Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Grandparents Club

The mission of Christian Academy School System is to develop students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men.

Welcome Christian Academy of Indiana Grandparents!

The Grandparents Club’s purpose is to foster intergenerational connections that can support our students’ education. 

At Christian Academy of Indiana, we want to help our grandparents be engaged and active members of the school, helping our students walk in faith. Our prayer is that we can have every grandparent involved in the school in some way, giving of their time, talent and treasure. 

We currently have over 45 grandparents in our Grandparents Club, serving in various capacities throughout the school and from home.

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparents Club | Activities

CAI Grandparents have been busy! Check out how you can get involved through these various activities: 

  • Elementary: Garden Towers Gardeners, Guest Readers, Intergenerational Reading Groups, Recess Breaks, Library Helpers, Lunch Room Helpers, Teacher Assistants, Moving the Classrooms this Summer
  • Middle School: Tutors, Morning Greeters, Concert Greeters, Special Speakers in Classrooms, Teacher Assistants
  • High School: Morning Greeters, Concert Greeters, Special Speakers in the Classroom, Tutoring, Subbing, Workshops in Classrooms, Teacher Assistants, Debate Judges
  • Athletics: Gate Workers, Concession Workers
  • Library: Book Fair, Readers, Assist the Librarian
  • ALL Schools: Coffee Set Up, Morning Greeters, Prayer Groups, Notes of Encouragement, Grand Bakers, Flower Pots, Special Events

For questions on how to be involved more with your fellow Grandparent Community, please reach out to Amy Koenig at

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparents Club | Grandbakers
Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparents Club | Grandbakers

Our Grandbakers will serve twice per month – one week in elementary and the other in middle and high school. Many hands make light work.

Interested? Contact Amy Koenig at

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Grandparents Club | CAI Grandparents Who Have Alumni Children

Are you a Grandparent who has a CAI Alumni?  If so, we’d love to hear from you! Please take a minute to complete this form.

If you think your Alumni would like to know more about being involved with the Alumni Council, email Amy Koenig at 

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Grandparents Club | CAI Grandparents Club Events
Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Grandparents Club | November 2024 Meeting | Save the Dates

Don’t want to miss any of our Grandparents Club events? Click here and make sure we have your current contact information.

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Alumni | ENewsletters and Magazines

AMPLIFY is The Voice of Christian Academy. We are excited to share our “voice” with our students, faculty, staff, families, grandparents, sponsors and community.

Click below for our latest edition!

Christian Academy School System | Amplify | The Voice of Christian Academy | Spring 2024
Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Grandparent Stories

Click here for a chance to brag about your grandchild(ren)!

We want to hear what your family is up to and how much you LOVE those special moments you have together.

Also, be sure to check out others stories here.

Christian Academy School System | Support | Annual Fund | Alumni

Are you an ALL IN Grandparent? 

Learn more about how to give back here.

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Grandparent | Update Your Contact Information

Have you moved? Changed your email address? We want to hear from you!

Update your information here.

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Alumni | Stay Connected | Facebook
Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | English Station Campus | Alumni | Stay Connected | Instagram

Stay Connected!

Christian Academy of Indiana Grandparents Club on Facebook

This is a private group for our grandparents. Please request to join. We look forward to having you!

@christianacademy on Instagram

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Athletics | Warrior Armory

Shop the Armory at CAI for all your CAI apparel needs!

Visit Us in the Gym/Commons Entrance. Schedules available each week on the Christian Academy of Indiana Athletics Facebook page.