We are blessed to partner with hundreds of families in this region to educate students “with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men.” God is clearly at work in the lives of our faculty and students as we grow, learn, and serve together. We see His hand of blessing in every area of the school community.
We offer a rigorous, Christ-centered academic program. Our students examine their course content through the lenses of a biblical worldview. Our goal is for every student to be academically prepared for whatever God has planned for them as they graduate from our school. Overwhelmingly, our students pursue post-secondary education. Our alumni indicate that they were very well prepared for their university coursework. The academic and priority management skills acquired in our program easily transfer to the university setting. As you will see listed under the Curriculum tab, we offer a full complement of Advanced Placement and Honors courses.
The spiritual growth and development of our students is the reason our staff come to work at CAI. We desire to use every possible relational connection with a student to disciple them in their faith journey. Formally, we offer Bible classes for every grade level and a weekly chapel program. We offer service learning opportunities, domestic and international mission trips, as well as special programs to augment the opportunities for spiritual growth. Informally, our highly relational faculty, staff and coaches look for “God appointed” moments to encourage and disciple our students.
We believe in educating the whole child. This means that we focus both on academics and the spiritual development of our students. It also means that we provide opportunities for our students to develop their athletic and creative talents. In order to do so, we offer a full array of team and individual sports. Our goal is to develop athletes who play hard and fair for the glory of God. We also offer art, band, choir and drama. We want our students to develop their talents to be used for His glory.
When you drive on our campus and observe what happens, you know that there is something different going on here. God is at work in our midst. We have been blessed and it is our job to be good stewards and to pass on blessings to others. I invite you to come take a closer look and see what God is doing at Christian Academy of Indiana.
Scott Luttrull
Christian Academy School System
Christian Academy of Indiana High School / Middle School