The Event, August 4, for High School/Middle School Families
Teacher Meet and Greet, TONIGHT, August 4, 5-6 p.m. This is a chance for you to come in and meet your child’s teachers and hear about classes and the content that will be covered this coming year. We will have your child’s schedule available for you this evening in the high school/middle school office area. This is not a time to meet about your child’s specific progress, but to get an overview of the class.
The EVENT – Join us TONIGHT, August 4, from 6-8 p.m. for a high school/middle school family cookout and exciting competitions for the students! Tickets are available for this back-to-school EVENT from any senior. The price is $9 at the door and includes a hamburger or hot dog, chips and drink. There will also be a bake sale to purchase additional items. The EVENT is sponsored by the seniors and all proceeds will go toward their Senior Trip.
Application for Admission of New Students for the 2018-2019 School Year is Now Open for All Campuses in the Christian Academy School System
The 2018-2019 online application is now available. To access and submit an application, please click here to go to the Admissions page of the Christian Academy School System website. Once on this page, please click the Submit an Application button on the right side. The following page will provide step by step instructions on how to submit an application online. We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible to allow for timely file preparation and admissions processing. The Admissions Department will review all applications for junior academy–12th grades at the point of submission and contact you for additional information, if needed. In the fall of 2017 church references for students entering grades kindergarten-12 and teacher references for students entering grades 1-12 will be acquired according to the reference information you provide on the application. After the first grading period of the 2017-2018 school year, please submit a current grade report for your student. Students applying for grades 6-12 will be contacted and scheduled for pre-admissions testing in December 2017. Pre-admissions testing for students applying for grades kindergarten-5 will be scheduled for January 2018. If I can offer any assistance to you, please contact me directly at or (502) 753-4590. We look forward to serving your family!
Join the Providence School at Rock Creek in Celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, March 21
World Down Syndrome Day is March 21, 2017 and we would like you to join the Providence School at our Rock Creek campus in its celebration of God’s wonderful design for all children. We are inviting all Christian Academy campuses to celebrate with us by wearing a WDSD t-shirt (click here for an order form to purchase) and crazy socks! All t-shirt order forms and payment should be turned into your school office by February 24.
Submit Nominations for the Christian Academy School System Board of Directors by February 10
The Christian Academy School System Board of Directors invites you to submit nomination forms for potential Board members who may be called to serve on the Board. As parents of Christian Academy students, you have the regular, personal contact with other parents that allows you to identify those whose hearts are committed to the purpose of Christian education, and who may be inclined to serve in this capacity.
The Committee would like to remind you to obtain approval from the individual before submitting their name as a potential Board member. This will help avoid nominating someone who may not have the time or inclination to serve.
Please review the nomination requirements on the nomination form and prayerfully consider those parents you’ve come to know over the past few years. The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 10, 2017.
Click here to download the nomination template.
REMINDER: Re-enrollment for the 2017-2018 School Year is Now Open; Deadline is January 20
The start of a new year initiates our re-enrollment process. Every child who currently attends Christian Academy, Junior Academy through 11th grade, and will be returning the following school year must re-enroll in January. The re-enrollment deadline for the 2017-2018 school year is January 20, 2017. Re-enrolling by this deadline is very important as we work to ensure placement of all current families, balance class sizes appropriately and begin placement of new families seeking to enroll their children at Christian Academy.
Please visit the Christian Academy website to view the 2017-2018 Tuition Schedules or to learn more about Tuition Assistance.
To begin the reenrollment process, simply follow the instructions below.
- Click here to login to your RenWeb ParentsWeb account.
- Click on the Family Information button on the left.
- Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment button.
- Click Start Enrollment Packet to complete the Enrollment Agreement.
Please be sure to review and submit the enrollment form for each student in your family.
Your re-enrollment fee(s) will be automatically deducted through your FACTS agreement on February 15, in addition to any regularly scheduled payments you may have. Should you have financial questions, please contact the Business Office at (502) 244-3225 or If you experience challenges relating to RenWeb, please email We are happy to assist you with your questions.
For us the birth of Jesus changes everything. As John wrote, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14 ESV). It is this Jesus we want your children to know intimately prior to graduation. We thank you for your trust and continued partnership as we work diligently to ensure every child at Christian Academy is supported unconditionally in a grace-filled environment and develops according to God’s will to impact the world for His glory and Kingdom.