Important Information for 2019-2020 at Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest

We have reached the last days of the 2018-2019 school year! We have shared a wonderful year with you and your children and have been blessed to partner with you. We are already busy preparing things for the 2019-2020 school year since August 14, will be here before we know it! We want to share with you important information that you will need in preparation for the new school year. Please read this email carefully and note that all of the linked items will be available on our website as well at

  • Optional Summer Reading Assignment for Kindergarten through 5th Grades – If your family chooses to participate, your child will complete the assignment for the grade level that they will be entering for 2019-2020, not the grade level that they just completed. This will be turned in on Monday, August 12, at Back-to-School Drop-In. Each student received a paper copy of their assignment during the week of May 20.
  • Registration for Before and After-school Care – All registration is being handled online as part of our Web Forms completion process beginning on June 24. Please watch your emails this summer as space is limited in these programs.
  • Collection of Student Information – Web Forms will be open in RenWeb from June 24-July 31. All student information must be updated in RenWeb during that time (emergency contacts, authorized transportation, medical forms, etc.). Please watch for an email the week of June 24, and complete your forms online as soon as possible.
  • Class Supply Lists for Kindergarten through 8th Grades – Please refer to the listing for your child's grade level and also note the specific items that are required for all elementary school students or all middle school students.
  • Christian Academy Uniform Resale – Save the Date! The sale will be held on Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the English Station Campus. This is a great opportunity to purchase uniform pieces at greatly-reduced prices. More information coming soon.

Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 12! Our Back-to-School Drop-In will be held that afternoon from 2-5 p.m. for all students in junior academy (preschool) through 8th grades. You may come anytime during these hours to meet your teachers, bring all of your school supplies, complete school paperwork, add funds to lunch accounts and take care of all the necessary items so that we are ready to go for the first day of school on Wednesday, August 14!

Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Summer office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. We pray that all of our families have a safe and restful summer break.

Lunch Menu Change for Tuesday, May 28

Due to a combination of factors (food item recall and kitchen equipment repairs), we are having to change the lunch menu for Tuesday, May 28. We apologize for any inconvenience but this change is necessary and beyond our control.

The new menu will be a combination of entree items and will be served by grade levels as follows:

Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Fish Bites, Corn, Applesauce and Chips

2nd Grade: Quesadilla, Corn, Applesauce and Chips

3rd, 4th and 5th Grade: Chicken Fingers, Corn, Applesauce and Chips

Middle School: Hamburger, Corn, Applesauce and Chips

Limited Quantity of Yearbooks Still Available for Purchase!

Online orders are now closed but you still have the opportunity to purchase a yearbook if you haven't done so already! We have a limited quantity available on a first come, first served basis. Please send in payment of $32 (checks made payable to CAL) with your child's name and YEARBOOK on the memo line. Payments should be sent to the office by Tuesday (May 28) in order for your child to receive their yearbook on Wednesday at our Signing Party.

Race for Education is Monday, May 13!

Our Race for Education—Warrior Color Run will be on Monday, May 13! This is our biggest PTO fundraiser of the year and our goal is $15,000! This race is to help fund capital projects, expenditures and technology for our campus. Over the past few years, the PTO has been able to provide technology upgrades, Chromebooks, Smart boards and security cameras for our campus. We are asking each warrior student to invite their friends and family to donate monies to sponsor them for this exciting event. Please review these final details so that all of our students can make the most of this day.

LUNCH: All kindergarten-8th grade students need to bring sack lunches and drinks for this day. The cafeteria will not be open for K-8 students and staff and will only be serving preschool lunch. 

WHAT TO WEAR: All students and staff should wear their free Race Day tshirts that will be provided next week by the PTO. Since this is a Color Run with colored chalk, all students are encouraged to also wear athletic/gym shorts instead of uniform pants/shorts. Shorts should be an appropriate length and fit – no cut-off shorts or jean shorts. Middle school students are encouraged to wear their PE uniform shorts. Students should also bring sunscreen and a hat if needed. 

CONCESSIONS: All students will receive a free sno-cone during their Race Day activities. 

RACE DONATIONS: To be considered for prizes, all race donations must be turned in by Friday, May 10. Cash or check donations (made payable to CAL-SW PTO) can be turned into the school office. Make sure that all donations are clearly marked with the student’s name. Donations can also be made online at

PRIZES: If we meet our goal of $15,000 – any student that raises $500 or more will get to “slime” our art teacher, Ms. Games, at the end of Race Day. Any student that raises $750 or more will get to “slime” our Principal, Mrs. Carson, at the end of Race Day. 

The top three families in elementary and middle school that raise the most money will get to choose from one of the following Grand Prize items: 

* Altitude Trampoline Park – 10 Person Party
* Dave & Buster's Slam Dunk Birthday Party – 10 People
* (2) Two Summer Passes to Kentucky Kingdom

The top family in junior academy will receive the Osmo Genius Kit for iPad!

Elementary Field Day, May 17

Kindergarten through 8th grade Field Day is on Friday, May 17, from 1-3 p.m. If it rains, our make up day is Monday, May 20.

Students should wear uniform shorts and CAL Spirit Wear tshirts. Students should bring sunscreen, a hat and a water bottle. 

Parent volunteers are not needed for Field Day as our middle school Junior Beta Club students will be assisting Mrs. Coble with the Field Day stations. Parent volunteers are encouraged to serve at Race for Education on Monday, May 13.

Quarter 4 Service Project – Shoes for WaterStep

We are committed to Jesus being our Living Water. Clean water is a basic need that we take for granted every day. WaterStep is an outreach that reminds us to take the message of clean water, health education and well repair to places all over the world so that communities can fight disease and have the basic need of clean water. Send in your shoe donations between May 6-10! We will be collecting old shoes at the entrances (main, gym and preschool) in order to help fund the work of Waterstep. Bringing in any shoes will do, but especially bring in gently used shoes. All shoe donations must be turned in by Monday, May 13. Pray God will use us to be a blessing to the nations so that they may have clean water and the Living Water!

Final Chapel Service, May 23

We will have a combined chapel service on Thursday, May 23, from 9-10 a.m. for all Kindergarten-8th grade students. Parents and other family members are welcome to attend. The service will be held in the church sanctuary next door. We will be reflecting over the 2018-2019 school year and thanking God for the many blessings that He has given us over the course of this year. We will also be recognizing our students who have made their profession of faith during this school year.  

Last Chance to Order Your Yearbook!

Last year, most of our students purchased a yearbook and came to the end-of-the-year signing parties. We all had a great time reminiscing about the year, eating yummy treats and signing each other’s yearbooks. Now is the time to ensure you get to be a part of the fun at this year’s yearbook signing party! Don’t wait because we sold out last year! To buy a yearbook, go to and choose “Buy a Yearbook.” Then enter “Christian Academy of Louisville Southwest” and follow the remaining prompts to order. The cost is $32.25 and is paid online. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hancher at