We’re excited to see some of our first year families this week in Indiana at our first evening session of Christian Academy Foundations. Thank you for letting us know to expect you. Plan to come a little early to shop the Armory and enjoy a 15% discount on CAI spirit wear beginning at 5:30 p.m. before our 6:30 p.m. workshop start time.
If you have not yet chosen a session, please see the following original communication for complete details and to register.
Welcome to Christian Academy!
We trust your start of school went well and your introduction to your campus was positive.
Not only may our school system be new to you but Christian education as a whole. In order to clarify our mission and vital family/school partnership, we are offering a workshop called Christian Academy Foundations. This will intimately acquaint you with who we are, our philosophies and our deep hope for your child. We believe you will find this time informative, helpful and encouraging as we move forward together in the education and spiritual formation of your child.
We ask that at least one parent/guardian attend but we’d love for anyone else to come who has influence with or investment in your child (i.e. grandparents, step-parents, aunts/uncles, etc.). The same workshop will be offered four times. You can attend whichever session works best with your schedule.
Date | Time | Location |
September 11 | 6:30-8 p.m. | Indiana Campus Auditorium |
September 20 | 8:30-10 a.m. | Indiana Campus Auditorium |
October 2 | 6:30-8 p.m. | English Station Campus Auditorium |
October 4 | 8:30-10 a.m. | English Station Campus Auditorium |
Please click here to register.
The campus Armory will be open for you and, as a thank you for your attendance, will be offering a discount.
Please see the following regarding parking and entering the buildings.
Indiana Campus Evening Session – Please park in the “commons” lot, drive around to the back of the building and enter through the commons glass doors. The Armory will be open before the session begins so please arrive early for shopping.
Indiana Campus Morning Session – Please park in the “commons” lot, drive around to the back of the building, park, then walk up the sidewalk to the middle school/high school entrance. Someone should be available to direct you. Check-in at the receptionist’s desk. The Armory will be open after the session.
English Station Evening or Morning Session – Please park in the visitor lot on the left when facing the school from the main drive. Enter through the main entrance. Morning session attendees will stop at the desk to check in with a valid driver’s license or ID. The Armory will be open after both of these sessions.
We are so thankful God has brought your family to Christian Academy and we take that responsibility very seriously.
We look forward to meeting you!
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