Impact a Child for Life!

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Indiana | Sagamore | Scholarship for Education Choice | Year-End Giving 2023


Giving to our SGO scholarship fund provides the gift of Christian education to families in need and gives you a 50% Indiana state tax credit as well as the opportunity to qualify for a charitable deduction on your federal tax return.


Ms. Growe is ALL IN!

We are so proud of our incredible teachers and as we continue to feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system over the coming weeks, join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.

Here is one example:  

Susan Growe
Susan is a consistent encouragement for her students and all coworkers. Her joy is contagious. She is committed to growing in Christ and as an educator. She is kind, funny and welcoming. She allows students to learn at their best level as well as creates a warm classroom community environment for each of them to be successful.

Simply use this link to give online.   

Thank you and God bless you and our school!

If you have questions about making your gift, feel free to reach out to Danielle Gleitz, Director of Development for the English Station Campus, at (502) 648-2515 or Amy Koenig, Director of Development for the Indiana and Southwest Campuses, at (502) 400-5423. 

Ms. Morphonios is ALL IN!

We are so proud of our incredible teachers and for the next few weeks we will feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system. Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.

Here is one example:

Karen Morphonios
Karen embodies the virtues of a great teacher in so many ways. She has a deep care for her students’ learning and is always looking for ways to expand her teaching so that her students can expand their learning. She creates fun ways to learn mathematics and incorporates classroom tech that makes learning easier. She goes out of her way to support other teachers in their classes. She supports her peers with solid counsel, generous time and sharing resources. Her ideas and insights show great wisdom and attention to detail. Her value to the CAI faculty is seen by everyone!

Simply use this link to give online.   

Thank you and God bless you and our school!

If you have questions about making your gift, feel free to reach out to Danielle Gleitz, Director of Development for the English Station Campus, at (502) 648-2515 or Amy Koenig, Director of Development for the Indiana and Southwest Campuses, at (502) 400-5423.