Online Registration for the 2020 CAL Athletics Golf Classic is Now Open!

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to partner with the CAL Athletic department in a big way! This year’s Golf Classic is Monday, September 14, at Persimmon Ridge Golf Club. Previous golf classic proceeds have gone to gym updates, new softball and baseball scoreboards and, most recently, the new iron entrance that leads into Centurion Field.

CLICK HERE for more information or to register.

A Night in Wonderland Photo Order Form

Click here to download/print the photo order form for A Night in Wonderland this Friday, March 13. We encourage you to print and fill out the photo order form ahead of time to decrease your wait in line! 

If you haven’t purchased tickets in advance, they will still be available even at the door. 

Elementary Missions March

March is Missions Month for CAL Elementary. Missions Month is a wonderful way for students to put their faith into action and make a difference in the lives of others in need. Jesus teaches us to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself' (Mark 12:31). This year, we will be showing love to A Loving Choice Resource Center. Click here for details on how your family can help as well as details regarding Spirit Days. 

Parents Night Out (A Night Out for the Kids Too!), March 14

Elementary Families,

Please join us for "Parents Night Out" on March 14, 2020 from 5:30-9:30 pm! Students of the high school Junior class (supervised by Junior class teacher sponsors) are hosting a fun activity, pizza and movie night at Christian Academy for kindergarten-5th grades! All proceeds will benefit the Class of 2021.

Let us watch the kids while you enjoy a nice Saturday night out for only $25 per child ($15 for each additional sibling). Activities will include group games, basketball, a coloring contest and much more! We would love to see you there!

To reserve your spot (space is limited) complete the flyer/permission form, attach payment and turn it in to the elementary school office. The permission form will be coming home in your student's folder tomorrow (Friday, February 28) and will also be available in the elementary office. If you have any questions or concerns, please email 

Thank you!

Class of 2021
Christian Academy School System
English Station High School

Rock Your Socks and Join Us in Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day!

Christian Academy School System | World Down Syndrome Day | Rock Your Socks 2020
Please join us as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) and how God has created each of us in unique and wonderful ways. We are inviting all Christian Academy students, teachers, staff and families across all campuses to celebrate with us by wearing a Christian Academy WDSD tshirt and to Rock Your Socks! Christian Academy of Louisville campuses will celebrate on March 23, and Christian Academy of Indiana on March 13. You can wear previous WDSD shirts or a new shirt if you ordered one for this year. CAI students, staff, etc. who ordered a new tshirt will receive them after spring break.

DramatiCALs Present Bye Bye Birdie – A Musical Comedy, March 5-7

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | DramatiCALs Present Bye Bye Birdie | March 5-7

March 5-7

Evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Matinee at 1 p.m.


All Seats Reserved

The year is 1958, and the much-adored rock-and-roll idol — Conrad Birdie — has been drafted into the US army. His songwriter and agent, Albert, and Albert’s secretary and some-time girlfirend, Rosie, hatch a plan for a farewell performance to take place on The Ed Sullivan Show, which they hope will help sell Birdie’s new song “One Last Kiss,” and ultimately save Almaelou records from going under. To cap off the performance, Birdie will actually give ‘one last kiss’ to Kim MacAfee, an avid member of the Conrad Birdie fan club from Sweet Apple, Ohio.

When Albert and Rosie head to Sweet Apple to prepare for Birdie’s arrival, things start to unravel. Kim’s father is starstruck at the thought of being on The Ed Sullivan Show with his daughter, and Kim’s new steady, Hugo gets jealous at the thought of Kim kissing Conrad on national television.