Education Opportunity Accounts in Kentucky

House Bill 149 and Senate Bill 25 have been filed and would create an educational choice program for Kentucky families. Please call or email your State Representative and Senator today and ask them to support and co-sponsor these bills. You can call 1-800-372-7181 and the operator will leave a message for your State Representative and Senator based on your home address.

Education Opportunity Accounts are privately funded by citizens and businesses who donate to non-profit Account Granting Organizations (AGOs). The AGOs then use the donations to award needs-based funding to eligible families. Funding can be tailored to a student’s specific needs and used for K-12 public and non-public school tuition and fees, online learning programs, tutoring services, therapy programs, transportation to and from school, and more. We now have to work hard on spreading the word.

The easiest way to share via email is to use the following link: The link will send supporters to a page where they can send an email message to their legislators or receive instructions on how to call. A call or an email only takes a couple of minutes to complete.

2021-2022 Christian Academy Reenrollment

Happy New Year! We have much to be thankful for this year, from the celebration of Christ’s birth, the start of a new year and the gift of partnership with your family through the Christian education of your children.

The start of a new year initiates our reenrollment process. Children who currently attend Christian Academy, junior academy through 11th grades (with the exception of JA-4 entering kindergarten), who will be returning for next school year must reenroll in January. The reenrollment deadline for the 2021-2022 school year is January 20, 2021Reenrolling by this deadline is always very important, especially this year as we have been blessed with many families wanting to join us next year. We want to continue to serve your family and would not want you to lose your spot, as immediately after reenrollment we will begin placement of new families seeking to enroll their children at Christian Academy.  

Please visit the Christian Academy website to view the 2021-2022 Tuition Schedules and/or to learn more about Tuition Assistance.

To begin the reenrollment process, simply follow the instructions below.

  1. Click here to log in to your FACTS Family Portal account.
  2. Click on the Apply/Enroll link on the left.
  3. Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link. If the page does not open in a new window select your browser’s option to allow the pop-up. Click here for examples.
  4. Click Start Enrollment Packet to complete the Enrollment Agreement.
  5. Please be sure to review and submit the enrollment form for each student in your family.

Your reenrollment fee(s) will be automatically deducted through your FACTS agreement on February 16, in addition to any regularly scheduled payments you may have. Should you have financial questions, please contact the Business Office at (502) 244-3225 or If you experience challenges relating to FACTS Family Portal, please email We are happy to assist you with your questions.

For us the birth of Jesus changes everything. As John wrote, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14 ESV). It is this Jesus we want your children to know intimately prior to graduation. We thank you for your trust and continued partnership as we work diligently to ensure every child at Christian Academy is supported unconditionally in a grace-filled environment and develops according to God’s will to impact the world for His glory and Kingdom.

Details for Return to School on January 5

Southwest kingergarten-8th grade families should watch for an email from Mrs. Wilson on December 30, with important details regarding our return to school on Tuesday, January 5. Due to the colder weather, we will be changing our procedure for morning temperature checks.

Watch Our Southwest Campus Virtual Christmas Program

We are so blessed to be able to share our Christmas program with you through a virtual platform. Please click above to watch the program at any time. You are also welcome to share this link with family and friends. We are so thankful that God worked out all of the details for us to be able to record this program before our switch to Remote Learning.

  • Thank you to Mrs. Kristi Stivers for her dedication and determination in making sure that our students would still be able to have their Christmas program, especially during this difficult year!
  • Thank you to the Technical Team at Southeast Christian Church – Southwest Campus for the hours spent recording and editing the program.
  • Thank you to Mrs. Tonya Morgan for her generosity of time, talent and resources to make over 100 Christmas face masks for our students to wear during the recording.
  • Thank you to our Southwest Elementary students and 8th grade students for using their God-given talents to provide this special time of worship and Christmas celebration.

Glory to God for the gift of His Son – our Savior, Jesus Christ!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6 


Virtual Christmas Program, December 10

Mark your calendars! Our virtual Christmas program will be available for viewing beginning at 7 p.m. on Thursday, December 10. A viewing link will be provided next week that you can share with your family and friends. A huge thank you to Mrs. Stivers, the SECC-SW tech team, Mrs. Tonya Morgan and our elementary and 8th grade students and teachers!

Mrs. Coble is ALL IN!

Thank you for all you do for our school. As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please watch the video below about one of our outstanding teachers, Kathy Coble, PE teacher at the Southwest Campus.

“Enough cannot be said about Mrs. Coble and how grateful we are to have her at our Southwest Campus. Not only is she a fantastic PE teacher, she is always willing to jump in and help out where help is needed. Every day she helps out in the cafeteria during her planning/lunch, opening milk cartons, ketchup packets, etc. During an eight-week stretch when our previous manager was out, she served lunch and helped us roll out and set up tables almost every day. She is always seeking out ways to serve others. Mrs. Coble has always been kind, loving and encouraging to all of the students at our campus. It is obvious that she genuinely cares for them, not only in their educational life, but in their everyday and spiritual life as well. She brings so much value to our campus family and is a joy to work with.”

You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!

Thank you and God bless you and our school!