Elementary Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection, November 17

Elementary Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection, November 17

English Station Elementary will once again be collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Your child will receive a brochure this week with instructions and details on how to pack a shoebox gift. The deadline to turn these in is Tuesday, November 17, as part...
Shop for Gifts and Make a Difference this Season!

Shop for Gifts and Make a Difference this Season!

Support Christian Academy and Earn Free Money for CAL (Christian Academy of Louisville) and CAI (Christian Academy of Indiana Inc)!  Learn more about AmazonSmile Here and then remember to visit Smile.Amazon.com and select your school next time you shop. Thank...

School of Biomedical Science White Coat Recognition

Congratulations to over 50 students for receiving their White Coats from CAL’s School of Biomedical Science program, recognizing the completion of their second year of study. CAL was the only school in Louisville to receive a Designation of Distinction from...