20% OFF Lands’ End School Uniform Styles and 50% OFF Backpacks through August 28
Centurion Armory Back-to-School Hours
Click here for our 2020-2021 Back-to-School hours and COVID-19 Guidelines while shopping.
Grateful for Mr. Tim Greener, Superintendent
For 22 years, we have been blessed to have Tim Greener as our Superintendent. We are grateful for the legacy he has left on our schools and on Christian education throughout this country. We will miss his smile and his heart for the Lord and wish him all the best in his next journey in God’s service. |
Free Logo + 20% Off at Lands’ End – July 4-10
Elementary 2020-2021 School Supply Online Ordering Extended through July 6!
We are excited to announce that our Educational Products, Inc. school supply packs are now available through July 6, at no additional fee. Each pack is customized by our teachers per grade level and will be delivered to school / waiting for students in their classrooms. Order yours now and save up to 40% on supplies! Click here for complete details.
For questions, please contact Jessica Hill at jesshill502@gmail.com or (502) 296-8565.
Please print and keep your confirmation as your receipt.
Thank you!
Christian Academy Back-to-School
We are excited about gathering students, teachers and staff on our campuses! We are planning for a traditional school year and will work with our governors and health departments to find the best balance of exceptional education opportunities with safety for all.
Across the Christian Academy School System, information regarding the start of school will be sent to families next week. The email you receive from your child’s/children’s school(s) will provide the instructions you need to prepare to start school. The email will include important information, schedules and deadlines for forms collection as well as links to all pertinent documents. Please promptly complete and submit the required forms in Facts Family Portal. Please know that any missing forms or incomplete data could delay your child’s start of school.
Click here for a short message from Superintendent-elect, Darin Long.
We look forward to welcoming our students back to school. Please join us in praying for a productive and peaceful school year for our students, families and staff.
The Bible tells us we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. And that we are ALL made in the image of God.
So God created mankind in His own image…(Genesis 1:27) We are all made in the image of God. Our Creator purposely made us with differences and uniqueness to show His true reflection.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Unfortunately, mankind takes what God created as beautiful and manipulates it into the ugly realities of racial and cultural biases with a focus on differences and fracturing. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. (1 John 4:9) Even with mankind’s sin, God has not turned away but instead sent Jesus for every one of us. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Christian Academy is more than a school that delivers academic content. We have a mission to support our families in teaching children to look at every part of life through a biblical worldview. We pledge to keep conversations about racial equality going in our classrooms, in our curriculum, and our system processes. And Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39) We ask that our families join our faculty and staff in prayer for healing, in embracing real dialogue even when it’s uncomfortable, to become involved in our communities and local churches, and to find ways to serve our neighbors. Racial reconciliation can be achieved if we strive to make our world united as God intended. |
At Christian Academy, we are excited about gathering students, teachers and staff on our campuses!
We are planning for a traditional school year and will work with our governors and health departments to find the best balance of exceptional education opportunities with safety for all.
Shaheen’s 15% OFF June SALE
English Station Elementary (K-5) 2020-2021 School Supply Online Ordering Information
We are excited to offer Educational Products, Inc. school supply packs again this year to elementary (K-5) families. Each pack is customized by our teachers per grade level and will be delivered to school / waiting for students in their classrooms. Order yours now through June 14, and save up to 40% on supplies! Click here for complete details.
For questions, please contact Jessica Hill at jesshill502@gmail.com or (502) 296-8565.
Please print and keep your confirmation as your receipt.
Thank you!