To ensure we follow God’s plan for the growth and longevity of His school system, and fulfill the Vision set forth, we are guided by a Strategic Plan that has been prayerfully developed through considerable time and dedicated focus by the administrative team, Board of Directors, and several committees. Above all else, we are committed to following biblical principles in everything we do.

This Strategic Plan supports the long-term vision for Christian Academy School System. That vision is defined by God, as we see Him move every day, in often surprising ways, but always in His perfect timing. His hand has been over this school system since its inception in 1976, and we are thankful for the many blessings God continues to bestow upon us.

The Strategic Plan provides the vehicle and accountability to accomplish what we believe the Lord has called us to do, remaining focused on His plan – not ours – as we serve children and families.

Should you have questions regarding the Strategic Plan, or the Mission and Vision of the school, please contact Mr. Darin Long, Superintendent.


“The mission of Christian Academy School System is to develop students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men.”

2023 – 2024
Christian Academy

Christian Academy School System | Amplify Magazine | Spring 2023
Christian Academy School System | Amplify | Fall 2023
Christian Academy School System | Amplify | The Voice of Christian Academy | Spring 2024