Service Project Updates

Thank you to everyone who has so generously supported our recent service projects!

CHANGE THE USA FOR CHRIST WEEK – We collected $857.19 that will go to support the ministry of the Jackson Family as they serve on the mission field in Southeast Asia.

BIRTHDAY BLESSING BAGS – We collected 169 Birthday Blessing Bags for Family Scholar House!

WATERSTEP SHOE COLLECTION – We don’t have a final total at this time, but our shoe collection bins are overflowing at this moment!

We are so thankful for your willingness to give to these ministries as we share our blessings with those here locally and across the world!

Last Chance for Yearbooks!

Online orders are now closed but you still have the opportunity to purchase a yearbook if you haven’t done so already! We have a limited quantity available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please send in payment of $32.50 (checks made payable to CAL) with your child’s name and YEARBOOK on the memo line. Payments should be sent to the office as soon as possible because yearbooks will be distributed on Monday.

End of Year Important Dates and Details

FINAL REPORT CARDS – Quarter 4/Year-End report cards will be emailed to families the week of June 7.

UNIFORM RESALE AT ENGLISH STATION – Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 24! The uniform resale will be held at our English Station Campus from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. that day. Purchase gently worn uniform items at great prices!

CLASS SUPPLY LISTS – Fliers were sent home with all families the week of May 17. You may also order your school supply kit through EPI.

SUMMER EMAILS – Please watch your email this summer for important details regarding back-to-school events and online student information collection.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL DROP-IN – Mark your calendar now for Monday, August 9! Our Back -to-School Drop-In will be held from 2-6 p.m. This is when students and parents bring all of your school supplies, meet your teachers, complete paperwork, add funds to your lunch account, etc. so that we can all be ready to go on the first day of school!

THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL IS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11. School will begin at 8:10 a.m.

Centurion Armory End of Year Sale!

Centurion Armory End of the Year Sale starts May 11, and runs through May 27. Armory hours are Tuesday – Friday, 2:30-4 p.m.

Select apparel 20-60% OFF! Accessories 10% OFF! Great inventory still available so don’t miss out!

Thank you for your continued support. Questions, please contact

Give Back with Beta!

Our Junior Beta Club will be promoting “Give Back with Beta” as a way for them to give a token of gratitude back to our campus. From May 17-21, Beta Club will be selling three types of handmade bracelets (loom, string and thread) for $1 each. All proceeds are being given back to the school. All sales are final and once all 100 bracelets are sold the sales will stop. If your student would like to support “Give Back with Beta” please send in $1 with them. Thank you for supporting our Junior Beta Club!

Week of Service, May 10-13

Hello! It’s so good to have a minute to connect with you. I’d like to share with you what we will be doing for our last service project this school year. With precautions so many businesses, nursing homes and community areas are taking regarding COVID, we have not been able to visit nursing homes or serve in the same capacity as we have in the past. However, being created in God’s image, we are people who still need other people! We are created for relationships and Jesus knows that better than anyone. He came to be the ultimate servant in order to restore our relationship with our Father.

For our final service project in lieu of our normal Day Of Service, we are going to have a “Week of Service” from May 10, through the 13. What will it look like? Let’s take a look.

  • On Monday we’ll talk about serving after watching an introductory video together. Ask your child what the video was about!
  • On Tuesday our Social Media Associate, Autumn Jones, and I will be on campus to help students reconnect with residents at nursing homes where we have not been able to visit. We will be filming students (during recess and lunch times) speaking to residents telling them hello, a little about service week and hopes to visit them in the future. We will combine those interviews with footage from Ms. Stivers and a song performance and send those videos to our nursing homes for residents to view.
  • On Wednesday we will collect “Birthday Blessing Bags” to benefit children who live in residential single parent housing at Family Scholar House. These birthday gift bags are actually party items in a birthday gift bag that enable a family to put on a party for their child. We want everyone to be able to participate! So, here’s how we made our own “Birthday Blessing Bag.” At the Dollar Tree at Dixie Manor, we bought one happy birthday bag and stuffed it with an aluminum cake pan, a box of cake mix, a box of candles, a can of frosting, a card, a bag of balloons, a package of streamers and a birthday tiara. That’s a total of $9! If you are unable to make a birthday bag, your child can always make a homemade card. To really understand, watch the video here of Mrs. Carson and me!
  • On Thursday each class will gather the birthday bags from their classroom and bring them downstairs for a time of prayer for all those who will receive them. Our 8th graders will then travel to Life Church on Pages lane (just around the corner) to help on their church campus.

After this week, think about talking with your child about all the Lord has given to us. Let’s ask ourselves, how can I use this to show others Christ, to be a blessing to the world, my city, my school, my church, my neighborhood, my family and friends?

Living in the Joy of Christ,

Aimée Games
Parent and Community Relations Associate
Christian Academy School System
P: (502) 753-4561


Kindergarten – 5th Grade Field Day, May 14

Kindergarten through 5th Grade Field Day is on Friday, May 14, in the afternoon. If it rains, our make up day is Monday, May 17.

Students should wear gym shorts of an appropriate length and CAL Spirit Wear tshirts. Parents are encouraged to apply sunscreen on students before they arrive for school that morning. Students should bring a hat, beach towel and a water bottle.

Due to COVID guidelines, we cannot have any spectators/visitors. We only have a limited number of volunteers that have already been secured for Field Day as our middle school Junior Beta Club students will be assisting Mrs. Coble with the Field Day stations.