40% OFF Lands’ End School Uniforms, November 20 – December 4
Click here to order online!
Priority Admission for Siblings of Currently Enrolled Students for the 2021-2022 School Year
What an unusual year this has been for all of us. We remain thankful that you are a part of the Christian Academy family and we want to continue to serve your family well. Your currently enrolled students will receive instructions regarding reenrollment for the 2021-2022 school year in early January 2021. Additionally, we would like to remind you that if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and will be a new incoming student at Christian Academy for the 2021-2022 school year please submit an online 2021-2022 application as soon as possible. It is always our desire to give siblings of current students priority consideration and now is the time to submit your application for the upcoming school year. If you have already submitted an application, we are thankful you desire to continue our partnership! Also, if your child is currently in our Junior Academy PK4, it is time to submit an application for kindergarten.
Admissions testing for new students who have applied to enter grades 6-12 for the 2021-2022 school year is currently being scheduled. Upon receiving your application, we will contact you to confirm a testing date for your child. Admissions testing for students who have applied to enter kindergarten and grades 1–5 for the 2021-2022 school year will be in January. There will be an additional admissions testing date for students entering grades 6-12 in January as well. We will send scheduling information for January admissions testing dates in early January. Admissions testing is not required to enter our Junior Academy.
We are thankful to already have many new applications on file for the 2021-2022 school year, so it is important for you to move forward with submitting your application if you have a child in your family that is not currently enrolled and attending Christian Academy. You will find application information on our website at caschools.us/application-proce
Thank you for making Christian Academy your school of choice and for entrusting your children to us. Should questions arise, please contact me by email at lbaechtel@caschools.us or phone at (502) 753-4590. It would be my pleasure to serve you.
May you experience the joy and blessing of the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons in a meaningful way!
(POSTPONED) CAI Drama Production of White Christmas Now Scheduled January 14-16
Join Us for a Virtual Christmas at CAL, November 7-14
Click here for a printable version of this flyer.
Click here for a direct link (same as the QR code) to the event.
Mrs. Watson is ALL IN!
Thank you for all you do for our school. As we talk about our ALL IN! Campaign this year, we must realize this year has been like no other in our history. We need your help more than ever before to raise the resources needed to operate our schools. The reason we have a $400,000 need is because we strive to keep tuition costs reasonable and affordable to ALL IN! our community.
As you think about how your family will participate in this year’s ALL IN! campaign, please think about all the great teachers we have across all our campuses. Here is just one example, Mrs. Erin Watson at CAI.
“She is an outstanding and encouraging 6th grade ELA teacher, but beyond that, she does an amazing job connecting with her students to make them feel loved and empowered. She has a gift for inspiring middle school students, even the rough and rowdy boys, to reach deeper levels of learning and achievement. She is a critical asset to helping students transition into middle school successfully. In what could be an overwhelming and intimidating experience she brings connection, humor and relationships.”
You can give online or send in your pledge card when you are ready. Please help us meet the needs of our school. We are asking you to please be “ALL IN!”
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
20% OFF Lands’ End School Uniforms through November 27
Click here to order online!
Shop for Gifts and Make a Difference this Season!
Support Christian Academy and Earn Free Money for CAL (Christian Academy of Louisville) and CAI (Christian Academy of Indiana Inc)!
Learn more about AmazonSmile Here and then remember to visit Smile.Amazon.com and select your school next time you shop.
Thank you!
You Can Make A Difference While You Shop Amazon Prime Day Deals, October 13 and 14!
Support Christian Academy and Earn Free Money for CAL (Christian Academy of Louisville) and CAI (Christian Academy of Indiana Inc)! Learn more about AmazonSmile Here and then remember to visit Smile.Amazon.com and select your school next time you shop. Thank you!
Virtual Christmas at CAL, November 7 – 14
Christian Academy – Rock Creek is hosting a Virtual Christmas at CAL online vendor event this year November 7 – 14, and would love to have your help! If you are a business and would like to contribute to our silent auction and receive advertising on our Rock Creek PTO Facebook page, please reach out to Rebecca Person, PTO President, at (502) 631-3841 or rperson@caschools.us. Everyone else, Save the Date!