Fall 2022 CAL Intramural Sports

Christian Academy is blessed to be able to offer English Station and Southwest students a fall intramural athletic program for kindergarten through 5th grade. These offerings are only possible with a high level of participation from students as well as a high level of parent volunteers. There are many benefits to being involved in athletics, including good health, social interaction, self-confidence, self-discipline and personal accomplishment. Our goal is to always be Christ-honoring in all that we do, including sports.


Cross Country 2nd-5th (coed) English Station and Southwest $110
Tennis 2nd-5th (coed) English Station Only $70
Volleyball K-3rd (girls only) English Station and Southwest with Games at English Station $110

Pricing includes uniforms, gym space, balls, trophies, etc…

  • To participate in the intramural program, registration needs to be completed online.
  • Cross Country will be limited to the first 25 participants for each campus. Students will participate in three meets.
  • Tennis is limited to the first 30 participants that sign up.
  • Volleyball will be divided into teams (K/1st grade and  2nd/3rd grade). Teams will learn and practice their volleyball skills prior to their intra-squad scrimmages. The format will be 30 minutes skills and 30 minutes scrimmage on Saturday mornings.
(2nd-5th coed)
English Station and Southwest – Cost: $110
September 8 – October 13
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Meets TBD
No Practice During Fall Break (October 6)
Limited to the First 25 Participants
Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed 

(2nd-5th coed)
English Station Only – Cost: $70

September 9 – October 14
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
No Practice on Homecoming (September 30) and Fall Break (October 7)
Limited to the First 30 Participants
Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed

(K-3rd Girls Only)
English Station and Southwest – Cost: $110
September 17 – October 22
Kindergarten and 1st Grade, 8 – 9 a.m.
2nd and 3rd Grade, 9:05 – 10:05 a.m.
No Practice During Fall Break (October 8)
Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed
Uniform will Include Shirt and Shorts

Parent Volunteer Coaches – Intramural teams are led by volunteer coaches. When registering your student, join the action by checking the box to be a head coach or an assistant coach.

Students can only register for one intramural sport during the season. Registration will close on August 26.

To sign up for fall intramurals, please do the following:

  1. Click here to visit FACTS Family Portal.
  2. Enter your ID and password (same as when you registered your child for school).
  3. Click on Web Forms and then click on your child’s name.
  4. Click on the complete form link to the right of “2022-23 KY Fall Elem Intramural Sports ES.”
  5. Complete the form and click the SAVE button.

The online registration process has been designed to be quick and easy. Billing will take place after all rosters are complete and the season has started. If you have any problems or questions, please call the Athletic Office at (502) 244-3225.

We look forward to an exciting fall of elementary athletics.


CAL Athletic Passes on Sale Now!

Just a friendly reminder that your student only has 3 more days to purchase a student athletic pass. The student athletic pass will get them into ALL home games for EVERY sport at EVERY level for the entire school year! Students ages 10 and under are free and do not need to purchase a pass.

Click here for information about STUDENT Athletic Passes.

Family and Individual Athletic Passes can be purchased all year long in the athletic office or in the Centurion Armory (open Tuesday-Friday, 2:30-4 p.m.).

Click here for information for INDIVIDUAL and FAMILY Athletic Passes.

Junior Academy – 8th Grade Student and Staff Picture Day, August 30

Our picture day is coming up on Tuesday, August 30, for all students in junior academy through 8th grade. Craig Davis and Associates Photography will be on campus to take individual school photos of our students that will be used in our 2022-2023 yearbook. Photo proofs will be sent home within two weeks of picture day so that families can order photo packages if they desire. The photographer will be back on Tuesday, September 27, to photograph any students who are absent on August 30, and to do picture retakes as needed.

Picture Day Dress Code Guidelines

Preschool – Normal Dress

Elementary (Kindergarten-5th Grade) – Regular Uniforms or Chapel Uniforms

Middle School (6th-8th Grade) – Students may be photographed in their regular clothes or in their school uniform. The purpose of a free dress day is to allow students to dress nicely for pictures. Please follow the dress code guidelines described below for that day. Please read the following dress code with your child. Thank you for encouraging your student to dress appropriately. Students may wear the school uniform or choose from the options below.

