Our 2nd service project for this year will be called Change for Change, and will be for a family that holds a special place in our hearts here at Christian Academy Southwest. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and children are serving in South Asia to start churches for the glory of God. Mrs. Jackson taught here for 4 years. She began as a 4th grade teacher and then was our Art teacher for 3 additional years. While in South Asia, they primarily will be planting churches among people groups who have not heard the Gospel. Mr. Jackson is going to be training South Asian Christians how to share the gospel with others, how to disciple new believers, and how to plant reproducible churches, while learning the people’s heart language. Mrs. Jackson will primarily be making relationships with South Asian women in the community while taking care of their 2 girls and also learning the language.

Our campus wants to support this calling and share in our “Loving God” theme by praying, investing and giving (PIG) to this family. Since Christmas is a celebration of God’s greatest gift, and we want to teach our students to give, we will provide every student in grades K-8 with a PIG that will remind us that we need to Pray, Invest and Give in order to help share God’s love.

PRAY- Please be in prayer for this family as they transition to their new home, new culture and new calling. Pray that God’s word will be received and change people in South Asia.

INVEST- Please do not supply the money for your child’s PIG, but pray with them and provide opportunities for them to invest by providing extra chores or ways to earn money. Little is much in God’s kingdom because nothing is impossible with God. (Send in stories too!)

GIVE- Encourage them to give. Later in the year we will also host a used book sale (start setting aside gently used, but in good condition books) and all proceeds will go to this family as well. The first chapel in May we will collect the “Change for Change” PIGs. So please focus on Christ during this season and share in the opportunity to give to others.

Romans 10:13-15 says,  “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Thinking Ahead

In May, there is going to be a Used Book Sale. The proceeds from this sale will be used to benefit the Change for Change service project. If you plan on getting rid of old books to make way for new books, please consider donating your used books for the project. Books can be dropped off at the Library any time. Please attach a note stating that the books are for the Used Book Sale. Thank you in advance for your donation to make a difference in a church plant where people will hear the good news in South Asia.