Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | Overview | HeartOverview

  • Christian Academy’s mission is to “develop students with a heart for God, who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men.”
  • 100% of our classes and activities include a biblical integration so students learn with a worldview of how God is active in our lives, all academic foundations, history and current world events.
  • Christian Academy is one of five schools in the country to be awarded an “Exemplary Accreditation” by ACSI, who oversees over 23,000 Christian Schools.
  • Christian Academy has received 3 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence awards from the Department of Education.
  • Christian Academy is one of Louisville’s most affordable private Christian schools with 39% of families receiving tuition assistance from over 7 different assistance and discount programs.
  • Christian Academy is the largest Christian School System in the country with over 3,000 students.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | Community | DiversityBiblical Unity

  • Our ethnic diversity levels represent a higher percentage of racial diversity than the overall Louisville community.
  • Our student body represents over 340 different churches.
  • Our students reflect over 36 different birth countries.
  • Our curriculum and small class size enables teachers to observe and address different learning needs and styles, with academic assistance resources available at all grades.
  • Our English Station Campus incorporates our Providence School for students with Down syndrome into mainstream classrooms in junior academy – 12th grades.
  • In all campuses, older students mentor younger students in programs such as book buddy, chapel buddy and gym buddy programs. Elementary, middle and high school students participate together in theater productions and high school athletes conduct clinics for younger athletes.
  • Christian Academy wants to help all students realize their individual potential. For example, while 24% of our high school students take AP courses, 12% also receive academic assistance. This assistance is also available at all grades with individual assessments to support the development of each student.

Click Here for more on our pursuit of Biblical Unity.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | Missions | ServiceMissions and Service

  • We sponsor over 10 international mission trips each year for our high school students. Our students tell us they are truly life changing as they see God actively at work through opportunities He presents each day to share the gospel, provide medical care and build relationship sharing the love of His Son.
  • Our seniors completed over 28,700 service hours during their high school years.
  • Our middle school students participate in local service projects aiding churches and ministries including full days of service.
  • Our elementary students minister to local nursing homes, raise donations for international ministries and participate in collecting goods for communities in need.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | AffordabilityAffordability

  • Christian Academy is committed to making exceptional Christian education available to as many families as possible.
  • Through generous giving of our alumni, families and friends, our tuition endowment allows substantial tuition assistance from up to 7 different assistance and discount programs.
  • On average, 40% of our families receive some form of assistance, averaging over $3,300.
  • Our Indiana campus participates in the Indiana School Choice (voucher) program and over 60% of our Indiana families receive some form of tuition assistance.
  • During the Coronavirus pandemic, a special emergency assistance fund was also established to help families during this challenging time.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | AcademicsAcademics

  • Christian Academy was the only Louisville school to receive a Distinguished Designation for its STEM program (which starts in kindergarten) and we received this exclusively for the past two years.
  • Our average class size is under 18, including high school.
  • The first graduating class in 1982 had 18 students. Our most recent class had 212.
  • Over 50% of our students receive college-based scholarships totaling over $13,500,000.
  • 92% of our Kentucky seniors received KEES scholarships.
  • 97% of our students attend college.
  • Our students were accepted at over 100 different colleges, with 6 straight years of an appointment to a military academy.
  • 85% of our students graduate college in 4 years or less, compared to the national average of 19%.
  • The Presidents of University of Louisville and Georgetown College personally visited Christian Academy to find out why our students excelled so well at the college level.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | AthleticsAthletics

  • Two high school campuses offer 32 varsity sports and over 150 total teams.
  • Including middle school and high school, boys and girls teams, Christian Academy supports more sports teams than any other school in Kentucky.
  • Over 64% of our students participate in competitive sports.
  • Over 22% of our senior athletes were signed to play at the college level (vs. the 7% national average).

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | ArtsArts

  • Christian Academy offers one of the most comprehensive arts program in Louisville, including music, art and theater for students from elementary through high school. Students at all grades have been recognized local and nationally for exceptional levels of performance and art.
  • All elementary and middle school students are required to participate in music and art.
  • Theater programs enable students from elementary up to perform with, and learn from, older students who take on a mentorship and friendship bond with their younger performers.
  • Our music programs have been invited to play before the state music educators’ conference as an example of program excellence. This honor is made by invitation only.
  • Based on previous performances, our music program has “standing invitations” to participate in national festivals and competitions.
  • Our visual arts program received over 42 awards last year in the national Scholastic Art and Writing Competition with student work receiving national presentations in NYC.

Christian Academy School System | Facts and Figures | FacultyFaculty

  • 73% of our faculty have a Master’s degree.
  • All teachers have active teaching certificates.
  • Five of our teachers have doctorates, including our English Station elementary music teacher who left Indiana University faculty, called to teach the next generation of young Christian musicians.