Mrs. Coble is ALL IN!
Thank you for all you do for our school. As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please watch the video below about one of our outstanding teachers, Kathy Coble, PE teacher at the Southwest Campus.
“Enough cannot be said about Mrs. Coble and how grateful we are to have her at our Southwest Campus. Not only is she a fantastic PE teacher, she is always willing to jump in and help out where help is needed. Every day she helps out in the cafeteria during her planning/lunch, opening milk cartons, ketchup packets, etc. During an eight-week stretch when our previous manager was out, she served lunch and helped us roll out and set up tables almost every day. She is always seeking out ways to serve others. Mrs. Coble has always been kind, loving and encouraging to all of the students at our campus. It is obvious that she genuinely cares for them, not only in their educational life, but in their everyday and spiritual life as well. She brings so much value to our campus family and is a joy to work with.”
You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!”
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Centurion Armory Open for Holiday Shopping and Sales!
What a perfect gift for the holidays…CAL SPIRIT WEAR and it’s all on sale!
Come in and take advantage of the HOLIDAY SALE! Great selection of apparel and accessories…10%, 15%, 20% and more!
The Centurion Armory will be open on the following dates:
- Saturday, December 5, and 12 | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- December 7-10 | 12-3 p.m.
Click here for a printable flyer, including COVID guidelines.
NEW Extended Armory Holiday Hours – Merry Christmas! The Centurion Armory will be extending hours next week for their Christmas Sale! The store will ALSO be open next Monday – Wednesday, December 14-16, from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Stop in to get those last minute gifts for your Centurion fan!
Operation Christmas Child Total
Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our service project for Operation Christmas Child! Southwest families gave 285 shoebox gifts that will provide gospel opportunities for children around the world! Please be in prayer for our gifts as they begin their journey and pray for the children that will receive them!
Christian Academy Installs New UV Air Purification System to Help Combat COVID-19
Christian Academy School System has just installed pūrGenix’s® advanced ultraviolet air purification systems in both their English Station and New Albany campuses to help fight the spread of germs and create healthier and safer environments for faculty and students to learn, work and collaborate.
Today, more than ever, people have realized that outdated, ill-equipped buildings impact their health and safety. Traditional building air systems were not designed with people’s health and safety in mind, nor were they designed to prevent the spread of germs and disease.
With the help of Lexington-based pūrGenix’s® state-of-the-art ultraviolet light technology, these new systems will purify air, helping kill dangerous germs that are normally left to circulate, untreated, within the schools.
Christian Academy is the first secondary school in the country to install the pūrGenix® technology. With this equipment, Christian Academy will be designated as a pūrBuilding™ – a building with air systems designed to help prevent the spread of germs.
pūrGenix® is one of the nation’s leaders in UV Air Purifcation technology. With over 10 years of experience and more than 600 installations, pūrGenix® has achieved dramatic results in the most demanding environments. Hospitals using the pūrGenix® technology, such as Harrison Memorial in Cynthiana, KY, have risen to be among the nation’s leading hospitals in infection prevention. Since installing the pūrGenix® technology in 2017, Harrison Memorial has seen amazing results, such as zero bloodstream infections, zero surgical site infections and zero cases of hospital-acquired pneumonia.
The key to the pūrGenix® technology is that it helps prevent dangerous germs from circulating throughout the building via the building’s air Handling Systems. Traditional air filtration systems allow germs to pass through – putting everyone at risk. Air handling systems are cool dark, damp places, making them the perfect breeding ground for dangerous germs. Air systems then spread these germs throughout the building, contaminating newly cleaned surfaces.
The pūrGenix® technology uses Ultraviolet C-band energy, which is a high-frequency energy (similar to what protects us in the ozone) that breaks down the DNA or RNA inside germs, killing germs and preventing them from replicating.
With this installation, Christian Academy will provide a safer and healthier environment for students to learn and collaborate.
According to Executive Director Moe Lundrigan, “We’ve always looked at ways to make our physical environment safer, but we did not anticipate this degree of a biological/environmental need. But God did. We hired Steve French as our facilities director, little realizing how important his background would be.”
Steve French brought almost 40 years of facilities management and 30 of those years were in hospitals, including Jewish and St. Mary’s healthcare. With a degree in Biomedical Engineering (from the UofL Speed School), he was indeed in the “right place at the right time.”
“I’ve been familiar with Purgenix’s success in the health field and they became the perfect fit for our larger campuses,” said French. “Combined with personal conduct of our students and staff (masks, social distancing, hand washing and contact tracing), this purification system adds to our levels of safety and precaution necessary in this challenging time. We’re excited and blessed to be able to offer this to our students and staff.”
“At pūrGenix® our mission is to create healthier, places to work, learn, collaborate, and heal. We are excited to help a forward-thinking school like Christian Academy get their students and faculty back in their building safely. Health, mind and soul are important for everyone and Christian Academy made the health and safety of their students and faculty a priority when they invested in becoming a pūrBuilding™” says Sam Perkins, CEO pūrGenix®.
