Welcome to our Christian Academy Business Directory page, a virtual marketplace offering continued connections and support amongst our Christian Academy community. Our current parents, grandparents and alumni are invited to participate in this business promotional directory as we are excited to showcase your diverse talents and entrepreneurial spirits.
Please peruse all that our Christian Academy families offer and be sure to let us know if you as a current parent, grandparent or alumnus/alumna own a business you would like to have included. Simply click the link below.
If a change needs to be made to a current listing or you would like to speak with someone, please contact Aimée Games at agames@caschools.us for assistance.

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Kahl’s Body Shop | (812) 949-5245 | kahlsbodyshop@yahoo.com | Dillon Kahl Indiana Alumnus (2018) |
Kenny Jones Automotive Inc | (502) 267-2002 | kenny@kjvolvo.com | Kenny Jones Rock Creek Alumnus (1984) |
Snap-on Tool Franchise | (502) 210-2247 | joshua.bannon@snapon.com | Josh Bannon |
Simple. | (502) 510-9543 | simplellc1@gmail.com | John Thornton |
Glaser’s Collision Centers | info@glaserscollision.com | Susan Glaser |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
InterACT Performance Academy | (812) 250-8773 | info@interactacademy.com | Jami Weckstein |
Soccer Shots Kentucky | (502) 822-0137 | centralkentucky@soccershots.com | Trent Popp |
Finley Piano Studio | (502) 565-6017 | finleypianostudio@gmail.com | Bridgette Finley |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Boyd Cat | (502) 593-2348 | andrewboyd@boydcat.com | Andrew Boyd |
Infinity Design & Construction Group Inc | (502) 904-2080 | keith@infinitydcg.com | Keith McKinney |
Jacobs Group General Contractors | (502) 602-3158 | info@jacobsgroupgc.com | Scott and Tonya Jacobs |
JT Roofs | (812) 221-3640 | jamie@jtroofs.com | Jamie Jackson |
Kentuckiana Building & Development LLC | (502) 551-6190 | kbd.tim@gmail.com | Tim Noble |
Lowrey Built Homes INC | (502) 553-8393 | lllowrey@bellsouth.net | Lauren Lowrey |
M&M Interiors | (502) 384-8109 | monica@mm-interiors.net | Monica Thomas |
Piping Layout Consultants Inc | (502) 904-2080 | keith@pipinglayout.com | Keith McKinney |
Prestige Builders | (502) 641-1515 | daveernstis@gmail.com | David Ernst |
Woodbine Construction | (502) 202-4545 | jwalsh@woodbineconstruction.com | John Walsh |
Christian Brothers Roofing | (502) 244-0208 | info@cbrky.com | Aaron Jenkens |
McKinney Home Improvement LLC | (812) 786-9002 | mckinneyhomeimprovementllc@gmail.com | Ethan McKinney |
Virtue Remodeling | (502) 468-5272 | virtuepropertiesllc@gmail.com | Josh Hardy |
MB Builders LLC | (502) 975-1051 | mbbuilders502@gmail.com | Carrie Raines |
JC1 Home Improvement LLC | (812) 900-3529 | kevinl.jc1@gmail.com | Kevin Laughlin |
Daniel Ortega Tile LLC | (502) 550-4019 | danielortegagabriel@gmail.com | Daniel Ortega |
We Paint Rooms LLC | (502) 548-4174 | erick@wepaintrooms.com | Erick Hall |
McManus Design House | mcmanusdesignhouse@gmail.com | Megan McManus | |
East Louisville Handyman | (502) 438-8383 | eastlouisvillehandyman@gmail.com | Brian Stephens |
PuroClean of Shelby and Oldham Counties | (502) 520-4448 | kenneth.brown@puroclean.com | Kenneth Brown |
Southern Vintage Reclaimed Wood & Furniture | 844-784-6824 | info@mysouthernvintage.com | John and Jessica Allgeier |
Clifford Thieneman CO | (502) 366-1065 | ctcollc@yahoo.com | Chase Thieneman |
Evergreen Construction and Roofing | (502) 554-0628 | hello@evergreenbuilthomes.com | Brent Jordan English Station Alumnus (2009) |
Infinity Homes & Development | (502) 727-8890 | btequity@yahoo.com | Matt Toole |
