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Christian Academy School System | Now Hiring
Christian Academy Seeks to Hire Substitute Teachers across the System, Elementary and Art Long-Term Substitutes on our English Station Campus and an Elementary (1st Grade) Long-Term Substitute beginning in the Spring of 2019 on our Southwest Campus. Learn more about these and other opportunities, as well as apply online here.

Christian Academy of Louisville School of the Arts Presents “The Ultimate Sacrifice,” a concert, November 11

Join the Christian Academy of Louisville School of the Arts on Sunday, November 11, at 6 p.m. for “The Ultimate Sacrifice,” a  concert celebrating and honoring our veterans and our Savior.

The concert and art show will be held at the Louisville Memorial Auditorium, featuring works by the choral, orchestra, band and art students of Christian Academy and the Master’s Men of Southeast Christian Church.

Tickets are $10 through and at the door.

Portions of the proceeds also benefit veteran foundations.  

Christian Academy School System | Christian Academy of Louisville | School of Fine Arts | Veterans Concert | November 11

RenWeb Name Change to FACTS

In 2014, FACTS, our tuition management company, bought RenWeb, our student information system. Over the next few days, the two companies will combine to become a single brand: FACTS. We expect this change, at least initially, will be mostly cosmetic.

This change should not impact Canvas, our learning management system.

What does this mean for you?

  • The way you log into your accounts will not change (whether in ParentsWeb or on the RenWeb Home app). Your usernames and passwords will remain the same. 
  • At some point this weekend, the location to login will change to We will update the links on our school website once this change is made. As always, the best way to log into RenWeb is to start here:
  • You can still log into the RenWeb Home app, although you may see new colors and logos in the app.

Thank you for your patience during this transition. If we learn of any additional changes that impact function, we will communicate those to you.

A Pink Out Thank You!

A Woman Like You Foundation would like to say thank you! The Pink Out was a huge success! Thanks to you, A Woman Like You Foundation will continue to help meet the needs of single women and their families in this community in their fight against cancer. You helped us raise over $7,500 for the cause by purchasing this year's Pink Out tshirts. 

There are still shirts available for the cause. To purchase a tshirt, please contact Denita at

Lastly, we are excited to give back a portion of donations received to the CAL athletics missions department! Thank you, again, to everyone who helped make this year fun and successful! 

Coat Drive for Lost Sheep Ministries – Now through October 24

Our mission at Christian Academy is to "Develop students with a heart for God…"  I'm going to stop there because I want to focus for just a second on the first seven words.  In order to help our children develop a heart for God, we need to help them see with the eyes of the Lord which includes eyes of compassion for the lost, broken, and unreached.  With these thoughts in mind, did you know that the most recent homeless census counted 6,737 homeless people right here in Louisville?  That means that 6,737 sons and daughters are alone and sleeping on the streets at night in our town.  This number is devastating.  Not only are they homeless but on those bitter cold nights they are sleeping on the streets often times with no winter coat, no hats, and no gloves.  I'm confident that we as a family, with they eyes of compassion from the Lord, can do something about this.  

Starting today, October 5, through Wednesday, October 24, you and your children will have the opportunity to give back.  All over campus you will notice large blue bins where you can donate your items.  We would love for you to donate new or gently used coats (of any kind), hats and gloves/mittens to these bins.  At the end of collection, we will donate all of the items to the Lost Sheep Ministries which exists to serve the homeless through meals, clothing and the Gospel every week.  

Please also note that if you have warm clothing like hoodies or sweat pants we'd love to take that as well.  Please use your discretion as to what you donate as this is not a drop off for unwanted clothing but rather our opportunity to clothe and warm those who need it the most.  

Elementary Location: Outside Elementary Office (Blue Bin)
Middle School Location: Underneath the TV Near the Gymnasium (Blue Bin)
High School Location: Outside High School Office (Blue Bin)

Thank you for partnering with us to help Louisville stay warm this winter.