This February 3-7, Christian Academy School System will be having its inaugural Unity Week! The theme of this special week is “Make Us One” (John 17:21) and our hope is for this week to inspire an increased desire for all of us to honor our Savior Jesus Christ and to grow in Christlike camaraderie throughout our school system.

Watch our 2025 Unity Week Announcement Video!

During Unity Week:

  • February 3: A special Unity Week Trailer will be released–casting a vision for this annual initiative. Watch Make Us One: Christ Has Won.” This video is a rally cry for us all to unify in Christ! May God make His unifying dream a reality among us. Please feel free to use this video, now and in the future, to serve as a reminder of our pursuit of biblical unity in spite of the ever-increasing divisions that persist in our society.
  • February 4: A special unifying children’s story video, featuring one CAI and one CAL Elementary student will be released. Watch Winifred Meets Wesley: A Friendly Story.This story displays the beauty of Christian unity! May God increase the number and quality of our friendships with one another. Please feel free to use this video, now and in the future, to serve as a reminder of our pursuit of biblical unity in spite of the ever-increasing divisions that persist in our society.
  • February 4: Each Elementary student will receive a personalized greeting card from a student from the same grade at their “sister” school.
  • February 4: Each school department will be visited and encouraged by the lead principal at their “sister” school.
  • February 4-6: Each school department will experience a Chapel speaker from their “sister” school. *Middle School and High School Chapels will also feature musicians from their “sister” schools.
  • Febeuary 5: All employees will be blessed with a sweet treat, to celebrate how God is working through all of them at Christian Academy.
  • February 7: Lipscomb University’s Gospel Choir will be performing for both High Schools.

Please pray for this week to be God-glorifying and encouraging to all!

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1, NIV)