Brainer Plumbing | (502) 361-3747 | david@brainerplumbing.com | David Adams |
Dumpster Today | (502) 767-4843 | kevin.hart@dumpstertoday.com | Kevin Hart English Station Alumnus (2008) |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Charlestown Crossings Family Dental | (812) 256-0606 | drtravisgrossddsllc@yahoo.com | Sarah Gross |
Kirchner Dental of Jeffersonville | (812) 283-5550 | mikirchn@gmail.com | Dr. Michael Kirchner |
Kirchner Dental St. Matthews | (502) 430-3451 | mikirchn@gmail.com | Dr. Michael Kirchner |
Kirchner Dental of New Albany | (812) 884-8304 | mikirchn@gmail.com | Dr. Michael Kirchner |
Oasis Family Dentistry | (502) 222-0443 | oasisfamilydentistry@gmail.com | Dr. Chelsey Patton Farmer |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Clifford Thieneman CO | (502) 366-1065 | ctcollc@yahoo.com | Chase Thieneman |
Knot & Company Interiors | (502) 509-6599 | kristin@knotandcompany.com | Kristin Jordan |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Summit CPA | (502) 314-4996 | lmcnair@summit-cpa.com | Lisa McNair |
Supreme Lending Company | (502) 298-1356 | garry.settle@supremelending.com | Garry Settle |
MoneyXL | (502) 333-5940 | dawn@money-xl.com | Dawn Browne |
Ryan Cox Lending & Wealth Team | (502) 681-9988 | info@ryancoxteam.com | Ryan Cox |
Clontz Capital | (678) 665-6401 | tyler@clontzcapital.com | Tyler Clontz |
Teeple-Snyder-Newsome (TSN) Wealth Management | (502) 251-3151, ext. 6 | rnewsome@tsnwealth.com | Rene’ Newsome |
LMD Consulting LLC | (502) 439-8166 | leah@drivercpa.com | Leah Driver |
Old Colonial Mortgage | (502) 445-4549 | brian@ocmrates.com | Brian Daniel |
Evergreen Pillar | (502) 767-7969 | education@evergreenpillar.net | Laura Leksrisawat |
Dan Hardt Financial Services LLC | (502) 893-4381 | dan@hardtfinancial.com | Dan Hardt |
CWR Bookkeeping | (502) 617-0402 | carolyne@cwrbookkeeping.com | Carolyne Richtarsic |
Bluegrass Bookkeeping Consulting | (502) 694-2793 | lsweeney@BluegrassBKConsulting.com | Lesli Sweeney English Station Alumna (2003) |
EA Solutions LLC | (315) 807-1969 | elli@easolutionsllc.co | Eli Brown |
Kinson Wealth Group | (502) 612-0052 | jeremy@kinsonwealth.com | Jeremy Atkinson |
Barnes Young Wealth Advisors | (502) 329-2112 | aaron.young@nm.com | Aaron Young English Station Alumnus (2002) |
Schachtner CPA, LLC | (502) 807-1551 | admin@schachtnercpa.com | Andrew Schachtner English Station Alumnus (2007) |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Soccer Shots Louisville | (502) 822-0137 | centralkentucky@soccershots.com | Trent Popp |
Rise Fitness | jason@risefitnesskentucky.com | Jason Morrison | |
Play It Again Sports Louisville East | (502) 897-3494 | pias4sons@gmail.com | Brian Ullom |
Body by Grace Coaching LLC | (502) 653-9937 | jessica@workwithcoachjessica.com | Jessica Wilson |
EmThompson Birth Co. | (502) 777-6211 | emclairethompson@gmail.com | Emily Thompson |
Recover Well | (502) 290-4921 | info@recoverwellstudio.com | Cassie Fertig English Station Alumna (2002) |
Bluegrass Martial Arts | (502) 499-4050 | samconver@doowop.com | Sam Conver |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Mitch Craig Heating & Cooling LLC | (812) 786-0469 | jenni@mitchcraighvac.com | Jennifer Craig |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Aspen Ridge Insurance | (502) 233-2272 | joel@aspenridgeinsurance.com | Joel Peterson |
Elite Solutions LLC (Medicare) | (502) 994-4519 | Keith and Rachel Elliott | |
Watson Insurance and Financial Services INC | (502) 327-0027 | joe@joewatsonsf.com | Joe Watson |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
ScapeGoats Landscape & Design | (502) 655-2553 | bhippler@scapegoatsllc.com | Ben Hippler |
