Middle School Spiritual Emphasis Week
We will be having our Middle School Spiritual Emphasis Week from Monday, February 28, through Friday, March 4. Students will have the privilege of hearing from Pastor Matt Morris of Cornerstone Community Church for the entirety of the week. Kyle Lewis will be leading our worship music during this week as well. Please pray for our students that the Lord would be pleased to glorify Himself through His providential work in their lives.
Quarter 3 Service Project – You CAN Make A Difference!
You CAN Make A Difference! We will be collecting items for the Food Pantry at Beechland Baptist Church for our Quarter 3 service project. Last year, we collected over 600 food items for their food pantry! Items will be collected from February 10, through March 10.
Please send in the food items listed below for your child’s grade level. These are the items specifically needed at this time:
Preschool: Boxes of Saltine Crackers
Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Ramen Noodles
2nd and 3rd Grade: Hamburger Helper
4th and 5th Grade: Jars of Jelly (Grape or Strawberry)
Middle School: Canned Mixed Vegetables
Join Us for our Spring Open Houses at Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest and Christian Academy of Indiana!
Career Opportunities at the Southwest Campus
Junior Academy Assistants (Full Time) and Junior Academy Floater
For a complete and current list of open positions, please visit our website at caschools.us/careers. Christian Academy is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
Order Your 2021-2022 Yearbooks Now!
Yearbooks are $30 each and all orders are being processed online Here.
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!
Please join us as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) 2022 and how God has created each of us in unique and wonderful ways. We are inviting all Christian Academy students, teachers, staff and families across all campuses to celebrate with us by wearing a Christian Academy WDSD tshirt and to Rock Your Socks! This will be a jeans day on all campuses. Christian Academy of Louisville campuses will celebrate on March 21. Christian Academy of Indiana will celebrate on March 18, at the end of a week celebrating diversity. What a great way to end that celebration!
You can wear a previous WDSD tshirt or order a new shirt for this year. To order one of the new shirts, please click here. The deadline to order is February 15.
Save on the Lands’ End Gear they Need Now, January 27 – February 11
Shop online here!
Support the American Red Cross Blood Drive at CAL, January 25
Blood banks across the nation are at critically low levels! Support the Christian Academy of Louisville Blood Drive Tuesday, January 25, from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the English Station Campus Blue Gym. Email Charla Price at cprice@caschools.us to sign up.
Note: CAL students 16 and over may donate with parental consent in the form of a signed permission slip.
Limited Tables Available for the 2022 Christian Academy Gala – RSVP Today
Words of Encouragement for our Faculty and Staff
We are continually looking for ways to connect and support our school family. We have a digital signage monitor mounted on the wall in the first floor lobby. This is a valuable tool in connecting our school family in a multitude of ways, through announcements, promotions for upcoming events and celebrating campus birthdays.
One new way we would like to utilize this monitor is by showing our faculty and staff how much we appreciate all they do! This year, once again, they are working diligently to ensure our kids are able to continue in-person learning. There are extra duties, extra time, effort and resources in play for all of them to make this happen.
We would love to show them how much we appreciate all they do with ‘words of appreciation’ from you! If you would like to participate, please send an appreciation note via email to sewilson@caschools.us. This can be for a group of people (cafeteria workers, office staff, middle school teachers, etc.) or for a specific individual. We will post these on our digital signage monitor to help encourage and show our faculty and staff how much we appreciate all the ways they go above and beyond for our kids each and every day! Please contact Mrs. Wilson in the office if you have any questions.