January 20, 2018. We are also currently scheduling students for the January 20, group testing of grades 1-5 and scheduling individual kindergarten testing. Pre-admissions testing is not required to enter our Junior Academy.

We are thankful to already have many new applications on file for the 2018-2019 school year, so it is important for you to move forward with submitting your application if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled at Christian Academy.

Thank you for making Christian Academy your school of choice and for entrusting your children to us. Should questions arise, please contact me by email at lbaechtel@caschools.us or by phone at (502) 753-4590.

Operation Christmas Child Deadline and Chapel Service

Our students have shown a lot of enthusiasm and excitement for our Operation Christmas Child service project! We want to remind you that the deadline to turn in the shoebox gifts is next Thursday, November 16, as part of National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child. Kindergarten-8th grade parents are invited to join us that morning for a special combined chapel service from 9-10 a.m. in our school gym. We will learn more about this ministry and how our shoebox gifts will be sent to countries all over the world.

Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has distributed over 124 million shoebox gifts to children in over 110 different countries. Each child that receives a gift also receives a Gospel booklet in their native language and the opportunity to participate in a follow-up discipleship program called The Greatest Journey. Last year, our Southwest students gave 354 shoebox gifts to this ministry and helped to share the Gospel in 10 different countries! The students have set a goal this year of 350 shoebox gifts! Please help us reach that goal! For more information on Operation Christmas Child, you can visit www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.

As part of our recent chapel services, we have shared ideas with students of items that are great to include in their shoeboxes and also the items that cannot be sent. You can find this information listed in the brochure that was given to your child and also on the Operation Christmas Child website, but there is an abbreviated list below that can help when you’re packing your shoeboxes. Remember – small items are the key because everything has to be able to fit in your shoebox! Stores like Dollar Tree, Deals, Target and Walmart have everything you need for your shoebox gifts!

We thank you for your generosity and willingness to participate in this service project! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Wilson at (502) 447-6500 or sewilson@caschools.us.

Great items for shoeboxes

  • School supplies such as crayons, markers, pens, regular pencils and colored pencils (remember to include a pencil sharpener), blank drawing pads, coloring books, child-size scissors
  • Small stuffed animals or small baby dolls
  • Clothing items such tshirts, socks, sunglasses, flip-flips, hats (colorful items are best)
  • Bracelets, headbands, hair bows and necklaces are great for little girls
  • Toothbrush (it helps to include a toothbrush case or cover)
  • Wash cloth and bar soap (no liquid soap, body wash, shower gel). Make sure that your bar soap is also sealed in a Ziploc bag.
  • Small toys such as a slinky, harmonica, jump rope, finger puppets, picture books, small puzzles, cars and trucks, tennis ball, bouncy ball and a deflated soccer ball with air pump included
  • Small flashlight with extra batteries
  • Small water bottle or drinking cup
  • Have your child write a letter and include a photo of themselves. This is always one of the most treasured items that the child receives. Many of them have never received any type of gift at all, so this is incredibly special.

Items to avoid

  • Sidewalk chalk because in many of the countries where shoeboxes are sent, children live in villages with no paved roads. Chalk doesn’t work on a dirt road.
  • Play-Doh as tables and clean, flat surfaces aren’t always available and Play-Doh doesn’t do well on dirt.

Items that CANNOT be sent

  • New this year – no candy of any kind and no toothpaste (due to customs regulations)
  • Liquids of any kind such as shampoo, hand sanitizer, nail polish, lotion, liquid soap, bubbles
  • Food and drinks
  • Medications or vitamins
  • Anything glass or breakable, so no hand mirrors, glass containers, porcelain dolls
  • Aerosol cans, so no hair spray or silly string
  • Snow globes or other toys with liquid in them
  • Used or broken toys and items
  • War related toys such as toy guns, knives, soldiers

Other suggestions/tips

  • Remove items from their packages as this will save space in your shoebox and cut down on the amount of trash that has to be disposed of in poor countries that do not have waste/trash facilities.
  • A good rule of thumb that has always helped me when trying to select items for my shoebox gifts – if your grandma doesn’t understand it, don’t send it.

Most important!

Pray for the child that will receive your gift! Your shoebox gift will go on a very long journey from Louisville, Kentucky to reach its intended destination so pray for the transportation logistics, for the missionaries and church leaders in each country that will be distributing the gifts and for each child to be receptive to the Gospel booklet that they will receive with their gift. These gifts can be life-changing and have an eternal impact! We appreciate your generosity and your support!

Grandparents Day Gifts

Thanks to the generosity of our grandparents and the PTO, we have received $4,205 to be used towards classroom technology tools! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who gave so generously!

Junior Academy-5th Grade Christmas Program, December 7

Please make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday, December 7, at 7 p.m. for our Christmas program. The program will feature our 4-year-old junior academy (preschool) students, elementary music students, the 3rd grade classes acting out the Christmas story and the middle school Spiritual Life Praise Team.

Attendance is a requirement for kindergarten-5th grade students as stated in the Elementary Family Handbook.

Students must be in their designated areas by 6:40 p.m. Students may wear a nice outfit instead of school uniforms, but please keep in mind dress code rules (no jeans allowed) and that they will be sitting down on the risers during portions of the program. 

Please contact Mrs. Stivers at kstivers@caschools.us if you have any questions.

Southwest Campus Staff Opportunities

Do you know someone that wants to serve in a Christian environment?

We need Christian individuals for the following positions:

  • After-school Care Receptionist: Monday through Friday, Daily from 3-6 p.m.
  • Preschool and After-school Care Subs
  • Cafeteria Subs

To apply online, please visit www.caschools.us/careers.