2022-2023 Junior Academy After-School Care Online Registration Open through May 20
Check your email for details and contact your director with questions.
Shop Early at Shaheen’s Annual Summer Sale, June 1 – July 2
Get the best prices of the year! Save 10% on all uniform purchases in store and online at www.shaheens.com. Use the code SAVE10 at checkout. Free shipping on orders $125 or more.
Click here for a printable flyer.
High School Chromebook Device and Charger Collections Deadline is May 26
Thank you for a great year! As we wrap up the 2021-2022 school year Technology wants to make you aware that the current high school Chromebooks will be returned to the leasing company and new devices will be issued to high school students in August. Since the equipment is on lease, we must have ALL high school Chromebooks and chargers returned by the last day of school.
Any device not turned into the Media Center by May 26, will incur a non-refundable charge of $240, even if you return the device later. This is due to the lease ending and we cannot make exceptions. The charge will appear on FACTS and will trigger grades and transcripts to be held until the balance is paid.
Collection of Chromebooks is always completed during the week of finals. When you have taken your last final in May, simply deliver your Chromebook and charger to the Media Center to be collected by the Technology Department.
Please carefully review the following guidelines for Chromebook check-in:
1. Damaged Chromebooks: If your Chromebook is damaged in any way: including but not limited to screen damage, power or volume button damage, keyboard damage, etc., you will need to have a check made payable to CAL for $80.00 to cover repair costs. You will also need a completed damage insurance claim which can be found in the high school office.
*** We will only accept a damaged Chromebook if it is accompanied by an $80 damage insurance claim deductible at the time of check-in***
2. Chargers: You MUST have your charger at the time of Chromebook check-in. If you do not have your charger or if your charger is damaged, you will need to bring a check for $40 to accompany your Chromebook.
*** We will only accept the Chromebook with either a working school issued Lenovo or Toshiba-branded charger or the $40.00 for a missing/damaged charger ***
3. Clean: All personal stickers will need to be removed from the Chromebook prior to hand-in. Chromebooks will not be accepted with anything other than school-issued barcode stickers. Please do not remove the Christian Academy property barcode from the device.
You may click here for a printable flyer with these details to save as a reminder.
Thank you for your assistance!
In Case You Missed It!
In case you missed it, we’d like to share Christian Academy’s feature on WHAS11’s Great Day Live. Click the above video to watch some of your favorite teachers, students and alumni share the glory of what God is doing at Christian Academy School System.
Of course, none of this would be possible without all of you! We appreciate your prayers, your partnership and your support.
Registration is Now Open for CAI Summer Youth Camps
CAI is pleased to announce that we will once again be holding a few youth sports camps over the summer. This is a program we hope will continue to grow and we encourage all our Warriors to join in on the fun! Please click here for more information on how to register online and what paperwork needs to be completed. This is a 3-step process and payment must be submitted in order for athletes to be registered for the camp.
Thank you all and we look forward to our Warriors joining us this summer!
High School Textbook Returns Deadline is May 26
We are so excited to celebrate the conclusion of another great year! Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in educating and loving your children. It is time to wrap up courses and that means final exams and the return of textbooks.
All the information you need will be coming by email from the Media Center beginning May 2. The emails will show all library books, fines (incurred during the year for copies, late books, lost books, etc.), textbooks and Chromebooks currently checked out to you. You are expected to return the materials that match the barcodes in the email.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us collect all resources in a timely and smooth manner. Any item checked out to you which is not turned into the Media Center by May 26, will incur a non-refundable fee equaling the sum of the items not returned and fines not paid, even if the items are returned later. This fee will appear on FACTS and will trigger grades and transcripts to be held until the balance is paid.
Textbooks are always collected during the week of finals. Before you take each final in May, you should go to the Media Center to check in the textbook for the final you are about to take. You will then take the textbook to the classroom where it will be stored over the summer.
Please carefully review the following guidelines for textbook return:
1. Damaged Textbook: If your textbook is damaged in any way, (ripped pages, water damage, etc.) your FACTS account will be charged the replacement value of the textbook. Do not order a replacement book through Amazon. We have special rates and need to make sure the correct edition will be purchased.
2. Lost Textbooks: You MUST return the textbook that was assigned to you at the beginning of the year. There is a barcode on the cover of the book that should match the barcode in the emails you receive. If your textbook is lost or has the wrong barcode, you will be billed through FACTS, triggering a hold on your grades and transcript. You must either return the book by May 26, or pay the replacement value to release the hold.
3. Clean: Please remove all papers and book covers prior to the turn-in date.
You may click here for a printable flyer with these details to save as a reminder.
Thank you!
You’re Invited to CAI’s Production of The Little Mermaid This Weekend and to Join Us for Theatre Camp this Summer
Hello all! We have two very exciting things happening soon at the Indiana Campus in the Theatre Department.
The Little Mermaid
This weekend, April 28 – 30, is the production of “The Little Mermaid.” The cast and crew have been working extremely hard to put on a great show. It’s at 7 p.m. each evening and also at 1 p.m. for the matinee Saturday. Tickets can be purchased online at cai.booktix.com or at either of the front desks of the Indiana Campus. They are $8 for adults and $6 for students ($2 more at the door). Please plan to come out and support the theater department and the wonderful cast this weekend.
Summer Theatre Camp
The dates for this year’s Theatre Camp are June 6-10 and 13-17. It is a two week camp and is available for all current kindergarten – 12th grade students. Middle and high school camp (current 5th-12th grades) will be these dates from 8:30 a.m. – noon. Elementary camp (current K-4th grades) will be these dates from 1 – 4:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be what is has been in the past, $225 per student ($200 for each additional sibling).
The camp performance will be Friday, June 17, at 4:30 p.m.
Elementary will be performing “Winnie the Pooh” kids. The middle and high school students will be putting on a variety show filled with skits and songs decided on during the camp itself.
To sign up for this year’s camp, please fill out this form and return it with payment to Christian Academy of Indiana (1000 Academy Drive New Albany, Indiana 47150). Please label it “Theatre Camp” and/or address it to Dr. Jason Branim.
Please, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask! We look forward to another great production this weekend and a fun time at camp in June!
Wishing Everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter!
Save the Date for CAI Art Show, May 5
Save the Date of May 5, and Join Us from 6-8 p.m. in the Commons for the CAI Art Show Featuring Portfolio Work from High School Advanced Art Students. There will be live music and refreshments.
Tickets Now on Sale for CAI’s Production of The Little Mermaid, April 28-30!
Purchase tickets online at cai.booktix.com or at the front offices during school hours for CAI’s production of The Little Mermaid, April 28-30, beginning at 7 p.m. each evening and 1 p.m. for the Saturday matinee.