Help Us Support Christian Academy Family Owned/Sponsored Restaurants

Many of you have asked about supporting other CAL and CAI families during this time. One way is through the support of restaurants owned by Christian Academy families and sponsors. If you wish to do so, here is a list of the restaurants that we know are owned by families who are part of the Christian Academy community. (If you own a restaurant and are not included, please let me know and we’ll be glad to add you.) 

Please be aware that the ordering, delivery and pick-up options are subject to change so be sure to confirm this when you place your orders. 

We realize that there are many other businesses that are owned by Christian Academy families. However, at this time, we know that many of you are ordering out and we want to make you aware of restaurants that may be in your area for your consideration. 

As part of the Christian Academy community, you are all in our daily prayers and we are grateful to join with you as part of the Christian Academy family. 

Help Us Support Christian Academy Family Owned/Sponsored Restaurants

Many of you have asked about supporting other CAL and CAI families during this time. One way is through the support of restaurants owned by Christian Academy families and sponsors. If you wish to do so, here is a list of the restaurants that we know are owned by families who are part of the Christian Academy community. (If you own a restaurant and are not included, please let me know and we’ll be glad to add you.) 

Please be aware that the ordering, delivery and pick-up options are subject to change so be sure to confirm this when you place your orders. 

We realize that there are many other businesses that are owned by Christian Academy families. However, at this time, we know that many of you are ordering out and we want to make you aware of restaurants that may be in your area for your consideration. 

As part of the Christian Academy community, you are all in our daily prayers and we are grateful to join with you as part of the Christian Academy family. 

Warrior Nation – Stay in Touch with our Warrior Updates!

To all of Warrior Nation – CAI Athletics wants you to know that we are praying for you during this time. From our athletes, to our families, to our coaches and our teachers – we know this is a difficult time for everyone. Even us here in the athletic office find this to be such a strange time. We miss seeing the athletes every day. They provide us so much energy and purpose so we miss seeing their faces for sure! However, we do know two things: we are truly "all in this together" and God's got this! 

During this time, we aim to provide encouragement as well as honor our student-athletes in the best way we know how! In light of that, we invite you to check out our weekly Warrior Updates on the website here. They summarize some of the things we are up to on social media. If you haven't yet, you should follow us on Twitter and Instagram at CAWarriorNation.

As always – GO WARRIORS!

Warrior Nation – Stay in Touch with our Warrior Updates!

To all of Warrior Nation – CAI Athletics wants you to know that we are praying for you during this time. From our athletes, to our families, to our coaches and our teachers – we know this is a difficult time for everyone. Even us here in the athletic office find this to be such a strange time. We miss seeing the athletes every day. They provide us so much energy and purpose so we miss seeing their faces for sure! However, we do know two things: we are truly "all in this together" and God's got this! 

During this time, we aim to provide encouragement as well as honor our student-athletes in the best way we know how! In light of that, we invite you to check out our weekly Warrior Updates on the website here. They summarize some of the things we are up to on social media. If you haven't yet, you should follow us on Twitter and Instagram at CAWarriorNation.

As always – GO WARRIORS!

Looking Upward and Onward – Priority Admission for Siblings of Currently Enrolled Students for the 2021-2022 School Year

We hope this email finds you safe at home. This year has already proven to be a year full of change. But just like you, I trust in the One who created us from dust, the One who chose to love us just as we are and the One who is in control of everything. While these days can be confusing, our God is faithful, unchanging and desires a relationship with us. Please let me know how I can pray for you and your family, it would be my pleasure. 

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

As we look forward, we are thankful that you partnered with us for your child’s Christian education. We want you to be aware that the applications for the 2021 – 2022 school year are available now should you have children who are not currently students at Christian Academy.

To access and submit an application, please click here to go to the Admissions page of the Christian Academy School System website. Once on this page, please click the Submit an Application button on the right side. The following page will provide step-by-step instructions on how to submit an application online. We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible to allow for timely file preparation and admissions processing. The Admissions Department will review all applications for junior academy – 12th grades at the point of submission and contact you for additional information, if needed. In the fall of 2020 church references for students entering kindergarten – 12th grade and teacher references for students entering 1st grade – 12th grade will be requested according to the reference information you provide on the application. After the first grading period of the 2020 – 2021 school year, please submit a current grade report for your student. Students applying for grades 6 – 12 will be contacted and scheduled for pre-admissions testing in December 2020. Pre-admissions testing for students applying for grades kindergarten – 5 will be scheduled for January 2020. If I can offer any assistance to you, please contact me directly at or (502) 753-4590. We look forward to serving your family!