Quarter 4 Service Project – Shoes for WaterStep
We are committed to Jesus being our Living Water. Clean water is a basic need that we take for granted every day. WaterStep is an outreach that reminds us to take the message of clean water, health education and well repair to places all over the world so that communities can fight disease and have the basic need of clean water. Send in your shoe donations between May 6-20! We will be collecting old shoes at the main entrance and junior academy (preschool) entrance in order to help fund the work of WaterStep. Bringing in any shoes will do, but especially bring in gently used shoes. All shoe donations must be turned in by Thursday, May 20. Pray God will use us to be a blessing to the nations so that they may have clean water and the Living Water!
Congratulations to Kate Hunter – Winner of the Derby Festival Foundation Art Contest!
Kate Hunter (7th Grade) won 1st Place in the TARC and Derby Festival Foundation Design-A-Bus contest! Kate’s winning art piece will be displayed on the special pink TARC bus during the month of May. We are so proud of Kate as she uses her amazing talents! Keep an eye out for the bus!
Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week is Next Week!
We set aside the first week of May each year to show our appreciation to our faculty and staff for their service to all of our families. The PTO and Administration will be providing various treats throughout that week but you are welcome to show your support and thanks to your teachers and staff as well! Have your child make a card or write a letter, send an email or any other expressions of thanks would be greatly appreciated.
Operation Christmas Child Update
Thank you once again for the 293 shoebox gifts that we collected during 2020. Due to the partnership of churches, groups and schools like ours, 27,001 shoebox gifts were collected this past year in the Louisville area alone. That’s 27,001 gospel opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with children around the world! This is a critical part of the more than 9 million gifts that were collected around the globe. Every shoebox gift, which becomes a Gospel Opportunity, is so important. You may also be encouraged to know that through the gifts collected in all shoebox-sending countries, a total of more than 9 million hurting children will receive a gift, have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and many will have the chance to connect with a local church for on-going follow-up and discipleship through The Greatest Journey program. Thank you once again for your continued support of this ministry!
CAL Youth FUNdamentals Mini Camp for Tomorrow, April 24, is Cancelled
The CAL Youth Football FUNdamentals Camp at Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest has been cancelled for tomorrow, April 24, due to inclement weather. We plan to reschedule but, in the mean time, you may join us at English Station on Tuesday, April 27, on the turf field and/or Thursday, April 29, on the practice field behind the stadium from 6-8 p.m. each night. As a reminder, please contact me if your player is interested in participating. You can register via email at rebecca_mauzy@att.net or text (502) 529-9741 (need to dial the area code). Please provide your player’s name (first/last), grade, parent(s) names and contact number.
All CAL boys CURRENTLY in grades K-5 with an interest in working on football skills. All boys are welcome regardless of prior experience. You do not have to have played football to participate in our drills.
T-Shirt, Shorts, Cleats or Tennis Shoes
A water bottle/jug and a Positive Attitude and Willingness to work hard!
This is a No-Cost event. But registration is encouraged! Register with Rebecca Mauzy.
We hope this will springboard our youth teams into a fun filled and successful 2021 football season.
Congratulations to Christian Wharton – Miss Teen Dance of the Bluegrass!
Back in February, Christian won a competition that includes interviews, audition and scholarship classes, and her solo dance. She is now Teen Miss Dance of the Bluegrass. In July, she will travel to Texas to compete for Teen Miss Dance of America. Please join us in congratulating Christian and praying for her as she prepares for this next round of competitions!
There’s Still Time to Order Your Yearbook!
The school year is coming to an end and it is time to purchase a yearbook before the deadline!
Even though we have had quite a different year, we are blessed to have been able to capture amazing moments of our students with and without a mask! This yearbook will be unlike any other yearbook you will have in your lifetime. Here are some examples of some of the fun spreads we have! Feel free to purchase the yearbook with this link!
CAL Youth Football FUNdamentals Mini-Camp
Head Football Coach Hunter Cantwell and the youth football staff are proud and excited to host the 7th annual CAL Youth Football FUNdamentals Mini-Camp. Our mini-camp is designed for all CAL boys currently in grades K-5. We have a fast paced, action packed schedule of agility and skill drills focused on developing our young players. We will be working on individual skills such as: Taking Handoffs, Route Running and Pass Catching, Stances and Blocking Techniques as well as many more drills to help prepare us for the upcoming football season. Our goal is to refresh player’s skills, to create an environment of fellowship among players and parents, all while providing individual football instruction and coaching. We also want to give those who may not have participated in football thus far an opportunity to see what CAL football is all about by getting on the field and trying it out. We hope this will springboard our youth teams into a fun filled and successful ’21 football season.
