Raising genZ. What Christian parents need to know. – Nov. 6, at Indiana and Nov. 7, at English Station

Every generation has its own nuances and traits with genZ being no different. However, this generation with the 24/7 access to technology is growing up in a world not seen or imagined before. Christian parents need wisdom, discernment and the will to day in and day out nurture young children, tweeners and teens. Let’s embrace our God given responsibility!

Join us November 6, at Christian Academy of Indiana or November 7, at English Station beginning each night at 6:30 p.m. in the campus auditoriums for parent sessions on the topic of meeting our kids where they are – genZ with Dr. Ellen Black from Liberty University.

Christian Academy School System | Curriculum | Dr. Ellen Black - Liberty University | Raising genZ

Dr. Ellen Lowrie Black currently serves as Graduate Professor of Education at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Ellen has three decades of varied experience in education as an elementary teacher, professor, head of school, K-12 and university board member, university dean and vice-president. As a graduate of the Delaware County Christian School, Ellen experienced firsthand the love and commitment of Christian school teachers.

Dr. Black holds degrees from Eastern Mennonite University, Texas A&M, Temple University in Philadelphia as well as post doctoral work at Harvard Graduate School of Education. In addition to presenting at Oxford University, she has lectured and trained educators on four continents. Ellen speaks widely at conferences, retreats, in-services, banquets, and graduations. In May, Ellen received the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at Liberty.

Raising three great kids is her greatest accomplishment. Dr. Black is grateful to God for Christian parents and grandparents and is partial to good coffee, salmon fishing in Alaska, beaches, and her six grand-children.

Change for Christ Total is $1,369.50!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our theme days for Change for Christ Week! Your enthusiasm and creativity were on display all week! Your generous donations will be given to the ministry of the Jackson Family in southeast Asia. Elementary chapel buddies were able to meet together in September to create thank you notes and letters of encouragement to send to the Jacksons. We will have another Change for Christ Week during the second semester, so mark your calendars now for March 12-16!

Scholastic Book Fair, October 9-13

Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and During Fall Family Fellowship

Students will be allowed to look and purchase during their normal weekly library time. They may also come and shop during free time, at their teacher’s discretion. Parents and other family members are welcome to come before or after school to browse and shop! We accept cash, credit cards and checks made payable to CAL.

Kindergarten – 8th Grade Art Show, November 2

Kindergarten-8th grade families, we will have a one-day art show featuring artwork from each of our kindergarten-8th grade students. These framed pieces of art will be available for purchase that day only. Each framed piece of artwork is $25 and only cash or check payments (made payable to CAL) will be accepted. Please mark your calendars now and join us on Thursday, November 2, anytime from 3:15-5:30 p.m. in the gym. 

The sale of these items will benefit our school art class fund. Contact Miss Games at algames@caschools.us for more information. If you are unable to attend that day, but wish to purchase your child’s artwork, you may send in payment by that morning and the artwork will be sent home with your student. Please make sure that if you are sending in payment, that it is in an envelope with your child’s name, grade and ARTOME written on the outside.

Ministry Appreciation Service, November 2

Parents and other family members are encouraged to join us for the Ministry Appreciation Service on Thursday, November 2. The service will be held in the church sanctuary from 9-10 a.m. This is a great opportunity for our students and families to show their gratitude and appreciation for those that serve in our local churches. Invitations have been mailed to pastors, ministers, leaders and volunteers from the submissions that were sent in by our students. Please feel free to invite those in your church that serve in any area of ministry to join us for this service! Contact the school office if you have any questions.

Operation Christmas Child Service Project

We have kicked off our second quarter service project! We will be packing and collecting shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child! Your child should have received a brochure with instructions and details for how to pack a shoebox gift. The deadline to turn in these gifts is Thursday, November 16, as part of National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us for a special combined chapel service that day from 9-10 a.m. in our school gym. We will learn more about this ministry and also share the specific countries where our shoebox gifts will be sent.

Last year, our Southwest campus gave 356 shoebox gifts to this ministry and helped to share the Gospel in 10 different countries! Our goal this year is 350 SHOEBOX GIFTS! Our students have already shown so much excitement about this project and we can’t wait to see how the Lord will work through our efforts.

If you have any questions about what can or cannot be included in your shoebox gift, please contact Shannon Wilson at sewilson@caschools.us.

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, you can visit www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.

DEADLINE: Ministry Appreciation Service Invitations

Please remember that Monday, October 2, is the deadline to submit names and addresses for invitations to our upcoming Ministry Appreciation Service. Please click here, print/complete the form and return it to school by the deadline. You can also just reply to this email with the following information:

  • Your Child’s Name and Grade
  • First and Last Names and Complete Mailing Addresses (with church name) for your child’s pastor, children’s minister, Sunday School teacher, small group leader, or other church ministry leaders/volunteers.

Invitations will be mailed from the school office next week. Thank you for your assistance.

Grandparents Day, October 12

Grandparents Day will be held on Thursday, October 12. We will have a special combined chapel service to honor our grandparents from 1-2 p.m. The service will be held in the sanctuary of Southeast Christian Church, next door to our school. Our kindergarten-5th grade students and our Middle School Praise Team will be leading the service with music, testimonies, Scripture recitation and recognition of grandparents. Following the service, grandparents will have the opportunity to visit the kindergarten-8th grade classrooms with their grandchildren from 2-3 p.m. Invitations have been mailed to all grandparent addresses that were received at school. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.