Christian Academy Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors governs the Christian Academy School System. Members serve an initial term of three years, and as members roll off, new members are elected each year. The primary function of the Board of Directors is to serve in a strategic leadership capacity, which includes setting, reviewing, and revising school policy, and casting vision for the future direction of Christian Academy.

The Board of Directors oversees the Superintendent, who is responsible for implementation of Board policy and oversight of the staff and faculty to whom responsibility for implementation of policy may be delegated as appropriate.

The Board of Directors is comprised of Christian Academy parents, all members of one of the supporting churches of our school system. To serve on the Board of Directors, one must be nominated by a fellow parent, staff or faculty member, have unimpeachable Christian character and be a model of the values we hold as a school system. We are grateful to our Board of Directors whose selfless commitment to Christian Academy is an integral part of our ability to advance God’s mission.

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Scott Watkins

Scott Watkins


Our mission at Christian Academy is to develop students with a heart for God, who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men.

Pam and I were most definitely attracted to this mission when we decided to send Madison (2021), Jackson (2024), and Luke (2030) to CAL. We continue to be so thankful to witness our children grow in their faith and to experience the world-class education offered here. Importantly, CAL has allowed each of them to thrive!

My life verse is Proverbs 19:21 – “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” I’ve watched God work in so many ways during my time on the Board at Christian Academy. He has always provided and continues to bless the school system year after year.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve at Christian Academy. I assure you, this Board is committed to doing everything we can to live our mission, vision and values on a daily basis.


Kyle Doezema

Kyle Doezema


It is an honor to serve on the Christian Academy School System Board of Directors. Six years ago our family moved to Kentucky from Florida and we witnessed an amazing God lead us to this incredible School System that has and is developing our children spiritually, academically and emotionally to have an impact for the Kingdom as well as prosper in an ever changing world. Prior to our move we were not sure an academic and faith based institution of this caliber existed. After our first visit to Christian Academy six years ago, my wife, Amy, and I looked at each other and knew that our children needed to be here Since the move, our son has graduated from CAL in 2018 and our two daughters currently attend the English Station High School and Elementary School. God has built an incredible school system through the faithfulness, dedication and perseverance of humble and obedient men and women. We must strive to continue to seek His guidance and direction for the future of His school. It is a privilege to serve in this endeavor.

We are reminded in Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Christian Academy is a place where the next generation of followers is learning to let their light shine in this world for His glory.

I envision a sign on each of our four campuses that greets our faculty and staff as they arrive with the words “You are now entering the mission field.” This same sign can encourage our students as they exit these same campuses and serve as a reminder of our greater purpose.


Sara Butler

Sara Butler

I am honored to have been selected to serve as a member of this board. I am committed to being a part of this board because I love how Christian Academy has made a difference in the lives of so many students throughout our community. Denny and I are long time members of Southeast Christian Church and are parents of Trey and Ava, who are both elementary students at Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest. This campus is a blessing to our family and so many other families in the Southwest Louisville community. I am excited for what the future holds for Christian Academy of Louisville school system academically, financially and spiritually. Our children today are inundated with many cultural challenges that are in opposition with having a heart for God and being a follower of Christ. Christian Academy, through every facet of the curriculum continuously strives to develop students with a heart for God. My prayer for this school system and every teacher, student, staff and administrator is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.


Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark

Bio Coming Soon!

Ken Crowe

Ken Crowe

I am honored and humbled with the call to serve the Christian Academy School System as a board member. I recently retired from the United States Army after 28 years of service. Those years of service included many moves and exposure to multiple schools and churches. When we landed in Louisville in 2013, my wife, Tami and I immediately recognized the special blessing of living near the Christian Academy of Louisville and Southeast Christian Church Southwest Campus. We quickly connected with CAL and SECC. We have five children (Bella, MyLove, Modoche, Eli, Nate) ranging in ages from 12-7 years old who are growing and thriving at the CAL-Southwest Campus. As our family has grown through international adoptions, CAL has been a wonderful partner in helping our biological and adopted children recognize that we are all adopted into God’s family. A big and diverse kingdom family! One of my favorite life verses is John 10:10. For me this verse helps me keep my eyes on the fullness of life that our God desires for us while both on earth and for eternity. It also reminds me that while on earth we have a very real enemy working to disrupt His plans. My prayer is that my service on the Christian Academy board will help shape programs that allow students to experience the fullness of life our creator has in store for them today and for their futures.


