Junior Academy News

Donuts with Dads on Friday, January 19, from 7-8 a.m. in room 112. You are invited to come that morning and enjoy a donut breakfast with your preschooler!

The preschool will be closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Extra-curricular activities we have available for your child: Wednesdays – Dancing Stars or Stretch-N-Grow; Fridays – Little Techie. If you are interested in signing up your child, there are fliers on the sign-in/out table.

Attention Parents of 4-year-olds that will be kindergarten eligible for 2018-19 school year: Screening for kindergarten will be starting this month – watch for a letter to be sent home with more detail. On Friday, January 12, our 4-year-old students will be shadowing in our kindergarten classrooms. On Thursday, February 1, we will host a Kindergarten Roundup at 6 p.m. – watch for more information.

Inclement Weather Reminder

In case the winter season does turn, all school closings/delays will be coming through our alert system in RenWeb. It is essential that you keep your cell number, home number and email address current in RenWeb. For instructions, please visit caschools.us/renweb. On this site, you will also find answers to FAQs about the alert service. This will be the first means of communication to families in regards to school closings or delays. You have the option to receive alerts via text message, phone call, email or a combination of these three.

Last Night’s Christmas Program

Wasn’t last night’s Christmas program fantastic? I am still smiling about it this morning! Our students did a wonderful job in leading us in a night of worship for our Savior! A special thanks to Mrs. Stivers for the many hours of rehearsals and preparation that went into the program.

As you know, we had a huge turnout and we ran out of programs at the door! I have attached a copy of the program in case you didn’t receive one and would like to print it for a keepsake – click here. I hope all of you have a great weekend!

Junior Academy News

“Happy Birthday, Jesus” Class Parties on Tuesday, December 19. See your child’s teacher to signup for what to bring and the specific time of their party.

Two-Year-Old Class Christmas Program: Please make sure you mark your calendar for our two-year-old Christmas program. It will take place on Tuesday, December 19, from 9-9:15 a.m. in room 112. Our class will star in their own show singing three fun songs to entertain you with our precious Christmas spirit. Please plan to attend. Children may dress up in Christmas attire if you like. Please RSVP by email to jebohannon@caschools.us so we are able to have enough seating. We look forward to seeing you. 

Junior Academy (Preschool) will be Closed Friday, December 22, through January 1, 2018. Preschool will resume on Tuesday, January 2.

Donuts with Dad will be on Friday, January 19. Watch for more information in the coming

Dates for Christmas Break

Junior Academy (Preschool) will be on Christmas Break from Friday, December 22, through Monday, January 1. Preschool will resume on Tuesday, January 2.

Kindergarten through 8th grades will be on Christmas Break from Wednesday, December 20, through Wednesday, January 3. Kindergarten-8th grades will resume on Thursday, January 4.

The school office will be closed from December 20, through January 3.

Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Totals

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser! We had total sales of $18,955.00, which results in a profit of $2,846.25 that goes to our PTO.

Top Seller
Evan Blandford (7th Grade) with $1,730.00 in gift card sales
$100 Toys R Us gift card and Kids Eat Free for 1 year

2nd Place
Griffen Hatchett (1st Grade) with $1,390.00 in gift card sales
$50 Toys R Us gift card and Kids Eat Free for 1 year

3rd Place
Kate Hunter (4th Grade) with $1,380.00 in gift card sales
Kids Eat Free for 1 year

Class with the Most Participation
Mrs.Parker’s 1st Grade Class (54% participation)
Class lunch from Texas Roadhouse

Class with Highest Sales
Miss Games’ 7th Grade Class ($2,510.00)
Miss Games will receive a $100 Staples gift card.

All gift cards ordered will be processed and sent home with students prior to Christmas Break. Thank you for supporting our PTO!

Cafeteria Volunteer Needed on Thursdays

We are in need of volunteers to help monitor the lunchroom from 11 a.m. to noon on Thursdays to assist younger students with opening small items such as milk, condiment packages, etc. Please consider donating an hour out of your day once a week to help our students and staff. If you are available to assist as a lunchroom monitor, please contact the Cafeteria Manager. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Chris McIntire
Cafeteria Manager
Christian Academy School System
Southwest Campus
P: (502) 447-6500, ext. 3044

Lunch Account Reminders

When submitting payments for a lunch account please include your student’s full name and lunch account PIN on the outside of the envelope if paying by cash or in the memo field of the check. Providing this information will help insure that payments are properly credited to the correct account. If you do not know, or have forgotten your student’s lunch account PIN, please contact the Cafeteria Manager for assistance. All monies received throughout the week are deposited on Fridays.

Chris McIntire
Cafeteria Manager
Christian Academy School System
Southwest Campus
P: (502) 447-6500, ext. 3044

Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser

A reminder that the gift card order forms and payments for Texas Roadhouse are due by Monday, December 4. This deadline allows enough time for all orders and gift cards to be processed and returned to school prior to Christmas break. Please make sure that your orders and payments are turned in by Monday morning! Thank you for supporting our PTO!