Explanation of the PTO Constant Contact Mailing Lists
All parents – K-12:
this is simply a required default mailing list – it will be checked by default
Elementary parents, K-5:
please select this list if you have elementary students
Middle School parents, 6-8:
please select this list if you have middle school students
High School parents, 9-12:
please select this list if you have high school students
PTO Leadership Committee:
Volunteers are needed to help organize PTO Committees and establish new events.
Monthly Teacher Appreciation (year round – full school):
Volunteers are needed to help assemble and deliver presents once a month.
Market Day (monthly – full school):
Help needed with reminder phone calls and sorting orders once a month.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (November – full school):
Volunteers are needed help set-up, serve and clean-up luncheon for all teachers and faculty.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (May – full school):
Volunteers are needed help set-up, serve and clean-up luncheon for all teachers and faculty.
Christmas Decorations ( December – full school):
Volunteers are needed to decorate the foyers and Christmas trees of the elementary and upper school buildings.
(Lists prefaced with ‘Elem.’ pertain to Elementary School events – scroll down for upper school events marked MS/HS)
Elem. Lunchroom Volunteers (year round)
This is a great area of need. Volunteers are needed to work one hour shift once or twice a month
to help students with condiments and opening lunches. (please click on the following links – print the forms and return them to the front office)
* click here for volunteer form * * click here for background check *
Elem. Helping Hands (year round):
Volunteers are needed to meet special requests from teachers. This group of parents will be contacted when extra help is requested by a teacher.
Elem. BoxTops/Tyson Label collection (year round):
Volunteers are needed to help trim labels, submit for credit and market program to CAI families.
Elem. Muffins with Mom (September):
Volunteers are needed to plan, decorate, set-up and organize.
Elem. Donuts with Dad (September):
Volunteers are needed to set-up, serve, and clean.
Elem. Grandparent’s Day (November):
Volunteers are needed to help organize and set-up danish and coffee for visiting Grandparents.
Elem. Christmas Shop (December):
Volunteers are needed to help children shop, wrap, set-up, and take down.
Elem. Pastors Breakfast (February):
Volunteers are needed to help organize and set-up danish and coffee for visiting Pastors.
Elem. Family Fun Night (January):
Volunteers are needed to help organize, set-up, and work various game booths.
MS/HS Helping Hands (year round):
Volunteers are needed to meet special requests from teachers. This group of parents will be contacted when extra help is requested by a teacher.
MS/HS Parent Prayer Groups (meet weekly):
Parents meet weekly to pray for the needs of students, teachers and faculty. Feel free to join us anytime.
MS/HS Adopt-A-Teacher (year round):
Volunteers are given a teacher to “pamper” for the year. Families secretly send notes of encouragement and small items such as baked goods, pens, etc.
MS/HS SpiritWear Shop (year round):
Volunteers are needed help work spiritwear shop during athletic events.
MS/HS Parent Coffee Chats (quarterly):
Volunteers are needed to help with set-up and clean-up for parent coffees offered 4 times a year.
MS/HS 4 Mile Run (September 24):
Volunteers are needed to fill various needs for a Community 4-mile run at our campus.
MS Dodgeball Tournament (Fall)
Volunteers are needed help organize food drop-off, set-up in gym, and serve food. Dad’s are needed to help referee and take on the winning team as a Dads vs. Kids playoff.
MS Minute-to-win-it Competition (Spring)
Volunteers are needed help set-up and serve food, help with staging games and chaperoning.
HS Fall Dance (October)
Volunteers are needed to help decorate, set-up food and chaperone dance.
HS Homecoming (December):
Volunteers are needed help set-up food for alumni and to chaperone dance.
HS Graduation Reception:
Volunteers are needed help decorate, set-up and serve light refreshments after Graduation ceremony.