Election Season Devotional #1

Christian Academy Statement: As we enter into another election season, we want to remind our school community that the Christian Academy School System is partisan only to the Bible and our shared Biblical and Foundational Statements. We support each person’s right to vote as led by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. In keeping with our school, parent and employee partnership commitment, we have agreed to treat our neighbors with respect and honor, as fellow image bearers of God, including engaging in responsible discourse. Christian Academy is firmly dedicated to promoting unity rather than divisiveness in all aspects, including politics.

​With this statement in mind, I would like to introduce the first of four devotional thoughts on how we, as Christians, can positively affect our community. If we are feeling stress, anxiety or even doubt in our national political season maybe these biblical reflections can grant us peace. 

Mr. Deon Parker, Director of Biblical Unity, (dparker@caschools.us) poses some very good questions and reminders in our first devotion. What does the Bible say about national leaders and how we should view them?  


Join the Providence School for the Kindness Warrior 5K Run/Walk, Saturday, October 5

Providence School would like to invite you and your family to join us in celebrating the lives of individuals with Down syndrome and their accomplishments. The event will take place at The Waterfront Festival Plaza on Saturday, October 5, 2024. Please meet us on this day for the Kindness Warrior 5K Run/Walk benefiting Down syndrome of Louisville (DSL). This is a great way to start your morning and show support for a wonderful cause.  

This is a fun event for the family to enjoy. Connect with us as we start the walk together as a team to show our support for this great organization that has partnered with Providence School from the start. We will have a table with our Christian Academy and Providence signs. Please come and find us. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Details for the event are included here. We have a “Christian Academy” team and you can register with us and/or donate directly from this link. We will distribute tshirts prior to the event if possible. If not, check in at our Providence table and receive your shirt there. Thanks for joining us in the fun!

Feel free to contact Mindy Crawford, Director of Providence School, with any questions at mcrawford@caschools.us.

NEW! Educating for Eternity – Keeping the Connection: Parenting through the Adolescent Years

In this episode, we dive into the challenges and joys of staying connected with your child. As teens strive for independence and crave privacy, it can be tough for parents to maintain a close relationship. We’ll explore how to respect their growing need for space while still being an involved and supportive parent. Communication is often a sticking point, but we’ll share practical tips for keeping the lines of dialogue open, even when your child seems distant. Join Kevin, Scott and Aleshia as we discuss strategies to strengthen your bond and stay connected during these transformative years.

Listen here.

REMINDER: Christian Academy Foundations for New Families Workshops Begin this Week!

We’re excited to see some of our first year families this week in Indiana at our first evening session of Christian Academy Foundations. Thank you for letting us know to expect you. Plan to come a little early to shop the Armory and enjoy a 15% discount on CAI spirit wear beginning at 5:30 p.m. before our 6:30 p.m. workshop start time. 

If you have not yet chosen a session, please see the following original communication for complete details and to register.  



Welcome to Christian Academy! 

We trust your start of school went well and your introduction to your campus was positive. 

Not only may our school system be new to you but Christian education as a whole. In order to clarify our mission and vital family/school partnership, we are offering a workshop called Christian Academy Foundations. This will intimately acquaint you with who we are, our philosophies and our deep hope for your child. We believe you will find this time informative, helpful and encouraging as we move forward together in the education and spiritual formation of your child. 

We ask that at least one parent/guardian attend but we’d love for anyone else to come who has influence with or investment in your child (i.e. grandparents, step-parents, aunts/uncles, etc.). The same workshop will be offered four times. You can attend whichever session works best with your schedule.

Date Time Location
September 11 6:30-8 p.m. Indiana Campus Auditorium
September 20 8:30-10 a.m. Indiana Campus Auditorium
October 2 6:30-8 p.m. English Station Campus Auditorium
October 4 8:30-10 a.m. English Station Campus Auditorium

Please click here to register.

The campus Armory will be open for you and, as a thank you for your attendance, will be offering a discount.   

Please see the following regarding parking and entering the buildings. 

Indiana Campus Evening Session – Please park in the “commons” lot, drive around to the back of the building and enter through the commons glass doors. The Armory will be open before the session begins so please arrive early for shopping. 

Indiana Campus Morning Session – Please park in the “commons” lot, drive around to the back of the building, park, then walk up the sidewalk to the middle school/high school entrance. Someone should be available to direct you. Check-in at the receptionist’s desk. The Armory will be open after the session. 

English Station Evening or Morning Session – Please park in the visitor lot on the left when facing the school from the main drive. Enter through the main entrance. Morning session attendees will stop at the desk to check in with a valid driver’s license or ID. The Armory will be open after both of these sessions.  

We are so thankful God has brought your family to Christian Academy and we take that responsibility very seriously. 

We look forward to meeting you!

Introducing ParentPulse

At Christian Academy, we seek to constantly evaluate our schools from multiple perspectives, all to make this an even better place for your child and your family. As a reminder, the first initiative in our Strategic Plan is to build authentic two-way communication with all our stakeholders. Because the parent perspective is so important to us, we’ve partnered with ParentPulse, a company that specializes in collecting feedback for Christian schools. 

Beginning in September, each parent/guardian in our schools will receive an invitation every few months to respond to a short survey. These surveys will be staggered – parents will receive the invitations via email or text at different times. 

We simply ask that you take five minutes to complete the survey. Many schools only send one (longer) survey each year but we want to capture your thoughts and feelings in shorter surveys – and at multiple points over the year – so we can understand how things are evolving and how we can best adapt! 

So, please be on the lookout for an email or text from ParentPulse. The subject line will identify Christian Academy. 

The information you provide is collected solely for our analysis and your personal contact information will not be used or shared by ParentPulse. At the end of the survey, there is also an option to submit your responses anonymously. 

Thank you for choosing Christian Academy to partner with for your child’s Christian education!

New Biblical Unity YouTube Release – Love Leads to Unity Shirts

Check out the Love Leads to Unity: NEW Shirts Commercial

These new Biblical Unity Shirts are here! “Love Leads to Unity” is our shirt theme (inspired by Colossians 3:14). These tshirts and crew sweatshirts will be available to purchase through Friday, September 13. We have both English and Spanish versions of these shirts in youth and adult sizes.

Christian Academy School System | Biblical Unity | Love Leads to Unity Apparel 2024

Biblical Unity Shirt Prices:

  • Youth Tshirts (Cotton) – $15
  • Youth Crew Sweatshirts (Blended) – $20
  • Adult Tshirts (Blended) – $20
  • Adult Crew Sweatshirts (Blended) – $25

To order shirts, please fill out order forms and submit full payment (cash or check) to receptionists in your school offices. When shirt orders arrive they will be distributed to students and employees at their schools. 

*Biblical Unity sweatshirts have been approved to be worn by students on any non-chapel days and tshirts are approved to be worn by students on “jeans days,” “spirit wear days,” “dress-down days”, etc.

And please remember to subscribe to our Biblical Unity channel to receive more inspiring videos featuring our students engaging in unifying activities.