New Security Tip Line for all Christian Academy Schools

Christian Academy School System has a new security tip line: (502) 400-8525.

The following is the voice mail message callers will receive:

"You have reached the Christian Academy confidential security tip line. If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. This line is not intended for day-to-day discipline issues. For all discipline-related concerns, please contact your child's school. If you have information related to a potential threat to Christian Academy people or property, please leave your name, number and message. Having your name and number helps school officials follow-up in the event more information is needed. All messages are sent to our director of security for review. Your information will be held in strict confidence."

Parker School Uniforms Declares Bankruptcy

We have been notified that Parker has filed for Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, which allows them to liquidate all assets.

If you have placed and paid for an unfilled order with Parker, please contact Jill Wells, Director of Administrative Services, at immediately. Ms. Wells will provide you contact information for the Bankruptcy Trustee with whom you may file a claim. Claims must be filed promptly.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience. Christian Academy will maintain its relationship with Shaheen’s and add another uniform provider later this spring.

Elementary and Middle School Families – The PTO Race for Education is Coming, March 16!

It’s coming! PTO’s annual Race for Education will take place Friday, March 16. Over the past five years, nearly $250,000 has been raised. Your generous gifts allowed PTO to purchase a traverse climbing wall in the red gym, a shade system for the elementary playground, more than 425 iPads and Chromebooks, an exterior security system and new projectors and sound systems for the red gym and auditorium. This year, the race is in COLOR! More details coming soon.