Brian’s Lawn Care LLC | (502) 321-4309 | brianslawncareky@gmail.com | Brian King |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Waters, Tyler, Hofmann & Scott LLC | (812) 949-1114 | cclowers@wthslaw.com | Carli Clowers |
Applegate Fifer Pulliam | (812) 284-9499 | jclowers@afpfirm.com | Jackie Clowers |
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLC | (502) 562-7367 | cmelton@wyattfirm.com | Christopher Melton |
Complete Notary Solutions | mgweldon10@gmail.com | Michael Weldon | |
Stites & Harbison PLLC | (502) 587-3400 | shenderson@stites.com | Steven Henderson |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Aptiva Health | (502) 909-0772 | info@aptivahealth.com | Eric Lowe |
Pain & Wellness Institute of KY LLC | (502) 576-5300 | admin@painandwellnessinstituteofky.com | Kristal Wilson |
Reynolds Family Eye Care | (812) 945-1162 | drreynolds@reynoldsfamilyeyecare.com | Jen Reynolds |
Any Lab Test Now | (502) 410-0000 | whippler@anylabtestnow.com | Woodie Hippler |
Carefirst Rehab Home Health | (812) 748-7433 | russell@carefirstrehab.com | Russell Porras |
Carefirst Rehab Physical Therapy | (812) 748-7433 | russell@carefirstrehab.com | Russell Porras |
Carefirst Home Caregivers | (812) 748-7433 | russell@carefirstrehab.com | Russell Porras |
Carefirst Hospice | (812) 748-7433 | russell@carefirstrehab.com | Russell Porras |
Priority Radiology | (812) 949-0807 | daniel.altman@rainc.org | Daniel Altman MD |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Graven & Associates PLLC | (502) 690-8024 | jgraven@louisvillepsychologist.com | Dr. Jacquelyn Graven |
Camberwell Grief Sanctuary | (502) 887-0307 | kelly@camberwell.org | Kelly Parrish |
AIM Counseling and Coaching | (502) 501-5012 | brandon@aimcounselingky.com | Brandon Kays |
Hope Plus Counseling | (502) 709-8862 | david@hopepluscounseling.com | David Buckner |
The Kentucky Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (KYCARDS) | (502) 618-2060 | info@kycards.com | Kevin Chapman |
Be The Sunshine – Life Coaching | (502) 939-8370 | mckinzierhea@gmail.com | McKinzie (Craig) Sheridan English Station Alumna (2005) |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
The Discipleship Training Institute | (502) 554-7269 | imran7@dtiweb.org | Imran Manzoor |
All In INC | (502) 310-7604 | allin.inc502@gmail.com | Mary Beth Norton |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
RedTree Albums | (502) 212-9911 | info@redtreealbums.com | Josh Perkins |
Adams Photo | Video | (502) 251-3970 | josh@adamsphotovideo.com | Joshua Adams |
Lauren Wallace Photography | laurenwallacephotography@gmail.com | Lauren Wallace | |
Jessica Mahorn Photography | (502) 744-2544 | jess.mahorn@gmail.com | Jessica Mahorn |
Pink Owl Photography | (502) 338-0804 | jilli@pinkowlphotography.com | Jilli Worth |
Halo Photography | (502) 418-2021 | halophotography@ymail.com | Brittany Culver |
Nick Bonura Photography | (502) 568-2277 | bonuraphoto@me.com | Nick Bonura |
Tiffney Smith Photography | (812) 989-3323 | tiffneysmithphotography@gmail.com | Tiffney Smith |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Mail King USA | (916) 296-0545 | steve@mailkingusa.com | Steve Neher |
DK Marketing | (502) 306-3312 | kelsie@dkmarketingagency.com | Kelsie Kelly |
Valpak of Kentucky | (502) 493-7333 | kentucky@valpak.com | Eric Bassett |
RSS Digital Marketing Group | markp@rssdmg.com | Mark Peterson |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Windhollows | hello@windhollows.com | Michael O’Coners | |
Pickleball Euphoria | (502) 905-3301 | pickleballeuphoria@gmail.com | Stephanie Daniels |
Summer Hockey CO | (502) 260-5115 | Braden Zehner | |
DS Entertainment | (563) 213-8073 | dougda1@outlook.com | Doug R. |
