Introducing the CAL Virtual Clothes Closet


“Let all that you do be done in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14  

The Christian Academy School System International Student Program welcomes you to the Christian Academy of Louisville (CAL) Virtual Clothes Closet. This is our ongoing service project created to show Christ’s love to new and current students by providing for a tangible need. 

While we are ready to serve students, we are not currently accepting donations. Please complete the request form and we will be in touch with the availability of items.

For questions, please contact Katy Anderson at

Centurion Armory is Back Open!

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | Centurion ArmoryThe Centurion Armory is back open! Stop in to shop the latest CAL spirit wear. Open Tuesday-Friday 2:30-4 p.m.

COVID-19 GUIDELINES: Masks are required. Limited to 5 people in the Armory at a time. One person per household, bring children if necessary. Also we please ask that you keep your visit to shop to 20 minutes.

Questions/Info: (502) 753-4598 or



2021-2022 Christian Academy Reenrollment

Happy New Year! We have much to be thankful for this year, from the celebration of Christ’s birth, the start of a new year and the gift of partnership with your family through the Christian education of your children.

The start of a new year initiates our reenrollment process. Children who currently attend Christian Academy, junior academy through 11th grades (with the exception of JA-4 entering kindergarten), who will be returning for next school year must reenroll in January. The reenrollment deadline for the 2021-2022 school year is January 20, 2021Reenrolling by this deadline is always very important, especially this year as we have been blessed with many families wanting to join us next year. We want to continue to serve your family and would not want you to lose your spot, as immediately after reenrollment we will begin placement of new families seeking to enroll their children at Christian Academy.  

Please visit the Christian Academy website to view the 2021-2022 Tuition Schedules and/or to learn more about Tuition Assistance.

To begin the reenrollment process, simply follow the instructions below.

  1. Click here to log in to your FACTS Family Portal account.
  2. Click on the Apply/Enroll link on the left.
  3. Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link. If the page does not open in a new window select your browser’s option to allow the pop-up. Click here for examples.
  4. Click Start Enrollment Packet to complete the Enrollment Agreement.
  5. Please be sure to review and submit the enrollment form for each student in your family.

Your reenrollment fee(s) will be automatically deducted through your FACTS agreement on February 16, in addition to any regularly scheduled payments you may have. Should you have financial questions, please contact the Business Office at (502) 244-3225 or If you experience challenges relating to FACTS Family Portal, please email We are happy to assist you with your questions.

For us the birth of Jesus changes everything. As John wrote, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14 ESV). It is this Jesus we want your children to know intimately prior to graduation. We thank you for your trust and continued partnership as we work diligently to ensure every child at Christian Academy is supported unconditionally in a grace-filled environment and develops according to God’s will to impact the world for His glory and Kingdom.

Miss Longtine is ALL IN!

Thank you for all you do for our school. We need your help more than ever before to raise the resources needed to operate our schools. The reason we have a $400,000 need is because we strive to keep tuition costs reasonable and affordable to ALL IN! our community.

As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please think about all the great teachers we have across all our campuses. Here is just one example, Morgan Longtine at our English Station Campus.

“Morgan is an exceptional teacher in every way. She was my student teacher six years ago, and I could tell from the first day that this girl was born to be a teacher. Everything came so naturally to her! Morgan has now been my teammate for five years and she is definitely a team player! She offers to help quickly, she carries more than her share of the load and she shares all her wonderful ideas willingly. As a teacher, she is everything a student needs and a parent wants. Morgan is intelligent and compassionate. She is a whiz with technology and makes things relevant to her students. She goes over and above to craft fun, engaging lessons, and she does everything with a sense of excellence. Above all else she has a heart for God and a desire to lead all her students to know and love Him more. Her greatest desire is to infuse biblical truths into her everyday conversations with her students and others, so they will grow closer to God and serve Him well. This year, she was asked to teach the Virtual Academy, had only three weeks of preparation, and has done a beautiful job getting it up and running smoothly since the start. Her technology skills, combined with the understanding of how to deliver quality instruction to her online students, makes her the perfect choice for this new position. If you truly want to have someone who is ALL IN! for Christian Academy, you need to look no further than Miss Morgan Longtine.”

You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!

Thank you and God bless you and our school!


Centurion Armory Open for Holiday Shopping and Sales!

What a perfect gift for the holidays…CAL SPIRIT WEAR and it’s all on sale!

Come in and take advantage of the HOLIDAY SALE! Great selection of apparel and accessories…10%, 15%, 20% and more!

The Centurion Armory will be open on the following dates:

  • Saturday, December 5, and 12 | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • December 7-10 | 12-3 p.m.

Click here for a printable flyer, including COVID guidelines.

NEW Extended Armory Holiday Hours – Merry Christmas! The Centurion Armory will be extending hours next week for their Christmas Sale! The store will ALSO be open next Monday – Wednesday, December 14-16, from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Stop in to get those last minute gifts for your Centurion fan!

You’re Invited to Shop our Elementary / Middle School Scholastic Book Fair Online from November 30 – December 13!

All purchases benefit our school and connect kids with new books, favorite characters, complete series and more.

You’ll love the NEW option to shop for Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy these special online shopping features:

  • Over 6,000 items, including new releases, best sellers and value packs
  • All orders ship direct to home
  • FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25*
  • All purchases support our school and earn 25% in rewards

This Online Book Fair link will go live on Monday, November 30. In the meantime, enjoy browsing our Virtual Fair Booklist.  Thank you for your support!  

Happy reading! – Kristi Seidenfaden and Martha Blevins


*Free standard shipping is available on book-only orders of $25 or more, after all discounts are applied. Free standard shipping (books) must be selected during checkout. Orders containing products other than books are not eligible for this shipping promotion.