Rock Creek Box Tops Contest, October 2-18

The Rock Creek Box Tops Contest runs October 2 – October 18, and the winning class receives a donut party! Flyers were sent home with students last week, but you may also click here for complete details!

Picture Makeups and Retakes, September 22

The school photographer will be back on campus on Friday, September 22, to photograph any students who were absent on our original picture day or to photograph students whose parents would like for them to have a retake. If you would like for your child to have their...

Change for Christ Week, September 25-29

Our first service project for this school year will be Change for Christ Week, September 25-29. During this week, students and staff will get to participate in themed dress days for a donation of $1 per day. All of the funds that we raise will go towards the Jackson...