The Block Doc | (502) 592-8789 | shellvmt@hotmail.com | Michael Shell |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Every Tribe Coffee | (502) 408-0855 | info@everytribecoffee.com | David Dale |
OLIPOLLO Restaurant | (502) 443-7227 | olipollo77@gmail.com | Oliverio Pino |
Parlor Doughnuts Lexington | (859) 303-7827 | pdoflexington@gmail.com | Mandy and Nate Schaffner |
Cafe Commons | (847) 372-9066 | lane@commonsconcierge.com | Leslie and Lane Coonrod |
It’s Tea Time | (502) 509-6816 | itsteatimeonthego@gmail.com | Whitney Lisi |
Mrs. Baker’s Bakery | (502) 694-2772 | mrsbakersbakeryky@gmail.com | Brittany Baker |
Union GameYard | (502) 552-1296 | bbass@bassgroupre.com | Bobby Bass |
Mesa, A Live Dining Show | (502) 552-1296 | bbass@bassgroupre.com | Bobby Bass |
Mesa Kids Cooking School | (502) 552-1296 | bbass@bassgroupre.com | Bobby Bass |
Fresco Tea Bar | (502) 552-1296 | bbass@bassgroupre.com | Bobby Bass |
Simply Thai | (502) 690-8344 | kelly@simplythaiky.com | Kelly and Jeff Saing |
Sweet Treats by Ginger | (502) 417-8315 | gingerstamper88@yahoo.com | Ginger Torrens |
Three Daughters Food Truck LLC | (502) 552-6418 | threedaughtersfoodtruck2420@gmail.com | Tommy Hayden |
Unique Cakes by Nanda | (502) 544-0785 | uniquecakesbynanda@gmail.com | Nanda Smith |
Simply Plate Chef | (502) 297-3956 | susie3956@icloud.com | Susie Lynn |
Zaxbys | (502) 333-8650 | Matt Hatfield | |
Blaze Pizza | (502) 612-0205 | bpowell@mrgbp.com | Barb Powell |
Better Blend | (502) 530-5452 | kelly.langford@betterblend.com | Kelly Langford |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
3 Willows Boutique | (502) 631-3586 | support@3willowsboutique.com | Erin Craft |
E&E Teepees | (205) 919-3748 | admin@eeplayroom.com | Katie (Albertsen) Bocchino English Station Alumna (2006) |
Fascinate Designs | fascinatedesigns@gmail.com | Valerie Netherton and Sara Bachman | |
Naturally Ellie (handmade soaps, lotions and cosmetics) | (812) 267-5002 | elliebell72293@gmail.com | Ellie Rojan |
Out Of The Blue | (502) 602-0047 | outofthebluelagrange@gmail.com | Jamie Harvey |
Spirit Scents Candle Company | (270) 312-1532 | orders@spirit-scents.com | Nina Martinez |
The Yard Card Chick | (812) 670-0372 | erinvankleef@yahoo.com | Erin VanKleef |
Urban Standard Custom Turnover Chains | urbanstandardky@gmail.com | William King | |
Your Mom’s House LLC | (502) 551-0904 | yourmomshousellc@gmail.com | Lindy Short |
Summer Classics | (502) 727-2257 | allisonc@summerclassicslouisville.com | Allison Carothers |
Mustard Seed Thrift on Mission | (812) 903-0456 | ginny@mustardseedthrift.com | Ginny Weigleb |
Fostered Up Art | (812) 946-3706 | fosteredupart@gmail.com | Jeffery Mayott |
Doo Wop Shop | (502) 456-5250 | maryconver@doowop.com | Mary Conver |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
the BODY BAR | (502) 641-2648; (502) 208-8519 | kfondrisi@thebodybarlou.com | Kelly Fondrisi |
Lalai Day Spa | (502) 553-3218 | lalaidayspa@gmail.com | Barinda Bui Pierce |
Electrolysis-Happy Hair Removal | (502) 889-0276 | happyhairremoval@gmail.com | Sarah Jackson |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Louie Designs LLC | (502) 262-4403 | mark@louie-designs.com | Mark Woolwine |
LightChange Technologies | (502) 702-0501 | moconers@lightchange.com | Michael O’Coners |
Systems Engineering | (502) 216-3738 | lee@surbeck.com | Lee Surbeck |
Lihard Solutions Corp | (502) 650-8986 | enzo.lihard@lihard.com | Enzo Lihard |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
Knapp Travels | (812) 209-9768 | rknapp@knapptravels.com | Ronda Knapp |

Business Name | Phone | Christian Academy Contact | |
LouVet Animal Clinic | (502) 805-7295 | info@louvetanimalclinic.com | Dr. Joni Lindquist |