Change for Christ Week, March 23-27

Change for Christ Week will be March 23-27. During this week teachers, staff and students will have their attention focused on issues facing our country and our world today. Students will be asked to wear a specific color each day the week of March 23, and for students to dress out they will need to donate $1 per day. The donations raised will go to mission efforts in Southeast Asia. Students may also wear blue jeans, uniform shorts/pants and/or accessories (e.g. bracelets, scrunchies, hair bows, socks, etc…) that represent the theme and/or match the color of the day.

Monday, March 23: World Down Syndrome Day
Students will show their support for World Down Syndrome Day by wearing their crazy colored socks, jeans and/or their WDSD tshirt.

Tuesday, March 24: Violence = Purple
Students will be mindful of the reality that the world in which we live is a fallen world (i.e. fallen in to sin, ruin, violence and misery). Today students will wear purple as a visual reminder to pray for themselves, their neighbors, this city, this state, this country and the world – for the gospel of peace to be made known from one end of the earth to the other.

Wednesday, March 25: Greed / Poverty = Green 
Students will be mindful of the greed present in this world and will seek to examine their own hearts for this destructive tendency. Students will be challenged to think about all that they have been given and develop a greater appreciation for the “items” with which they have been blessed. Being grateful for what we have sets us free us up to be mindful of those without and in turn be a blessing to others. Students will wear green on this day.

Thursday, March 26: Addiction = Black
Students will be taught that due to the nature of sin our hearts have sought out many devices to which we give our unbridled affection. Students will pray for those who know Jesus not and seek to be mindful that the LORD created us, that we are created in His image and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. Students will wear black on this day.

Friday, March 27: Unbelief (in Christ) = Red
This week will be punctuated with the reality that the only lasting cure for the ailments we have recognized this week (Tuesday-Thursday) is Jesus Christ Himself. For violence will in the end be put away, Isaiah 2:4, “And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.” For the greed and poverty no longer establish wealth or the lack of it but rather one is made rich in Christ no matter his standing on earth. Psalm 16:11 “You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” And in Christ all of our addictions to worldly things and endeavors will be put far from us, “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:13).

ACSI Spelling Bee Results

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | Southwest Campus | 2020 ACSI Spelling Bee Participants
We want to congratulate all of our students that represented CAL-Southwest in the ACSI Spelling Bee on February 21, at Whitefield Academy! There were 15 different schools represented at the event. A huge thank you to Mrs. Cummings for serving as our School Coordinator for the Bee!

Aiden Searcy came in 2nd Place overall in the 3rd Grade Division.

Da'Shawn Harris came in 3rd Place overall in the 6th Grade and also went on to participate in the Spell Off Round for 5th-8th Grades.

The following CAL-Southwest students also placed in the Top 10 for their grade levels:

  • Abi Gantz – 1st Grade
  • Drew Wilson – 1st Grade
  • Paul Favors – 2nd Grade
  • Reed Horton – 3rd Grade
  • Bella McCarty – 5th Grade
  • Marissa Sedoris – 7th Grade

Save the Date for Year-End Events!

Change for Christ Week: March 23-27

Honor the Cross Easter Chapel Service: Thursday, April 9, at 9 a.m. in the SECC – Southwest Sanctuary

Race for Education: Friday, May 15

Kindergarten-5th Grade Field Day: Monday, May 18

Final Chapel Service of the Year: Thursday, May 21, at 9 a.m. in the SECC – Southwest Sanctuary

5th Grade Celebration: Friday, May 22, at 9 a.m. in the Chapel

Kindergarten Graduation: Thursday, May 28, at 9 a.m. in the SECC – Southwest Sanctuary

8th Grade Crossover: Friday, May 29, at 9 a.m. in the SECC – Southwest Sanctuary

3rd-8th Grade Field Trip to Frankfort on Tuesday, February 25

3rd-8th Grade will be going on a field trip to Frankfort on Tuesday, February 25. Students need to arrive at school at 7:30 a.m. because the buses will be leaving at 7:45 a.m. All students need to be in school uniform with a navy CAL polo and wear appropriate outerwear for walking outside. All students need to bring a sack lunch and drink (everything disposable) and no red, blue, purple or orange drinks.

Rock Your Socks and Join Us in Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day!

Christian Academy School System | World Down Syndrome Day | Rock Your Socks 2020
Please join us as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) and how God has created each of us in unique and wonderful ways. We are inviting all Christian Academy students, teachers, staff and families across all campuses to celebrate with us by wearing a Christian Academy WDSD tshirt and to Rock Your Socks! Christian Academy of Louisville campuses will celebrate on March 23, and Christian Academy of Indiana on March 13. You can wear previous WDSD shirts or a new shirt if you ordered one for this year. CAI students, staff, etc. who ordered a new tshirt will receive them after spring break.

Third Quarter Service Project

You CAN Make A Difference! We are collecting items for the Food Pantry at Beechland Baptist Church for our Quarter 3 service project. Last year, we collected over 450 food items for their food pantry! You may begin sending items in to your child’s classroom now. The cutoff date is Thursday, March 12.

Please send in the food items listed below for your child’s grade level:

  • Junior Academy (Preschool): Boxes of Saltine Crackers 
  • K and 1st Grade: Packages of Toilet Paper
  • 2nd through 5th Grade: Boxed Mashed Potatoes 
  • 6th, 7th and 8th Grade: Canned Fruit

Don’t Forget to Order Your Yearbook!

Last year, most of our students purchased a yearbook and came to the end-of-the-year signing parties. We all had a great time reminiscing about the year, eating yummy treats and signing each other’s yearbooks. Now is the time to ensure you get to be a part of the fun at this year’s yearbook signing party! Don’t wait because we sold out last year! To buy a yearbook, simply go to and choose “Buy a Yearbook.” Then enter “Christian Academy of Louisville Southwest” and follow the remaining prompts to order. The cost is $32.50 and is paid online. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Games at

Family Movie Night Rescheduled for February 21

Family Movie Night for the showing of "Abominable" has been rescheduled for Friday, February 21, in the gym at 6:30 p.m. Students must have a parent/guardian in attendance to participate. Pizza, drinks and other concessions will be available for purchase. Feel free to wear pajamas and bring a chair or blanket.

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | Southwest Campus | Movie Night | February 21
*Click here for a printable version of this flyer. 

Our ACSI Spelling Bee Representatives

We want to congratulate and pray for our students that will be representing CAL-Southwest at the ACSI Spelling Bee on Friday, February 21, at Whitefield Academy.

  • Abigail Gantz (1st Grade)
  • Drew Wilson (1st Grade)
  • Paul Favors (2nd Grade)
  • Ethan Mathis (2nd Grade)
  • Reed Horton (3rd Grade)
  • Aiden Searcy (3rd Grade)
  • Bella Crowe (4th Grade)
  • Imani Lewis (4th Grade)
  • Zion Cox (5th Grade)
  • Bella McCarty (5th Grade)
  • Da'Shawn Harris (6th Grade)
  • JD Patton (6th Grade)
  • Trey Butler (7th Grade)
  • Marissa Sedoris (7th Grade)
  • Matthew Carter (8th Grade)
  • Mason Miles (8th Grade)