CAI National Honor Society Clothes Closet Accepting Donations and Requests

The CAI National Honor Society would like to remind families about the CAI Clothes Closet. For families that have either outgrown or have unneeded school uniforms, we would greatly appreciate your donations to the Clothes Closet. Additionally, families who want to, can pick out needed items of clothing free of charge. Donations can be dropped off at either the elementary or high school/middle school front desks. To organize a time to select new pieces of uniform, please email Mr. Lorigan at or Mrs. Rehnberg at

REMINDER: Register for Spring Sports Today!

As the spring season approaches, we just want to remind our CAI athletes that registration for spring sports is already open in FACTS Family Portal under Forms.

At this time, we continue to reevaluate each upcoming season and all signs point to having a spring sports season. So, we are moving forward with the planning and scheduling of the season. If you haven’t already registered and are planning to have a child participate, please be sure to complete the registration TODAY! It will help us with forming schedules, practice calendars and hiring coaches if we know how many kids we have planning to participate.

A couple reminders in order to participate:

  • All athletes must be registered for their sport in FACTS Family Portal as this step puts you on the coach’s roster where you will get more information specific to your sport.
  • All paperwork must be completed before participation (Contact Heather McDonner at if you need any of these forms. If your child participated in a CAI Fall or Winter Sport, these should already be on file):
    • Returners (those with a physical on file from last year) – Health History Update and Consent and Release, Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver
    • New to Athletics: IHSAA Physical Packet (all pages), Concussion/Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form, COVID-19 Waiver

While things may look a little different, we want to do our part so the kids can play this spring as well! We will continue to provide you with information as we finalize those details. We ask for your patience and flexibility as we do so.

Athletic Fee Reminder (will be billed after season begins):
4th-8th Grade – $175
9th-12th Grade – $225

TENTATIVE Official Start Dates and Season End Dates:
HS Baseball – March 15 – sectionals beginning end of May
HS Boys Golf – March 15 – sectionals beginning early June
HS Girls Tennis – March 15 – sectionals beginning mid-May
HS Softball – March 8 – sectionals beginning end of May
HS Track and Field – February 15 – sectionals beginning mid-May
MS Baseball – March 15 – end of May
MS Girls Tennis – March 15 – mid-May
MS Softball – March 8 – mid-May
MS Track and Field – March 15 – mid-May


Local Teen and CAL-Southwest Student Opens Self Care Business During Pandemic and Sees Big Success

We are so excited to highlight one of our own students as one of the youngest business owners in our area! Christian Academy of Louisville – Southwest eighth-grader Kayla Marie opened Bubbly Bliss Bar at 2110 Bardstown Road in December and has proven that nothing is impossible with faith and hard work!

Bubbly Bliss Bar by Kayla Marie features a wide variety of all natural bath, beauty and wellness products including candles, teas, cosmetics, bath bombs, soaps and even a men’s grooming line. The store aims to be a happy place for customers. It smells amazing and Kayla herself curates the store’s playlist to feature uplifting music.

After losing her father suddenly in 2015, Kayla was overcome with sadness and anxiety. She leaned on her faith and turned to the things she loved doing to find happiness – making and mixing things, baking and being creative. That’s how the business was born!

Check out this wonderful interview from WDRB and shop online at or visit the retail store in the Highlands at 2110 Bardstown Road on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Warrior Athletics Ticket Process Update

Warrior Fans,

Please be aware that due to the change in the status for Floyd County to RED, the fan limitations for athletic events have been changed dramatically.  Only parents and minor children of the athletes participating will be allowed admission into the games.  Parents of those athletes, please check TeamApp later for more information from Assistant AD, Chrissy Millen on how to get your names on the list.

Click here for a graphic detailing this information.



2021-2022 Christian Academy Reenrollment

Happy New Year! We have much to be thankful for this year, from the celebration of Christ’s birth, the start of a new year and the gift of partnership with your family through the Christian education of your children.

The start of a new year initiates our reenrollment process. Children who currently attend Christian Academy, junior academy through 11th grades (with the exception of JA-4 entering kindergarten), who will be returning for next school year must reenroll in January. The reenrollment deadline for the 2021-2022 school year is January 20, 2021Reenrolling by this deadline is always very important, especially this year as we have been blessed with many families wanting to join us next year. We want to continue to serve your family and would not want you to lose your spot, as immediately after reenrollment we will begin placement of new families seeking to enroll their children at Christian Academy.  

Please visit the Christian Academy website to view the 2021-2022 Tuition Schedules and/or to learn more about Tuition Assistance.

To begin the reenrollment process, simply follow the instructions below.

  1. Click here to log in to your FACTS Family Portal account.
  2. Click on the Apply/Enroll link on the left.
  3. Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link. If the page does not open in a new window select your browser’s option to allow the pop-up. Click here for examples.
  4. Click Start Enrollment Packet to complete the Enrollment Agreement.
  5. Please be sure to review and submit the enrollment form for each student in your family.