• Shirts: Must have shirt with collar. No T-shirts.
• Pants: Any dress/casual slacks or appropriate, nice jeans (no skinny jeans).
• Shorts: Uniform shorts only.
• Shoes: Any dress/casual shoes or athletic shoes. NO FLIP-FLOPS.

• Shirts/Blouses/Tops: Must cover the entire midriff, overlapping the skirt or pants. Tops must not have thin or spaghetti straps. No tank tops or shear material shirts. Necklines must not show cleavage.
• Skirts: Skirt length is to the top of the knee. Leggings may be worn underneath the skirt.
• Pants: Any dress/casual slacks, gauchos, Capris or jeans – modest fit, not too tight or too low-waisted (no skinny jeans).
• Shorts: Uniform shorts only.
• Shoes: Any dress/casual shoes or athletic shoes. NO FLIP-FLOPS.

Remember that modest dress is expected. Students will be asked to call home for their uniforms to be brought to school and will not be photographed if they are dressed inappropriately. Students will remain in the school office until the change of clothing is delivered.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

Kindergarten – 8th Grade Parent Night, September 1

Parent Night for kindergarten-8th grade families will be on Thursday, September 1, beginning at 6 p.m. This is a time for parents only (no students) to be able to spend time in the classrooms with their child’s teacher and learn more about what to expect for this new school year. This is also a great time for you to ask any questions that you might have!

The times listed below are for the classroom sessions specific for each grade level so that if you have children in multiple grades we hope that you have the opportunity to visit each of their classrooms. Please contact the school office at (502) 447-6500 if you have any questions.

Times in Classrooms with Teachers

Kindergarten | 6-7 p.m.
1st-2nd Grade | 6-6:30 p.m.
3rd-5th Grade | 6:40-7:10 p.m.
6th-8th Grade | 7:20-7:50 p.m.
Educational Resource Meetings

DAP Introduction and Parent Meeting for Middle School Students (as needed) | 6:35-7:15 p.m. in Room 206

Bill McKinley’s Legacy Tribute

It is with a heavy heart that we share that Bill McKinley, former Superintendent for Christian Academy, went home to be with the Lord.

Christian Academy School System | Mr. McKinley | Legacy TributeWords can only begin to express what Mr. McKinley meant to many of us by the way he served in different ways. He served as our system visionary, as a kind and compassionate leader, a mentor, mission trip coordinator, substitute teacher, the biggest cheerleader for our students and so much more!

We are comforted to know that he is in the presence of our Lord and Savior! Please keep his family in your prayers.

Mr. McKinley’s legacy tribute can be found here.


We are excited to welcome our families and students back for the 2022-2023 school year!

We’ve made some changes to the Back-to-School process that we hope will help streamline things for you. This year all information, including specific details from each school as well as forms you need to complete, will be found in FACTS Family Portal. No more searching for individual emails!

Follow these steps to access your Back-to-School information and Family Handbooks as well as to submit your Web Forms –

  1. Click here for FACTS Family Portal.
    • The District Code is CA-US.
    • Forgot your username/password? Click on the link.
  2. Once you’ve logged in to FACTS Family Portal, click “Resource Documents” on the left navigation bar.
  3. Choose the “Back-to-School” link under Document Archives.
  4. From the list of Christian Academy schools, make sure to choose the CAMPUS and SCHOOL your child attends to find the Back-to-School information from your principal.
    • You can download this file and print it off to check off when you’ve completed all items. Or you can always access the document through FACTS Family Portal or add it as a bookmark in your browser.
  5. After reading all of the Back-to-School information, return to FACTS Family Portal, click on “Web Forms” on the left navigation bar and complete the forms listed in your Back-to-School letter(s).
    • Please complete forms on a computer instead of a smartphone or tablet.
  6. The Family Handbooks are also available in FACTS Family Portal. The handbook for your child’s school will be listed under “Resource Documents.” Notice the tabs above the links that show each school where your children are enrolled. Or click on “All” to see all of your family’s handbooks in one place.

Click here for a video walking you through each step of the process if you have questions.

We look forward to seeing you soon! Enjoy the rest of your summer!