We are so proud of our incredible teachers and for the next few weeks we will feature each of our Outstanding ALL IN teacher winners from across the system. Join us in making a gift to Christian Academy School System.
Here is one example:
Hayden Casey
Hayden is a terrific teacher that pushes his students to do their best. This past year, 29 of his 31 students passed the AP English exam. This is a testament to the work he does with his students’ day in and day out. He is also a trusted teacher among the students and one of the few male teachers that students know they can confide in about personal struggles. Hayden goes above and beyond his normal duties by also being a high school varsity basketball coach. He develops strong relationships with his students and athletes. He teaches his team the importance of good sportsmanship and how to serve others.
Simply use this link to give online.
Thank you and God bless you and our school!
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