Operation Christmas Child Service Project

Our second quarter service project will kick off on Thursday, October 29! We will be packing and collecting shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child! Your child will receive a brochure with instructions and details for how to pack a shoebox gift. The deadline to turn in these gifts is Thursday, November 19, as part of National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child.

Last year, our Southwest Campus gave 512 shoebox gifts to this ministry and helped to share the Gospel in 10 different countries! Our goal this year is 350 SHOEBOX GIFTS! Our students always show so much excitement about this project and we can’t wait to see how the Lord will work through our efforts.

PLEASE NOTE – Every child who donates a shoebox gift will have their name put in a drawing for a free ticket to Newport Aquarium! We will draw winners from preschool, elementary and middle school. The number of entries for a child’s name will equal the number of shoeboxes that the child turns in (ex. 3 shoebox gifts equals 3 times entered in the drawing).
If you have any questions about what can or cannot be included in your shoebox gift, please contact Shannon Wilson at sewilson@caschools.us.

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, you can visit www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.

Quarter 1 Report Cards

Report cards for Quarter 1 will be emailed to all kindergarten-8th grade families on Friday, October 23.

Hard copies will not be sent home but you will be able to print a copy for your records or download and save the report card for your files.

Please contact Mrs. Wilson in the office if you have any questions.

Virtual Christmas at CAL, November 7 – 14

Christian Academy – Rock Creek is hosting a Virtual Christmas at CAL online vendor event this year November 7 – 14, and would love to have your help! If you are a business and would like to contribute to our silent auction and receive advertising on our Rock Creek PTO Facebook page, please reach out to Rebecca Person, PTO President, at (502) 631-3841 or rperson@caschools.us. Everyone else, Save the Date!

Change the World for Christ Week, October 12-16

The week of October 12-16, we will be celebrating the nations through Change the World for Christ. During this week teachers, staff and students will have their attention focused on the nations and the Savior of those nations. To be mindful of each nation, students will be enlightened to specific needs each country is currently experiencing when it comes to
the spread of the gospel (i.e. missionaries) and establishment of churches (i.e. Christians).

During this week of celebration, students will be asked to wear a specific color each day. For students to dress out, they will need to donate $1 per day (The donations raised will still go mission efforts in Southeast Asia). Students may also wear blue jeans, uniform shorts/pants and/or accessories (e.g. bracelets, scrunchies, hair bows, socks, etc…) that represent the country and/or match the color of the day.

Monday (October 12): China (class color = Red)

Tuesday (October 13): Saudi Arabia (class color = Green)

Wednesday (October 14): USA (class color(s) = Red, White and Blue – students may wear either Red or White or Blue)

Thursday (October 15): India (class color = Orange)

Friday (October 16): Honduras (class color = Blue)

We ask that you pray for the many missionaries serving in these countries, for the Christians in these countries that they would be faithful to proclaim the gospel, for the governments of these nations that they would cease their hostility toward Christ and for the peoples of these nations that their hearts would be providentially opened to respond to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, pray for us and our students that we may be filled with missionary zeal for the lost and the only Savior given amongst men by which the lost may be saved.

Christian Academy has been nationally recognized as a Blue Ribbon School


We are pleased to announce that we have been recognized once again as one of the best academic schools in the nation. On Thursday, September 24, the U.S. Department of Education presented the English Station High School with a Blue Ribbon of Excellence award as an Exemplary High Performing School. This year, we were one of nine private high schools in the nation to receive this award and one of two high schools in Louisville.

This is the second time that our English Station High School has received this award. Our Rock Creek Elementary and English Station Middle Schools have also received Blue Ribbon of Excellence Awards. However, since all our schools enjoy the same curriculum, passionate teachers and dedicated students, we understand that these same standards and values are consistent throughout our campuses and all should feel part of this recognition.

In light of this award, we also know that our mission – to  develop students with a heart for God, growing in wisdom, stature and in favor – is the foundation that makes such achievements possible. The academic levels of this award affirm that, when our teachers and students understand they have a higher purpose in school, we can truly achieve the highest God-given potential for our students.

Please join us in congratulating our English Station High School principals, faculty and staff, as well as the leadership, teachers and staff of all of our campuses as we share this award together.

In the most challenging circumstances, we are honored that God continues to bless our schools in amazing ways and we will continue to put Him first in all we do.

Picture Makeups and Retakes

Our Makeup Picture Day is Wednesday, September 30. If your child was absent on the original picture day of September 2, please plan on them having their photo taken on September 30. Additionally, if you feel that your child needs to have their original photo retaken, you must email your child’s homeroom teacher by September 29.