CAL Armory on Twitter!

Many of you purchased Spirit Wear items through the CAL Armory during our Back-to-School Drop-In. Follow the Armory on Twitter (@CenturionArmory) to stay updated with new products and store hours.

Picture Day for All Students and Staff, August 29

Our Picture Day is coming up on Tuesday, August 29, for all students in preschool-8th grades.Craig Davis & Associates Photography will be on campus to take individual school photos of our students that will be used in our 2017-2018 yearbook. Photo proofs will be...

Kindergarten-8th Grade Parent Night, August 17

We want to make you aware that Parent Night for kindergarten-8th grade families will be on Thursday, August 17. This is a time for parents only (no students) to be able to spend time in the classrooms with their child’s teacher and learn more about what to expect for...