New Merchandise in the Centurion Armory!
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Blue 84 super soft crewnecks are back in stock, also available in grey. Drifit Nike tshirts in mens, youth boys and girls, plus women’s fleece 1/4 zips in grey and navy also in!
Centurion Armory hours are Tuesday – Friday from 2:30-4 p.m. In addition, we will be open Friday, October 29, from 2:30-7 p.m. for the home varsity football game, great opportunity to shop!
Join Us in Welcoming Mrs. Susan Hutto
Mrs. Hutto is joining Christian Academy as Counselor at English Station Elementary and the Southwest Campus. Click here to learn more about Mrs. Hutto.
CALMS Spirit Week, October 25-29
Details and important reminders here!
Ms. Cramer is ALL IN!
Thank you for all you do for our school. As you have heard many times, the cost of tuition and fees simply does NOT cover the entire cost to educate our students. That is why we have an annual campaign called our ALL IN! campaign. We are asking you to help us raise the necessary resources to operate our school. The reason we have a $400,000 need is because we strive to keep tuition costs reasonable and affordable to ALL IN! our community.
As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please think about all the great teachers we have across all our campuses. Here is an example from our English Station Campus, Holly Cramer.
“Holly always goes above and beyond with all of her duties. She daily helps other teachers with their lessons and new ideas. She is always planning fun, interactive assignments for her students and many times uses her own money to buy supplies for these activities. She pours her heart into her students each day.”
You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!”
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection, November 17
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Elementary Families ~ We will once again be collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Each family will receive information with instructions and details on how to pack a shoebox gift and shoeboxes will be due November 17. You have two options to choose from when considering packing a shoebox. Click here if you would like to pack a shoebox to drop off at school. Click here if you would like to build a shoebox online. Click here for frequently asked questions. Reminders: Please put a rubber band around the shoebox to ensure the lid doesn’t come off. Do not wrap your box in wrapping paper of any kind. $9 per shoebox is a suggested donation. This amount is critical to cover project costs involved in collecting, processing and shipping your shoebox gifts to over 100 countries. If you give online, it will generate a label to print out to put in your box. Click here if you would like to give online and print a tracking label! |
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We can’t wait to see how the Lord will work through our efforts. |
Charleston Wrap Extended Deadline and Giveaway Winners!
Thank you for supporting our Charleston Wrap holiday shopping fundraiser! We love when we can offer something that is a win-win for everyone. As a bonus, we are able to extend our deadline until October 25, so if you haven’t gotten to your shopping list you have more time. Click here and use the organization code 20295!
We are also happy to announce two of our winners for a Charleston Wrap gift!
***Karen Ernst and Allison Carothers***
Congratulations to both of you!
We will be drawing two more winners this week so don’t miss out!
Our school family is amazing! We appreciate you!
Happy Shopping!
Senior Carnival Date Change to Monday, October 18
Due to the worsening weather forecast for Friday, October 15, we are rescheduling Carnival for Monday, October 18!
Why is this our decision?
- The CAL principals had already decided they did not feel comfortable this year with our previous Carnival “weather plan” of moving to the gym. It is not worth a COVID outbreak.
- The forecast is worsening, not improving.
- If we make the decision today, we can move all of Carnival – food and all – to Monday. It will be exactly like it would have been on Friday.
- This gives all involved (you, your children, teachers and seniors) more time to adjust.
- This is the first experience of Carnival for many of our CAL families and we want it to be as positive and enjoyable as always.
How long can we buy tickets?
All ticket sales will cease at 3:30 p.m. this Thursday, October 14, as planned.
Can we purchase tickets the day of the Carnival?
Yes! We have a table set up for that at Carnival. You can only pay check or cash then.
When will my kid(s) get their tickets?
If purchased by the Thursday deadline, they will get them Monday from their class teacher before they go to Carnival.
What about lunch on Friday?
Cafeteria lunch Friday will be what was scheduled for Monday: Mini corn dogs, Carrots w/dip, Peaches, Cookie.
Can I use tickets in the cafeteria?
Never. Only cafeteria accounts.
Does the Carnival schedule stay the same?
Yes. It is exactly the same as the original schedule.
Can I still go to Senior Carnival with my child?
Absolutely! We hope you do!
Remember, the Carnival website is the best way to get information and order tickets!
Thank you for supporting our senior class and for being flexible!
Get Ahead of Winter Now – 20% OFF Lands’ End Uniforms, October 14-18
Shop online here!
Christmas at CAL Postponed until 2022
Thank you for your support! We look forward to bringing this event back next year!