40% OFF Lands’ End School Uniforms, November 20 – December 4
Click here to order online!
Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser
We are kicking off our annual Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser today! This fundraiser is organized by our PTO and Texas Roadhouse will donate 15% of all sales to our PTO to be used directly for our campus needs. Texas Roadhouse gift cards make great Christmas gifts!
The fundraiser will look a little different this year but we feel that it will be much easier on our families. All sales and payments will be handled online here. You may share the online link with your family and friends, post on your social media, etc. Anyone that orders on behalf of your student will need to list your child’s name, grade level and teacher’s name on the online order form, so please make sure that you share that information with anyone that will be ordering.
There are great incentives for purchasing a certain dollar amount! Please click here for more information regarding incentives and prizes for our top sellers.
All orders must be submitted by December 1. Gift cards will be sent home with students on December 17.
Thank you for supporting our campus!
Priority Admission for Siblings of Currently Enrolled Students for the 2021-2022 School Year
What an unusual year this has been for all of us. We remain thankful that you are a part of the Christian Academy family and we want to continue to serve your family well. Your currently enrolled students will receive instructions regarding reenrollment for the 2021-2022 school year in early January 2021. Additionally, we would like to remind you that if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and will be a new incoming student at Christian Academy for the 2021-2022 school year please submit an online 2021-2022 application as soon as possible. It is always our desire to give siblings of current students priority consideration and now is the time to submit your application for the upcoming school year. If you have already submitted an application, we are thankful you desire to continue our partnership! Also, if your child is currently in our Junior Academy PK4, it is time to submit an application for kindergarten.
Admissions testing for new students who have applied to enter grades 6-12 for the 2021-2022 school year is currently being scheduled. Upon receiving your application, we will contact you to confirm a testing date for your child. Admissions testing for students who have applied to enter kindergarten and grades 1–5 for the 2021-2022 school year will be in January. There will be an additional admissions testing date for students entering grades 6-12 in January as well. We will send scheduling information for January admissions testing dates in early January. Admissions testing is not required to enter our Junior Academy.
We are thankful to already have many new applications on file for the 2021-2022 school year, so it is important for you to move forward with submitting your application if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and attending Christian Academy. You will find application information on our website at
Thank you for making Christian Academy your school of choice and for entrusting your children to us. Should questions arise, please contact me by email at or phone at (502) 753-4590. It would be my pleasure to serve you.
May you experience the joy and blessing of the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons in a meaningful way!
Kindergarten – 5th Grade Christmas Program
We want to give you an update and information regarding this year’s Christmas program. As with COVID-19, things will be much different this year. However, one thing remains the same. We are still going to worship the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord.
Due to the current restrictions, we are unfortunately not able to have an in-person program. Instead, we are going to have a recording done of our program. The video will be streamed live on Thursday, December 10, at 7 p.m. You will also be able to watch the video later as well.
We will be recording for the program on Monday, November 23, and Tuesday, November 24. Your child’s teacher will give you the exact date of their recording.
We realize that this is another big change for our students in a year that has been so difficult. We want to help make this feel as “normal” as possible. We are allowing them to wear a nice Christmas outfit on their recording day or wear their chapel uniform. They will stay in that outfit the entire school day. Please keep in mind dress code rules (no jeans allowed). We will schedule around PE classes as best we can.
Students will be masked for the recording. We are requiring that students wear a properly fitted mask – one that doesn’t fall down when they talk or sing.
We are so thankful for this opportunity to celebrate during this difficult time the true reason for the season together.
Operation Christmas Child Service Project
We have kicked off our second quarter service project! We will be packing and collecting shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child! Your child should have received a brochure with instructions and details for how to pack a shoebox gift. The deadline to turn in these gifts is Thursday, November 19, as part of National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child. We will learn more about this ministry over the next couple of weeks.
Last year, our Southwest Campus gave 512 shoebox gifts to this ministry and helped to share the Gospel in 10 different countries! Our goal this year is 300 SHOEBOX GIFTS! Our students have already shown so much excitement about this project and we can’t wait to see how the Lord will work through our efforts.
If you would like to find out the specific country that your shoebox gift will be shipped to, please use the “Follow Your Box” tracking option that was included in each shoebox. When you pay your $9 shipping donation online, you are able to enter your email address to receive tracking updates regarding your gifts as they make their way across the world!
PLEASE NOTE—Every child who donates a shoebox gift will have their name put in a drawing for a free ticket to Newport Aquarium! We will draw winners from preschool, elementary, and middle school. The number of entries for a child’s name will equal the number of shoeboxes that the child turns in (ex. 3 shoebox gifts equals 3 times entered in the drawing).
If you have any questions about what can or cannot be included in your shoebox gift, please contact Shannon Wilson at
For more information on Operation Christmas Child, you can visit
Join Us for a Virtual Christmas at CAL, November 7-14
Click here for a printable version of this flyer.
Click here for a direct link (same as the QR code) to the event.