Your reenrollment fee(s) will be automatically deducted through your FACTS agreement on February 16, in addition to any regularly scheduled payments you may have. Should you have financial questions, please contact the Business Office at (502) 244-3225 or If you experience challenges relating to FACTS Family Portal, please email We are happy to assist you with your questions.

For us the birth of Jesus changes everything. As John wrote, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14 ESV). It is this Jesus we want your children to know intimately prior to graduation. We thank you for your trust and continued partnership as we work diligently to ensure every child at Christian Academy is supported unconditionally in a grace-filled environment and develops according to God’s will to impact the world for His glory and Kingdom.

Ms. Richards is ALL IN!

Thank you for all you do for our school. As you have heard many times, the cost of tuition and fees simply does NOT cover the entire cost to educate our students. That is why we have an annual campaign called our ALL IN! campaign and this year has been like no other in our history. We need your help more than ever before to raise the resources needed to operate our schools. The reason we have a $400,000 need is because we strive to keep tuition costs reasonable and affordable to ALL IN! our community.

As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please think about all the great teachers we have across all our campuses. Here is an example from our Indiana Campus, Kristi Richards.

“She has gone WAY above and beyond duty to make sure the students can benefit from special area classes. She comes up with unique ways and systems to make things work for the kids. Because of their traveling nature, they are exposed to more students and are at more of a health risk in these times. I really truly admire the huge effort she has made on behalf of our kids!”

You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!

Thank you and God bless you and our school!


Christian Academy Installs New UV Air Purification System to Help Combat COVID-19

Christian Academy School System has just installed pūrGenix’s® advanced ultraviolet air purification systems in both their English Station and New Albany campuses to help fight the spread of germs and create healthier and safer environments for faculty and students to learn, work and collaborate.

Today, more than ever, people have realized that outdated, ill-equipped buildings impact their health and safety. Traditional building air systems were not designed with people’s health and safety in mind, nor were they designed to prevent the spread of germs and disease.

With the help of Lexington-based pūrGenix’s® state-of-the-art ultraviolet light technology, these new systems will purify air, helping kill dangerous germs that are normally left to circulate, untreated, within the schools.

Christian Academy is the first secondary school in the country to install the pūrGenix® technology. With this equipment, Christian Academy will be designated as a pūrBuilding™ – a building with air systems designed to help prevent the spread of germs.

pūrGenix® is one of the nation’s leaders in UV Air Purifcation technology. With over 10 years of experience and more than 600 installations, pūrGenix® has achieved dramatic results in the most demanding environments. Hospitals using the pūrGenix® technology, such as Harrison Memorial in Cynthiana, KY, have risen to be among the nation’s leading hospitals in infection prevention. Since installing the pūrGenix® technology in 2017, Harrison Memorial has seen amazing results, such as zero bloodstream infections, zero surgical site infections and zero cases of hospital-acquired pneumonia.

The key to the pūrGenix® technology is that it helps prevent dangerous germs from circulating throughout the building via the building’s air Handling Systems. Traditional air filtration systems allow germs to pass through – putting everyone at risk. Air handling systems are cool dark, damp places, making them the perfect breeding ground for dangerous germs. Air systems then spread these germs throughout the building, contaminating newly cleaned surfaces.

The pūrGenix® technology uses Ultraviolet C-band energy, which is a high-frequency energy (similar to what protects us in the ozone) that breaks down the DNA or RNA inside germs, killing germs and preventing them from replicating.

With this installation, Christian Academy will provide a safer and healthier environment for students to learn and collaborate.

According to Executive Director Moe Lundrigan, “We’ve always looked at ways to make our physical environment safer, but we did not anticipate this degree of a biological/environmental need. But God did. We hired Steve French as our facilities director, little realizing how important his background would be.”

Steve French brought almost 40 years of facilities management and 30 of those years were in hospitals, including Jewish and St. Mary’s healthcare. With a degree in Biomedical Engineering (from the UofL Speed School), he was indeed in the “right place at the right time.”

“I’ve been familiar with Purgenix’s success in the health field and they became the perfect fit for our larger campuses,” said French. “Combined with personal conduct of our students and staff (masks, social distancing, hand washing and contact tracing), this purification system adds to our levels of safety and precaution necessary in this challenging time. We’re excited and blessed to be able to offer this to our students and staff.”

“At pūrGenix® our mission is to create healthier, places to work, learn, collaborate, and heal. We are excited to help a forward-thinking school like Christian Academy get their students and faculty back in their building safely. Health, mind and soul are important for everyone and Christian Academy made the health and safety of their students and faculty a priority when they invested in becoming a pūrBuilding™” says Sam Perkins, CEO pūrGenix®.