Please contact Rebecca Mauzy if your player is interested in participating. You can register via email at rebecca_mauzy@att.net or text (502) 529-9741 (need to dial the area code). Please provide your player’s name (first/last), grade, parent(s) names, and contact number.
April 24, 9-11 a.m. at the CAL – Southwest Grass Field
April 27, 6-8 p.m. at the CAL – English Station Turf Field
April 29, 6-8 p.m. at the CAL – English Station Practice Field behind the stadium
All CAL boys CURRENTLY in grades K-5 with an interest in working on football skills. All boys are welcome regardless of prior experience. You do not have to have played football to participate in our drills.
T-Shirt, Shorts, Cleats or Tennis Shoes
A water bottle/jug and a Positive Attitude and Willingness to work hard!
This is a No-Cost event. But registration is encouraged! Register with Rebecca Mauzy.
Change for Christ Week, April 26-29
Students may participate for $1 a day donation in Change for Christ Week for April 26-29. They may wear the appropriate color shirt with appropriate jeans, uniform shorts or uniform pants. The jeans/pants/shorts (appropriate fitting shorts) may even be the day’s color.
Monday, April 26 : Being Mean = Purple
Students will be mindful of the reality that the world in which we live is a fallen world (i.e. fallen into sin, ruin, violence and misery). Today students will wear purple as a visual reminder to pray for themselves, their neighbors, this city, this state, this country and the world – for the gospel of peace to be made known from one end of the earth to the other.
Tuesday, April 27 : Greed / Poverty = Green
Students will be mindful of the greed present in this world and will seek to examine their own hearts for this destructive tendency. Students will be challenged to think about all that they have been given and develop a greater appreciation for the “items” with which they have been blessed. Being grateful for what we have sets us free to be mindful of those without, and in turn be a blessing to others. Students will wear green on this day.
Wednesday, April 28 : Addiction = Black
Students will be taught that due to the nature of sin – our hearts have sought out many devices to which we give our unbridled affection. Students will pray for themselves and those who do not know Jesus, and seek to be mindful that the LORD created us, that we are created in His image and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. Students will wear black on this day.
Thursday, April 29 : Unbelief (in Christ) = Red
This week will be punctuated with the reality that the only lasting cure for the ailments we have recognized this week (Tuesday – Thursday) is Jesus Christ Himself. For violence will in the end be put away, Isaiah 2:4, “And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.” For greed and poverty no longer establish wealth or the lack of it but rather one is made rich in Christ no matter his standing on earth. Psalm 16:11 “You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” And in Christ all of our addictions to worldly things and endeavors will be put far from us, “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:13).
2021-2022 Kindergarten-8th Grade School Supply Lists and EPI Order Opportunity
We have partnered again with Educational Products, Inc. (EPI) – a national school-supply program. This is an optional service that is being offered to our campus families for the 2021-2022 school year. We have provided our class supply lists to EPI and they have created an online ordering system for our families to use. By using EPI, this will drastically reduce the amount of time that parents will need to spend to shop for their child’s school supplies for the coming school year. If you order a supply kit through EPI, your child’s kit will be directly shipped to the school and will be waiting for them in their classroom in time for our Back-to-School events! Here are some important details to be aware of:
- Our school is not making any money from this sale. While schools have the option of utilizing EPI for a fundraiser, we have passed on that option and the prices that you see listed are the wholesale prices from EPI.
- A copy of this year’s supply lists are included here. Any items that are highlighted on the list are not included in the EPI kits and therefore would still be your responsibility to secure prior to the beginning of the school year. If you choose to shop on your own for your child’s supplies, you are welcome to do so by using this list.
- The EPI kits include name-brand, high-quality supplies and the kits will be individually packaged for each student that orders them.
- Orders must be submitted online by June 1, to avoid rush shipping charges. Free shipping is included for any orders that are shipped directly to our school. If you wish to have your child’s kit shipped to your home instead, there is an additional shipping fee for that option.
- Ordering information for EPI is included here. Be sure to enter our school code (CHR145) and then select the grade level that your child will be in for the 2021-2022 school year.