
Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparent Stories | Beth Barton
My grandson, Haynes, started kindergarten this year at English Station.



My grandson, Peter Reeves, is in kindergarten. Peter loves to play games with us and always wants to win, lol. As a grandmother, I spoil him with chocolates, his favorite! He calls me Ouma. He is adorable and I love him very much!


Rhonda and Richard

Nana and papaw look so forward to watching Mariella grow at Christian Academy and are excited to participate with the grandparents club!


Our granddaughters – 1st and 4th grade. They transferred to English Station from their beloved Southwst Campus.


Betty and Wyn

Zac Martin is our youngest grandson. He’s a first year student enrolled in the freshman class. He’s very active in serving middle school ministry on Sunday morning at SECC and participates in high school ministry on Wednesday nights. He has been on the traveling FCA lacrosse team and has made several friends from LCA. He looks forward to playing with the fall traveling FCA team and the team in the spring. We are excited to support Zac and LCA the next four years.



Grady in kindergarten at CAL!




Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparent Stories | Yvonne Bridgeman
Our oldest Washington grandson, George III, attended CAL sophomore and junior year and played basketball. He graduated from high school in Dayton, Ohio. When he comes home, he always connects with his CAL friends. He is attending the University of Richmond. Our middle grandson, Jackson (BB), graduated in 2024 and also played basketball. He is attending Florida Gulf Coast University. Both of our college boys are on basketball scholarships. Our youngest, JJ, is a junior this year. He is enjoying CAL very much. He also plays basketball and is a member of student council.



Jace Exley is my very sweet and lovable grandson. He is a junior academy student in Providence School. He is so smart and loves spending time with me (Mimi) and Ap (short for Pap). Due to Jace’s parents’ work schedules, I have spent much of his life caring for him and have loved (almost) every moment of it!

The Manleys

We have six amazing grands, K-12, this year. We are blessed that both of our kids graduated from CAL. I pray for all of them daily and I am thankful they are getting a good education, encouraging the true “wisdom” fear of the Lord!

Here we are celebrating our first born grandson turning 18 and God’s goodness!

Bill and Debbie

Ava is in kindergarten and loves CAL. In July 2022, Ava collapsed while at summer camp at CAL. By that evening, she was in the ICU at Norton Children’s Hospital with an inoperable brain tumor. After finishing 16 months of chemotherapy at the end of November 2023, she and her family went to Disney World courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It has been and will continue to be a long and difficult journey which we pray will have a happy ending. We are all profoundly grateful for the support of her CAL family. CAL is a truly special place with truly special people.


Our family strongly believes in the importance of financial sacrifice to provide a faith based foundation of learning. Jack and Alex have been enrolled in Christian education since they were in 2-year-old preschool. As our grandchildren grow in their faith, CAL’s caring teachers and supportive friends are on that important journey with them. 

Teresa and Steve

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparent Stories | Teresa and Steve

We have several scriptures we have leaned on through our lives. Of course , Psalm127 3-5. “Sons(and daughters)are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” We recognize that in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God gives parents the responsibility to love Him with all of our heart, soul and minds and to share His commands with our children. Belief in Jesus Christ, His atonement for our sins and His resurrection  is  most important! We are grateful to have the influence of Christian Academy’s teachers, families and staff to support our efforts.



My one and only grandchild is an eighth grader at CALMS. His name is Jax Black and this is his third year at CAL. He plays football, archery and track and field. We live in West Virginia but try to see him any chance we can. My daughter, Kate, is the elementary school counselor.

Greg and Luly

Grandparents Greg and Luly with Catherine, second grade, at the raising of the cross service!


Proverbs 22:6 – How better to train up a child than in a Christian environment along with one in the home. Not a better foundation a child can have for their future than an education that trains them in the importance of prayer and having God in every decision they encounter in the world. 

Proud Grandma of Ruby!

She is so blessed to be able to participate in the high school plays. Mary Poppins is the fourth one she has been in and all the older kids are so sweet to her. She’s a very sweet little lady!