Family InformationName First Last Your child's campus? (Check all that apply)* English Station Indiana Rock Creek Southwest What grade level is your child? (Check all that apply)* Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior What were your initial expectations when you enrolled your child at Christian Academy?*Have your initial expectations been met?* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree If not, how can we improve?When your child first enrolled, how would you rate our efforts in providing information and assistance to help your family become a part of Christian Academy?* Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Poor What improvements can we make to help new families settle in at Christian Academy?Please share any "WOW" moment from your families first year experience.*Student AssimilationRank your responses from 1-5, with 1=Strongly Agree and 5=Strongly Disagree.My child particpates in activities outside the classroom (clubs, sports, performing arts, etc.).* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree If not, how can we improve?Parent AssimilationI am informed about school activities like chapel, athletic events, concerts, parent workshops, and other events.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree I have been invited to get involved in my child's school.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree I feel a part of the Christian Academy community.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree If not, how can we improve?Spiritual EnrichmentMy child receives excellent, Christ-centered biblical worldview instruction.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree Teachers view my child as fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and treat him/her as such.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree The feedback provided to my child by teachers is positive, balanced with grace and accountability, and encourages his/her success.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree Teachers compassionately give me honest and useful information about how to help my child reach their fullest God-given potential.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree Christian HospitalityThe school entrance and parking lots are easily accessible and display helpful directional signage.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree I feel my child is safe and secure while at school.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree Teachers are approachable, available and prepared to discuss my child's needs with me.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree My school's administration is available and displays wise, knowledgeable, and humble leadership.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree I feel welcome in my child's school.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree There is an overall spirit of Christian warmth and hospitality displayed on my campus.* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree What could be done to enhance Christian hospitality and build community within your school?Please rate your overall satisfaction with your family's experience at Christian Academy? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Would you be willing to recommend Christian Academy?* 1-Strongly Agree 2 3 4 5-Strongly Disagree Any additional comments, suggestions, concerns or appreciation that you would like to express to teachers or staff? Δ