Tor Helgeson

Tor Helgeson

Bio Coming Soon!

Andrew Norton

Andrew Norton

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Christian Academy school board. God has opened many doors in my life and it is a great privilege to be a part of what God is doing at Christian Academy. For the 2023-2024 school year, my wife Blair and I now have four boys (Eli, Jase, Remy and Dean) enrolled at the English Station Campus. My goal is to support the mission of Christian Academy “to develop students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and favor with God and men.”

The vision statement of Christian academy, based on biblical principles, is to provide students with “world-class, Christ-centered educational experiences.” Many institutions can be world-class and provide educational experiences. However, what sets Christian Academy apart is that it is Christ-centered. We must never lose that focus or we become just like the rest of the world. Blair and I felt the love and joy of Christ radiating from Christian Academy the first time we toured the campus. It is my prayer that the love and joy of Christ that we felt inside the building will spill out into our community and into the world as we equip students to stand for Christ in an increasingly hostile culture. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We do not know what the future holds. But we know who holds the future, and I pray that God will continue to keep his guiding hand on Christian Academy.



Micah Porter

Micah Porter

I am always thankful for the opportunity to serve and am humbled by the doors God has opened throughout my life. Christian Academy School System is a blessing to our community and our family.

My wife Jena and our five children moved back to southern Indiana five years ago after serving fifteen years in the military. Jena and I have been married for sixteen years and are passionate about the mission of Christian education and the impact and influence of Christ on the next generation.

As a leader, I understand that biblical principles are under attack in today’s culture, however as 1 Peter 5:10 states, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” Through this promise, I am convinced by Christ that if we as a community are willing to STAND as a board, administration, faculty, staff and parents – Christ will perfect, establish, strengthen and settle our future generations.


Phil Russell

Phil Russell

Chuck Colson once said, “Christians have always done the best of things in the worst of times. So maybe, just maybe, in the midst of all of this, God is giving us a great opportunity.” The opportunity that God has set before us is why I’m excited to serve at Christian Academy. Christians must equip the next generation of believers to advocate for Christ in this post-modern era. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7), and I believe the foundation of a Christian education is crucial in this world of competing political ideologies and shifting worldviews. I love that Christian Academy recognizes this need and desires to partner with parents who are attempting to raise Godly children. May we remain committed in prayer and support of the teachers, staff and administrators of Christian Academy who serve on the front lines in this effort.


Alan Smith

Alan Smith


Bio Coming Soon!


Byron Walters

Byron Walters

I am humbled and blessed to not only have the opportunity to have two children attend Christian Academy of Louisville, but also to have the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors. We have been so amazed with the blessings that God has provided to our family through Christian Academy in educating them to have a heart for God. I am honored and excited to be able to give back in service to the Board.

My wife, Theresa, of 25 years and our two children, Daniel and Taylor, are members of Northeast Christian Church. We have been in Louisville for just over 14 years and have attended Northeast the entire time. I have been a Christian since I was in elementary school, but I am certainly a continual work in progress. I mess up, I fail, I make mistakes, and I am imperfect but I strive daily to be more like Christ and I know that I will be made perfect only through his grace and salvation.

In a world that continually and increasingly challenges Christian faith and foundations, my goal, through God’s leadership and direction, is to do all I can to help make sure our children have the tools and knowledge needed to confront those worldly challenges. I truly believe in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.

I pray daily for this school system, the board of directors, leadership, faculty, teachers, and students that we all will hold firm to our biblical foundation and that we will be wonderful stewards of the blessings that God has entrusted us with.


Sam Wheeler

Sam Wheeler

For the past 18 years, Louisville has been our home. My bride Laura, our son Matthew and I have been very much blessed to build beautiful, genuine friendships in this community. Laura and I are originally from Auburn, AL and New Orleans, La respectively. Our connection with Christian Academy is where many of our most cherished friendships began. A passion to spread God’s love and prepare our children to do the same is what fuels my desire to serve. “Dear children, let us now love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” 1 John 3:18 is a theme scripture for my life and another reason why I’m here to serve. In my personal time I enjoy cycling, cooking, classic cars and travel with my family. My greatest desire in life is to serve God by serving and loving on others. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  John 13:34. This is what has me in “service mode” and my prayer is that God would use me to be a blessing to others. I’m grateful for this opportunity to serve at CAL.