High School Chromebook Device and Charger Collections Deadline is May 26
Thank you for a great year! As we wrap up the 2021-2022 school year Technology wants to make you aware that the current high school Chromebooks will be returned to the leasing company and new devices will be issued to high school students in August. Since the equipment is on lease, we must have ALL high school Chromebooks and chargers returned by the last day of school.
Any device not turned into the Media Center by May 26, will incur a non-refundable charge of $240, even if you return the device later. This is due to the lease ending and we cannot make exceptions. The charge will appear on FACTS and will trigger grades and transcripts to be held until the balance is paid.
Collection of Chromebooks is always completed during the week of finals. When you have taken your last final in May, simply deliver your Chromebook and charger to the Media Center to be collected by the Technology Department.
Please carefully review the following guidelines for Chromebook check-in:
1. Damaged Chromebooks: If your Chromebook is damaged in any way: including but not limited to screen damage, power or volume button damage, keyboard damage, etc., you will need to have a check made payable to CAL for $80.00 to cover repair costs. You will also need a completed damage insurance claim which can be found in the high school office.
*** We will only accept a damaged Chromebook if it is accompanied by an $80 damage insurance claim deductible at the time of check-in***
2. Chargers: You MUST have your charger at the time of Chromebook check-in. If you do not have your charger or if your charger is damaged, you will need to bring a check for $40 to accompany your Chromebook.
*** We will only accept the Chromebook with either a working school issued Lenovo or Toshiba-branded charger or the $40.00 for a missing/damaged charger ***
3. Clean: All personal stickers will need to be removed from the Chromebook prior to hand-in. Chromebooks will not be accepted with anything other than school-issued barcode stickers. Please do not remove the Christian Academy property barcode from the device.
You may click here for a printable flyer with these details to save as a reminder.
Thank you for your assistance!
We are Excited for CAL-A-THON, April 29! Donate and/or Volunteer Today!
The PTO is excited to host CAL-A-THON on April 29. All students and classroom teachers will receive a FREE CAL-A-THON shirt to wear during the walk. This year, proceeds will support the construction of an outdoor classroom, a refinishing of the auditorium stage as well as the purchase of additional Chromebooks and security cameras. Please prayerfully consider a donation to help us reach our goal. Classes and students can WIN fun parties too!
Help Build Hope Announcement and Volunteer Sign Ups
We are excited to announce that our volunteer sign ups for our house framing project with Help Build Hope are officially OPEN!
Here are the vital details that you’ll need to know before you sign up…
- On Friday, April 29, starting at 4 p.m. we need 30 physically strong people to volunteer to help move the lumber to its designated building areas which are within walking distance. We will also need 4 people during this same time frame who know how to use miter saws. Don’t worry, these saws and everything you’ll need will be provided.
- On Saturday, April 30, we are going to need 150 volunteers from start to finish. You will have the opportunity to sign up as a Crew LEADER or Crew MEMBER. If you sign up as a Crew Leader you MUST be in attendance for the training meeting on Friday night at 6:30 p.m. which will last approximately 1 hour. The only specialized training you’ll need is to attend the Friday night training, to be able to use a hammer and to make sure your group has a great time. If you sign up as a Crew Member, you need no previous training whatsoever.
- We are excited to have children 5 years or older join us on Saturday. Please note that everyone 18 years or older must sign a liability waiver during registration and parents must sign a waiver for their children. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent at all times. For those high school students between the ages of 16-18, your guardian must sign the waiver for you and then you’ll be allowed to serve.
- EVERYONE must wear close toed shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather. We’ve been told if it’s hot, we build. If it’s cold, we build. If it rains, we build. If it snows, we build. Please bring whatever will help you feel the most comfortable as we build in whatever weather we are given. All hammers, nails, etc. will be provided.
- Breakfast snacks, plenty of bottled water and sack lunches will be provided throughout the day. This is courtesy of our incredible PTO at English Station. Thank you for all that you do to serve us and the community! We appreciate you!
- Once we reach the needed volunteer quota of 150, please note, we do plan to cut off the online registration because let’s be honest, no one wants to idly stand around. But…rest assured…due to your incredibly generous and kind hearts…We as a CAL family have not only given enough money to build one house…not just two houses…but THREE HOUSES! So if you can’t volunteer to help with this house in April, don’t worry we are hoping to build two more houses this summer. So be on the lookout for that information coming soon.
- Last but not least…Here is the link to register online.
Should you have any questions or needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email. I’m really looking forward to serving with you and your families on the 29th and 30th.
April 29 | Cut Day and Training
4 p.m. Start Time for Cut
6:30 p.m. Start Time for Training
April 30 | Build Day
8 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Devotions and Instructions
9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Construction of Walls and Loading
12:30 – 1 p.m. Site Clean-up and Truck Load-up
Wishing Everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter!
Join Our Team! Announcing 2022-2023 Christian Academy Career Opportunities
Explore these as well as immediate openings and apply online here!
2021-2022 CAL-English Station Elementary Yearbook Cover Release
We are proud to release the design of the 2021-2022 CAL-English Station Elementary yearbook! The cover art was designed by third grader Brynn Musick! She will receive a free copy of the yearbook.
You may still order your elementary yearbook online here.
If you have questions or need to check if you have placed an order, please email Brooke Gibson, Yearbook Coordinator, at elyearbook@caschools.us.
Save the Date for the PTO Uniform Resale – July 23, 2022!
The PTO Uniform Resale will be from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. More details to come. Questions? Email ptoes@caschools.us.
Help Build Hope Missions Project – Let’s Build!
It is with great joy we report that we have raised enough money to build the frame for at least one house through our Help Build Hope mission project, if not two. You guys are amazing and never cease to encourage our hearts!
Watch the following two minute reveal video. Come on, we promise it’s worth it!
Also, please rest assured if you haven’t given just yet, the online donation store is still available through Monday, April 4. We plan to continue to use our project website for upcoming details, schedules, volunteer opportunities, etc. To visit our project website/donation store please click here.
You’ll receive another email after spring break with more details about the next stage of our Help Build Hope project. Thank you for praying, for giving and for joining us in this mission endeavor.
Thank You School Families! Lands’ End 40% Off School Uniforms, April 14-27!
Shop online here!