New CAI Families – Meet Us for Coffee & 10, August 28

Parents new to CAI, please join us August 28, in the cafeteria right after morning drop off for coffee, treats and 10 minutes to meet a special guest!
After parking, please check in at the elementary front desk. You will be directed to the cafeteria. RSVP Here. We look forward to seeing you!
Contact Aimée Games at if you have any questions.
Dance Lessons at CAI
The CAI Theater Department is sponsoring free dance lessons for high school students throughout this year on pre-scheduled Wednesdays, starting next Wednesday, August 21.
There will be 10 throughout the entire school year (five this semester). Attending three this semester will get you into Homecoming for free. Attending six will get you into Prom for free! Although, you can come to any or all of them if you wish! We have hired a professional to come and teach all types of dances such as line-dances, couples dances and group dances.
Please plan to come and enjoy this time together! We will plan to meet in the cafeteria, hope to see you there!
Click here for further information!
Lands’ End 30% Off Back-to-School Savings, August 9-11
Shop online at
Don’t Miss The Event 2024!
The CAI Senior Class of 2025 will host two back-to-school EVENTS this year to raise money for their spring Senior Trip.
Middle School Event: August 9, from 6-8 p.m. (5-6 p.m. – Meet-n-Greet with Teachers)
High School Event: August 16, from 6-8 p.m. (5-6 p.m. – Meet-n-Greet with Teachers)
Tickets: $10 per person and include a Hamburger or Hot Dog, Chips and Drink. Order tickets here.
Bring extra cash for the Kona Ice Truck and Bake Sale!
What is The Event?
It’s an evening of fun for CAI Middle and High School families to eat and get to know one another with some friendly competition among grade levels! The Middle School Event is on August 9. The High School Event is August 16. If you have students in both schools, we encourage you to attend both Events! Both Events start at 6 p.m. with a Teacher Meet-n-Greet starting at 5 p.m.
Bring your own lawn chair and socialize at CAI on the lawn or eat indoors in the cafeteria to beat the heat. Afterward, CAI students participate in field games against grade levels to determine which classes will be this year’s reigning champ!
The Event Schedule
5 p.m.: Teacher Meet-n-Greet
6 p.m.: Eat and Mingle
7 p.m.: Field Games between Grade Levels Begin
The Kona Ice Truck will be parked outside for purchases as well, with a portion of all proceeds benefitting the Senior Trip. There will also be baked goods to purchase for a $1 donation per item to the Senior Class! The Event happens RAIN OR SHINE! If it rains, all activities will be moved indoors.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Lands’ End Back-to-School Savings, July 2-19
Shop online at
NEW CAI Students, Join Us for Popsicles on the Playground
Happy summer everyone!
We are excited to meet you and your children soon at one of our “Popsicles at the Playground” events. This is a very casual time for children to meet one another and play on the playground with the hope they will begin to feel comfortable at their new school, Christian Academy of Indiana. Each playdate at the elementary playground on campus begins at 9 a.m. and finishes by 11 a.m. Stay as long as your schedule allows. We usually begin with free play time on the playground followed by a delicious popsicle once we are nice and sweaty! Below are the dates for each grade level. Please click here to RSVP.
July 11 – Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades
July 15 – 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades
July 22 – Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades
July 23 – 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades
We are so happy to see you all soon!
If you have any questions, please email Aimee Games, Parent Relations Coordinator, at or call (502) 753-1061.
Jumping Into Sixth Grade, July 31
It’s never too early to begin thinking about the students who will be joining our middle school in August! We want to be sure they know how excited we are about their move into middle school while providing a way for them to get to know each other. What better way than to jump around in the air-conditioning!
All sixth graders and their parents are invited to join us on July 31, from 1-3 p.m. at Xtremenasium in Clarksville, Indiana. We have rented the entire facility for our CAI sixth grade so there is no cost. Socks will be provided too. Please, no siblings this time. Along with a little physical fun, we’ll have some fantastic swag items just for our new middle schoolers! The only thing you will need to bring is the waiver printed, signed and in hand, one for each parent staying and one for your student. You can access the waiver here.
If you have any questions, please email Aimee Games, Parent Relations Coordinator, at or call (502) 753-4561.
We’ll be looking for you!
Optional– You may bring money to purchase drinks and snacks at the snack bar.
Limited Availability Remaining for the 2024-2025 School Year at Christian Academy – English Station (Middletown) and Indiana (New Albany)
Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Our admissions team is ready to assist you. Learn more at or email us today to inquire.
Join Our Team – Now Hiring for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Join our team at Christian Academy School System! We’re hiring for teaching and staff positions, including Elementary and High School teachers, Junior Academy Assistants, Cafeteria Assistants and Facilities Technicians. Enjoy benefits like health insurance, tuition discounts and paid parental leave. Apply online here.

Shaheen’s Annual Summer Uniform Sale, June 1-30
Shop online at