Christian Academy Gala Live Stream Update and Schedule
An update that you can join us for the Christian Academy Gala via live stream here tonight beginning at 8:30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. as communicated yesterday.
The schedule for the evening is as follows –
8:30 p.m.
Countdown Begins
8:45 p.m.
Video Message from our Superintendent, Darin Long
Request for Support from CAL Parent and Board Member, Scott Watkins
8:55 p.m.
Testimonial from CAI Senior, Logan Boyd
9:05 p.m.
Testimonial from CAL Alumna, Shelby Simpkins
9:15 p.m.
Keynote Address from Director of the Center for Student Success at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Garnetta Sweeney Smith
9:45 p.m.
Thank You from CAL Parent and Board Member, Scott Watkins
Again, please feel free to share with friends and family as well and thank you for your support of Christian Academy!
Black History Month Spotlight 2022
Can’t Attend the 2022 Christian Academy Gala in Person?
Watch our live stream here beginning at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow – Friday, February 25. We’d love for you to join us! Please feel free to share with friends and family as well. Thank you for your support of Christian Academy!
Black History Month Spotlight 2022
Christian Academy School System Proudly Celebrates Black History Month
Christian Academy School System is honored to join our nation in honoring Black History Month, which is also referred to as National African American History Month. It is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for highlighting the important contributions of African Americans in the history of the United States of America.
Historian Carter G. Woodson is the founder of Black History Month. It was first known and celebrated as Black History Week February 12, 1926 to commemorate and highlight the contributions to our nation made by people of African descent. The date coincides with the birthdays of abolitionist/editor Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
During the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976 Black History Week was expanded to a month long celebration. Since then, U.S. presidents have designated February as National African American History Month.
As a school system whose vision and mission is to develop students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men we champion Black History Month. It is an additional opportunity to develop our students about the triumph of African American History and specifically those who have impacted Kentucky and Southern Indiana.
Across our campuses we are celebrating and reflecting on this important time by teaching lessons and holding events in honor of Black History Month. Be sure to check out Christian Academy School System’s Facebook pages and other social media outlets for a glimpse of some of these amazing happenings!
Join Us for our Spring Open Houses at Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest and Christian Academy of Indiana!
REMINDER: Register for Warrior Spring Sports!
A reminder that our registration for spring sports is still open! Click here for more information about what is needed to get registered through our FACTS system. Registration and the paperwork mentioned will be required for attendance at any pre-season or in-season workouts/practices.
If your child entered CAI after attending another high school, you will also be required to complete the IHSAA Transfer form prior to any involvement this season. Please reply to this email and let me know if this applies to you and we can set up a time to connect on the phone to complete this information. If you’ve already completed this information with me, you don’t need to do so again.
Don’t delay! Sign-up today! We need accurate counts so we know how many coaches, uniforms, etc will be needed. Registration may be restricted the week before each team’s season is scheduled to officially start to accommodate these needs.
Official Start Dates:
High School Track – February 14
High School/Middle School Softball – March 7
High School/Middle School Girls Tennis – March 14
Middle School Track – March 14
High School/Middle School Boys Golf – March 14
High School/Middle School Baseball – March 14
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!
Please join us as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) 2022 and how God has created each of us in unique and wonderful ways. We are inviting all Christian Academy students, teachers, staff and families across all campuses to celebrate with us by wearing a Christian Academy WDSD tshirt and to Rock Your Socks! This will be a jeans day on all campuses. Christian Academy of Louisville campuses will celebrate on March 21. Christian Academy of Indiana will celebrate on March 18, at the end of a week celebrating diversity. What a great way to end that celebration!
You can wear a previous WDSD tshirt or order a new shirt for this year. To order one of the new shirts, please click here. The deadline to order is February 15.
Save on the Lands’ End Gear they Need Now, January 27 – February 11
Shop online here!
Save the Date and Join us for the CAI Elementary School production of Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka JR.,” February 10-12
Performances begin at 7 p.m. each night. Ticket information coming soon!